1 |
2 | M$ModelName = "Sextet_Diquarks";
3 |
4 | (*
5 |
6 | The convention and notations follow 0909.2666
7 | We also allow for non intergeneration couplings between quarks.
8 | The mixing matrices are however implemented in general, and put diagonal via the independent
9 | restriction file
10 |
11 | MFV.rst
12 |
13 | The new particles are
14 |
15 | six1 = (6, 1, 1/3)
16 | six2 = (6, 1, -2/3)
17 | six3 = (6, 1, 4/3)
18 |
19 | *)
20 |
21 | M$Information = {Authors -> {"C. Duhr"},
22 | Version -> "1.0",
23 | Date -> "27. 10. 2010",
24 | Institutions -> {"IPPP, Durham"},
25 | Emails -> {"claude.duhr@durham.ac.uk"}};
26 |
27 | IndexRange[Index[Sextet]] = Range[6];
28 | IndexStyle[ Sextet, u];
29 |
30 | AddGaugeRepresentation[SU3C -> {T6, Sextet}];
31 |
32 | (* Coupling matrices are symmetric *)
33 |
34 |
35 | SetAttributes[LQQR, Orderless];
36 | SetAttributes[LUDL, Orderless];
37 | SetAttributes[LUUL, Orderless];
38 | SetAttributes[LDDL, Orderless];
39 |
40 | M$Parameters = {
41 |
42 | LQQRR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
43 | Value -> {LQQRR[1,1] -> 0.1,
44 | LQQRR[2,2] -> 0.1,
45 | LQQRR[3,3] -> 0.1,
46 | LQQRR[i_, j_] :> 0 /; NumericQ[i] && NumericQ[j] && (i !=j)},
47 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
48 | ParameterType -> External,
49 | ComplexParameter -> False
50 | },
51 |
52 | LQQRI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
53 | Value -> {LQQRI[_,_] -> 0},
54 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
55 | ParameterType -> External,
56 | ComplexParameter -> False
57 | },
58 |
59 | LUDLR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
60 | Value -> {LUDLR[1,1] -> 0.1,
61 | LUDLR[2,2] -> 0.1,
62 | LUDLR[3,3] -> 0.1,
63 | LUDLR[i_, j_] :> 0 /; NumericQ[i] && NumericQ[j] && (i !=j)},
64 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
65 | ParameterType -> External,
66 | ComplexParameter -> False
67 | },
68 |
69 | LUDLI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
70 | Value -> {LUDLI[_,_] -> 0},
71 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
72 | ParameterType -> External,
73 | ComplexParameter -> False
74 | },
75 |
76 | LUULR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
77 | Value -> {LUULR[1,1] -> 0.1,
78 | LUULR[2,2] -> 0.1,
79 | LUULR[3,3] -> 0.1,
80 | LUULR[i_, j_] :> 0 /; NumericQ[i] && NumericQ[j] && (i !=j)},
81 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
82 | ParameterType -> External,
83 | ComplexParameter -> False
84 | },
85 |
86 | LUULI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
87 | Value -> {LUULI[_,_] -> 0},
88 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
89 | ParameterType -> External,
90 | ComplexParameter -> False
91 | },
92 |
93 | LDDLR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
94 | Value -> {LDDLR[1,1] -> 0.1,
95 | LDDLR[2,2] -> 0.1,
96 | LDDLR[3,3] -> 0.1,
97 | LDDLR[i_, j_] :> 0 /; NumericQ[i] && NumericQ[j] && (i !=j)},
98 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
99 | ParameterType -> External,
100 | ComplexParameter -> False
101 | },
102 |
103 | LDDLI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
104 | Value -> {LDDLI[_,_] -> 0},
105 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
106 | ParameterType -> External,
107 | ComplexParameter -> False
108 | },
109 |
110 | LHS1 == {InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
111 | Value -> 0.1,
112 | ParameterType -> External
113 | },
114 |
115 | LHS2 == {InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
116 | Value -> 0.1,
117 | ParameterType -> External
118 | },
119 |
120 | LHS3 == {InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
121 | Value -> 0.1,
122 | ParameterType -> External
123 | },
124 |
125 | LSS11 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
126 | Value -> 0.1,
127 | ParameterType -> External
128 | },
129 |
130 | LSS121 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
131 | Value -> 0.1,
132 | ParameterType -> External
133 | },
134 |
135 | LSS122 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
136 | Value -> 0.1,
137 | ParameterType -> External
138 | },
139 |
140 | LSS131 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
141 | Value -> 0.1,
142 | ParameterType -> External
143 | },
144 |
145 | LSS132 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
146 | Value -> 0.1,
147 | ParameterType -> External
148 | },
149 |
150 | LSS22 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
151 | Value -> 0.1,
152 | ParameterType -> External
153 | },
154 |
155 | LSS231== {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
156 | Value -> 0.1,
157 | ParameterType -> External
158 | },
159 |
160 | LSS232 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
161 | Value -> 0.1,
162 | ParameterType -> External
163 | },
164 |
165 | LSS33 == {InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
166 | Value -> 0.1,
167 | ParameterType -> External
168 | },
169 |
170 | (* Internal parameters *)
171 |
172 | LQQR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
173 | Value -> {LQQR[i_,j_] :> LQQRR[i,j] + I LQQRI[i,j]},
174 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
175 | ComplexParameter -> True
176 | },
177 |
178 | LUDL == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
179 | Value -> {LUDL[i_,j_] :> LUDLR[i,j] + I LUDLI[i,j]},
180 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
181 | ComplexParameter -> True
182 | },
183 |
184 | LUUL == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
185 | Value -> {LUUL[i_,j_] :> LUULR[i,j] + I LUULI[i,j]},
186 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
187 | ComplexParameter -> True
188 | },
189 |
190 | LDDL == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
191 | Value -> {LDDL[i_,j_] :> LDDLR[i,j] + I LDDLI[i,j]},
192 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
193 | ComplexParameter -> True
194 | }
195 | };
196 |
197 | M$ClassesDescription = {
198 |
199 | S[100] == {
200 | ClassName -> six1,
201 | SelfConjugate -> False,
202 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
203 | Mass -> {MSIX1, 500},
204 | Width -> {WSIX1, 4.4108},
205 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1/3, Y -> 1/3}
206 | },
207 |
208 | S[200] == {
209 | ClassName -> six2,
210 | SelfConjugate -> False,
211 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
212 | Mass -> {MSIX2, 500},
213 | Width -> {WSIX2, 4.7740},
214 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> -2/3, Y -> -2/3}
215 | },
216 |
217 | S[300] == {
218 | ClassName -> six3,
219 | SelfConjugate -> False,
220 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
221 | Mass -> {MSIX3, 500},
222 | Width -> {WSIX3, 4.0647},
223 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 4/3, Y -> 4/3}
224 | }
225 | };
226 |
227 |
228 | (* the Lagrangian *)
229 |
230 |
231 | LSextetKin := DC[six1bar[k], mu]DC[six1[k],mu] - MSIX1^2 six1bar[k]six1[k] +
232 | DC[six2bar[k], mu]DC[six2[k],mu] - MSIX2^2 six2bar[k]six2[k] +
233 | DC[six3bar[k], mu]DC[six3[k],mu] - MSIX2^2 six3bar[k]six3[k];
234 |
235 | LD11 := 2 Sqrt[2] (K6bar[k,i,j] six1[k] LQQR[n,m] ProjP[s,r] dqbar[s,n,i].CC[uq][r,m,j] +
236 | K6bar[k,i,j] six1[k] LUDL[n,m] ProjM[s,r] dqbar[s,n,i].CC[uq][r,m,j]);
237 |
238 | LD1 := LD11 + HC[LD11];
239 |
240 | LD21 := 2 Sqrt[2] K6bar[k,i,j] six2[k] LDDL[n,m] ProjM[s,r] dqbar[s,n,i].CC[dq][r,m,j];
241 |
242 | LD2 := LD21 + HC[LD21];
243 |
244 | LD31 := 2 Sqrt[2] K6bar[k,i,j] six3[k] LUUL[n,m] ProjM[s,r] uqbar[s,n,i].CC[uq][r,m,j];
245 |
246 | LD3 := LD31 + HC[LD31];
247 |
248 | LD := LD1 + LD2 + LD3;
249 |
250 | LPot := ExpandIndices[LHS1 Phibar[ii] Phi[ii] six1bar[k]six1[k] +
251 | LHS2 Phibar[ii] Phi[ii] six2bar[k]six2[k] +
252 | LHS3 Phibar[ii] Phi[ii] six3bar[k]six3[k] +
253 | LSS11 six1bar[k1]six1[k1]six1bar[k2]six1[k2] +
254 | LSS121 six1bar[k1]six1[k1]six2bar[k2]six2[k2] +
255 | LSS122 six1bar[k1]six1[k2]six2bar[k2]six2[k1] +
256 | LSS131 six1bar[k1]six1[k1]six3bar[k2]six3[k2] +
257 | LSS132 six1bar[k1]six1[k2]six3bar[k2]six3[k1] +
258 | LSS22 six2bar[k1]six2[k1]six2bar[k2]six2[k2] +
259 | LSS231 six2bar[k1]six2[k1]six3bar[k2]six3[k2] +
260 | LSS232 six2bar[k1]six2[k2]six3bar[k2]six3[k1] +
261 | LSS33 six3bar[k1]six3[k1]six3bar[k2]six3[k2], FlavorExpand->{SU2W,SU2D}];
262 |
263 | LSextet := LSextetKin + LD1 + LD2 + LD3 + LPot;
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |