
Effective field theory for weak boson pair production

Author : Celine Degrande

References :

  • C. Degrande, N. Greiner, W. Kilian, O. Mattelaer, H. Mebane, T. Stelzer, S. Willenbrock, C. Zhang, arXiv:1205.4231 [hep-ph]


This FeynRules model is the implementation of the weak boson effective field theory described in arXiv:1205.4231 [hep-ph]. Namely, the model contains all the five dimension-six operators that modify the triple gauge boson vertices. Their coefficients can be set in the param_card.dat. The parameters in the param_card are the full coefficients, i.e.

and are in TeV-2. The name are self-explanatory,
is called CWWWL2 and similarly for cW and cB , the coefficients of the CP violating operators
 $O_{\tilde{W}WW}\quad\text{and}\quad O_{\tilde{W}}$ 
are CPWWWL2 and CPWL2 respectively. The new interaction has also an order NP (for new physics) which is the power of
of the amplitude. For example, an amplitude with one vertex for a dimension-six operator is proportional to
and has NP=2.

Operator Coefficient param_card name limit at 68% C.L.(TeV${-2}$)
CWWWL2 [-11.9 , -1.94]
 $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger W^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ 
CWL2 [-8.42 , 1.44]
 $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger B^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ 
CBL2 [-7.9 , 14.9]
CPWWWL2 [-185.3 , -82.4]
 $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger \tilde{W}^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ 
CPWL2 [-39.3 , -4.9]

The limits have been obtained by inverting the values of the anomalous couplings from the PDG 2012.

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jan 6, 2016, 11:21:18 AM

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