== Effective field theory for weak boson pair production == Author : Celine Degrande References : * C. Degrande, N. Greiner, W. Kilian, O. Mattelaer, H. Mebane, T. Stelzer, S. Willenbrock, C. Zhang, arXiv:1205.4231 [hep-ph] == Description == This FeynRules model is the implementation of the weak boson effective field theory described in arXiv:1205.4231 [hep-ph]. Namely, the model contains all the five dimension-six operators that modify the triple gauge boson vertices. Their coefficients can be set in the param_card.dat. The parameters in the param_card are the full coefficients, i.e. [[latex( $c_i/\Lambda^2$ )]] and are in TeV^-2^. The name are self-explanatory, [[latex( $c_{WWW}/\Lambda^2$ )]] is called CWWWL2 and similarly for c,,W,, and c,,B,, , the coefficients of the CP violating operators [[latex( $O_{\tilde{W}WW}\quad\text{and}\quad O_{\tilde{W}}$ )]] are CPWWWL2 and CPWL2 respectively. The new interaction has also an order NP (for new physics) which is the power of [[latex( $1/\Lambda$ )]] of the amplitude. For example, an amplitude with one vertex for a dimension-six operator is proportional to [[latex( $1/\Lambda^2$ )]] and has NP=2. || '''Operator''' ||'''Coefficient'''|| '''param_card name''' || '''limit at 68% C.L.(TeV$^{-2}$)''' || ||'''[[latex( $\mbox{Tr}[W_{\mu\nu}W^{\nu\rho}W_{\rho}^{\mu}]$ )]]'''|| '''[[latex( $c_{WWW}/\Lambda^2$ )]]''' || CWWWL2 || [-11.9 , -1.94] || ||'''[[latex( $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger W^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ )]]'''|| '''[[latex( $c_{W}/\Lambda^2$ )]]''' || CWL2 || [-8.42 , 1.44] || ||'''[[latex( $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger B^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ )]]'''|| '''[[latex( $c_{B}/\Lambda^2$ )]]''' || CBL2 || [-7.9 , 14.9] || ||'''[[latex( $\mbox{Tr}[\tilde{W}_{\mu\nu}W^{\nu\rho}W_{\rho}^{\mu}]$ )]]'''|| '''[[latex( $c_{\tilde{W}WW}/\Lambda^2$ )]]''' || CPWWWL2 || [-185.3 , -82.4] || ||'''[[latex( $(D_\mu\Phi)^\dagger \tilde{W}^{\mu\nu}(D_\nu\Phi)$ )]]'''|| '''[[latex( $c_{\tilde{W}}/\Lambda^2$ )]]''' || CPWL2 || [-39.3 , -4.9] || The limits have been obtained by inverting the values of the anomalous couplings from the PDG 2012.