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Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of WorkBook/RootTreeDescription

Apr 17, 2014, 11:26:14 AM (10 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WorkBook/RootTreeDescription

    v11 v12  
    66||= Parameter =||= Definition =||= How it was calculated =||
    77|| || || ||
    8 |||||| class Event ||
     8|||| class Event || ||
    99|| || || ||
    1010|| Number || event number ||  ||
    1111|| || || ||
    12 |||||| class LHCOEvent ||
     12|||| class LHCOEvent || ||
    1313|| || || ||
    1414|| Event || LHCOEvent inherits all Event parameters ||  ||
    1515|| Trigger || trigger word ||  ||
    1616|| || || ||
    17 |||||| class LHEFEvent ||
     17|||| class LHEFEvent || ||
    1818|| || || ||
    1919|| Event || LHEFEvent inherits all Event parameters ||  ||
    2424|| AlphaQCD || value of the QCD coupling used in the event  ||  hepup.AQCDUP ||
    2525|| || || ||
    26 |||||| class HepMCEvent ||
     26|||| class HepMCEvent || ||
    2727|| || || ||
    2828|| Event || HepMCEvent inherits all Event parameters ||  ||
    29 || ProcessID || unique signal process id  || signal_process_id() ||
    30 || MPI || number of multi parton interactions  || mpi() ||
    31 || Weight || weight for the event  ||  ||
     29|| ProcessID || unique signal process id  ||  signal_process_id() ||
     30|| MPI || number of multi parton interactions  ||  mpi () ||
     31|| Weight || weight for the event ||  ||
    3232|| Scale || energy scale, see hep-ph/0109068  ||  event_scale() ||
    3333|| AlphaQED || QED coupling, see hep-ph/0109068  ||  alphaQED() ||
    3434|| AlphaQCD || QCD coupling, see hep-ph/0109068  ||  alphaQCD() ||
    35 || ID1 || flavour code of first parton  || pdf_info()->id1() ||
    36 || ID2 || flavour code of second parton  || pdf_info()->id2() ||
     35|| ID1 || flavour code of first parton  ||  pdf_info()->id1() ||
     36|| ID2 || flavour code of second parton  ||  pdf_info()->id2() ||
    3737|| X1 || fraction of beam momentum carried by first parton ("beam side")  ||  pdf_info()->x1() ||
    3838|| X2 || fraction of beam momentum carried by second parton ("target side")  ||  pdf_info()->x2() ||
    4141|| PDF2 || PDF (id2, x2, Q)  ||  pdf_info()->pdf2() ||
    4242|| || || ||
    43 |||||| class !GenParticle ||
     43|||| class !GenParticle || ||
    4444|| || || ||
    4545|| PID || particle HEP ID number  ||  hepevt.idhep[number] ||
    46 || Status || generator specific status code: [ HepMC status codes], [ Herwig status codes], [ Herwig++ status codes], [ Pythia status codes] ||  hepevt.isthep[number] ||
     46|| Status || particle status ||  hepevt.isthep[number] ||
    4747|| IsPU || 0 or 1 for particles from pile-up interactions ||  ||
    4848|| M1 || particle 1st mother  ||  hepevt.jmohep[number]![0] - 1 ||
    5252|| Charge || particle charge ||  ||
    5353|| Mass || particle mass ||  ||
    54 || E || particle energy  ||  hepevt.phep[number]![3] ||
     54|| E || particle energy  ||  hepevt.phep[number][3] ||
    5555|| Px || particle momentum vector (x component)  ||  hepevt.phep[number]![0] ||
    5656|| Py || particle momentum vector (y component)  ||  hepevt.phep[number]![1] ||
    6565|| Z || particle vertex position (z component)  ||  hepevt.vhep[number]![2] ||
    6666|| || || ||
    67 |||||| class Vertex || ||
     67|||| class Vertex || ||
    6868|| || || ||
    6969|| T || vertex position (t component) ||  ||
    7272|| Z || vertex position (z component) ||  ||
    7373|| || || ||
    74 |||||| class MissingET ||
     74|||| class MissingET || ||
    7575|| || || ||
    7676|| MET || mising transverse energy ||  ||
     77|| Eta || mising energy pseudorapidity ||  ||
    7778|| Phi || mising energy azimuthal angle ||  ||
    7879|| || || ||
    79 |||||| class ScalarHT ||
     80|||| class ScalarHT || ||
    8081|| || || ||
    8182|| HT || scalar sum of transverse momenta ||  ||
    8283|| || || ||
    83 |||||| class Rho || ||
     84|||| class Rho || ||
    8485|| || || ||
    8586|| Rho || rho energy density ||  ||
    8687|| Edges![2] || pseudorapidity range edges ||  ||
    8788|| || || ||
    88 |||||| class Weight || ||
     89|||| class Weight || ||
    8990|| || || ||
    9091|| Weight || weight for the event ||  ||
    9192|| || || ||
    92 |||||| class Photon ||
     93|||| class Photon || ||
    9394|| || || ||
    9495|| PT || photon transverse momentum ||  ||
    99100|| Particles || references to generated particles ||  ||
    100101|| || || ||
    101 |||||| class Electron ||
     102|||| class Electron || ||
    102103|| || || ||
    103104|| PT || electron transverse momentum ||  ||
    108109|| Particle || reference to generated particle ||  ||
    109110|| || || ||
    110 |||||| class Muon ||
     111|||| class Muon || ||
    111112|| || || ||
    112113|| PT || muon transverse momentum ||  ||
    116117|| Particle || reference to generated particle ||  ||
    117118|| || || ||
    118 |||||| class Jet ||
     119|||| class Jet || ||
    119120|| || || ||
    120121|| PT || jet transverse momentum ||  ||
    126127|| Charge || tau charge ||  ||
    127128|| !EhadOverEem || ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter ||  ||
     129|| NCharged || number of charged constituents  ||  ||
     130|| NNeutrals || number of neutral constituents  ||  ||
     131|| Beta || (sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)  ||  ||
     132|| !BetaStar || (sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)  ||  ||
     133|| !MeanSqDeltaR || average distance (squared) between constituent and jet weighted by pt (squared) of constituent ||  ||
     134|| PTD || average pt between constituent and jet weighted by pt of constituent ||  ||
     135|| !FracPt![5] || (sum pt of constituents within a ring 0.1*i < DeltaR < 0.1*(i+1))/(sum pt of constituents)  ||  ||
     136|| Tau1 || 1-subjettiness ||  ||
     137|| Tau2 || 2-subjettiness ||  ||
     138|| Tau3 || 3-subjettiness ||  ||
     139|| Tau4 || 4-subjettiness ||  ||
     140|| Tau5 || 5-subjettiness ||  ||
    128141|| Constituents || references to constituents ||  ||
    129142|| Particles || references to generated particles ||  ||
    130143|| || || ||
    131 |||||| class Track ||
     144|||| class Track || ||
    132145|| || || ||
    133146|| PID || HEP ID number ||  ||
    141154|| Y || track vertex position (y component) ||  ||
    142155|| Z || track vertex position (z component) ||  ||
     156|| T || track vertex position (z component) ||  ||
    143157|| XOuter || track position (x component) at the tracker edge ||  ||
    144158|| YOuter || track position (y component) at the tracker edge ||  ||
    145159|| ZOuter || track position (z component) at the tracker edge ||  ||
     160|| TOuter || track position (z component) at the tracker edge ||  ||
    146161|| Particle || reference to generated particle ||  ||
    147162|| || || ||
    148 |||||| class Tower ||
     163|||| class Tower || ||
    149164|| || || ||
    150165|| ET || calorimeter tower transverse energy ||  ||
    156171|| Edges![4] || calorimeter tower edges ||  ||
    157172|| Particles || references to generated particles ||  ||
     173|| || || ||
     174|||| class !HectorHit || ||
     175|| || || ||
     176|| E || reconstructed energy [GeV] ||  ||
     177|| Tx || angle of the momentum in the horizontal (x,z) plane [urad] ||  ||
     178|| Ty || angle of the momentum in the verical (y,z) plane [urad] ||  ||
     179|| T || time of flight to the detector [s] ||  ||
     180|| X || horizontal distance to the beam [um] ||  ||
     181|| Y || vertical distance to the beam [um] ||  ||
     182|| S || distance to the interaction point [m] ||  ||
     183|| Particle || reference to generated particle ||  ||