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Version 22 (modified by Pavel Demin, 12 years ago) ( diff )



determines origin of jet, applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas and sets b-tagging flags

  • input:
    • PartonInputArray
    • JetInputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • DeltaR
    • PartonPTMin
    • PartonEtaMax
    • EfficiencyFormula - efficiency (miss identification rate) specified for a PDG code as a function of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity


fills calorimeter towers, performs calorimeter resolution smearing, preselects towers hit by photons and performs an energy flow algorithm

  • input:
    • ParticleInputArray
    • TrackInputArray
  • output:
    • TowerOutputArray
    • PhotonOutputArray
    • !EFlowTrackOutputArray
    • !EFlowTowerOutputArray
  • parameters:
    • EtaPhiBins
    • EnergyFraction
    • ECalResolutionFormula - energy resolution as a function of energy and pseudo-rapidity
    • HCalResolutionFormula - energy resolution as a function of energy and pseudo-rapidity


selects candidates from the InputArray according to the efficiency formula

  • input:
    • InputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • EfficiencyFormula - efficiency specified as a function of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity


performs energy resolution smearing

  • input:
    • InputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • ResolutionFormula - energy resolution specified as a function of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity


finds jets using FastJet library, for more information about parameters see chapters 4 and 5 of the FasJet user manual

  • input:
    • InputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • JetAlgorithm - 1 CDFJetClu, 2 MidPoint, 3 SIScone, 4 kt, 5 Cambridge/Aachen, 6 antikt
    • ParameterR
    • ConeRadius
    • SeedThreshold
    • ConeAreaFraction
    • AdjacencyCut
    • OverlapThreshold
    • MaxIterations
    • MaxPairSize
    • Iratch
    • JetPTMin


sums transverse momenta of isolation objects (tracks, calorimeter towers, etc) within a DeltaRMax cone around a candidate, calculates fraction of this sum to the candidate's transverse momentum and outputs candidates that have the transverse momenta fraction less than PTRatioMax.

  • input:
    • CandidateInputArray
    • IsolationInputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • DeltaRMax
    • PTMin
    • PTRatioMax


merges multiple input arrays into one output array, sums transverse momenta and transverse energies of all input objects

  • input:
    • InputArray - list of input arrays and corresponding selection criteria as functions of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity
  • output:
    • OutputArray
    • MomentumOutputArray
    • EnergyOutputArray


performs transverse momentum resolution smearing

  • input:
    • InputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • ResolutionFormula - transverse momentum resolution specified as a function of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity


propagates charged and neutral particles from a given vertex to a cylinder defined by its radius, its half-length, centered at (0,0,0) and with its axis oriented along the z-axis

  • input:
    • InputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
    • ChargedHadronOutputArray
    • ElectronOutputArray
    • MuonOutputArray

  • parameters:
    • Radius
    • HalfLength
    • Bz


determines origin of jet, applies tau-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas and sets tau-tagging flags

  • input:
    • ParticleInputArray
    • PartonInputArray
    • JetInputArray
  • output:
    • OutputArray
  • parameters:
    • DeltaR
    • TauPTMin
    • TauEtaMax
    • EfficiencyFormula - efficiency (miss identification rate) specified for a PDG code as a function of transverse momentum and pseudo-rapidity


fills ROOT tree branches

  • parameters:
    • Branch - list of input arrays, corresponding ROOT tree branches and ROOT classes


finds uniquely identified photons, electrons, taus and jets

  • parameters:
    • InputArray - list of input and output arrays there earlier arrays take precedence over later ones

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