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11 June 2010: release Version1.9 and release without FROG Version1.9_NoFROG

  • new entry available in JET and TAUJET: the number of calotower that are contained in the jet
  • LHE warning: the file should already be hadronised by an external software
  • ETmis now take into account the presence of muons
  • new: b-(mis)tag algorithms
    1. pt/eta dependence for b-(mis)tagging
    2. now also for gluon-jets
    3. related changes in the datacard: Deleted parameters: BTAG_b, BTAG_mistag_c, BTAG_mistag_l and add new parameters: BTAG_func_b, BTAG_func_c, BTAG_func_g, BTAG_func_l
  • new: Isolation: SumEt & SumPt added for muons & electrons. NB 'SumPt' was before 'IsolPt' in muon collection only
  • datacard: change of several variable names!!!
    1. old name -> new name
    2. ISOL_PT -> ISOL_trk_PT
    3. ISOL_Cone -> ISOL_trk_Cone
    4. ISOL_Calo_Cone -> ISOL_calo_Cone
    5. ISOL_Calo_ET -> ISOL_calo_ET
    6. ISOL_Calo_Grid -> ISOL_calo_Grid
  • new: Vx, Vy, Vz: real vertex location for tracks
  • bug fix: EtRatio for muons, now similar to LHCO standards
  • new: ./configure for the installation
  • update: default jet algorithms have change in data cards
  • update: adding some missing "#include" statements due to a loss of permissivity in recent g++ compilers.
  • update: by default, both 1-prong and 3-prong tau jets are stored. It was only 1-prong before.
  • bug fix: bad distribution in associated number of tracks in jets
  • vertex coordinates available in the track collection (Vx, Vy, Vz)
  • track reconstruction efficiencies can now be floating numbers
  • minor addition in the $(SHARED) target rule of the Makefile
  • bug fix: the charge of the electrons in the Analysis. Electron collection was the opposite of what it should have been
  • bug fix: idem for muons in Analysis.Muon
  • bug fix: adding some #include statements in classes in src/*, for compatibility with recent versions of g++, which are less permissive than in the past

16 August 2009: release Version1.8

  • bug fix: LHE files were not processed correctly (empty Analysis/Trigger trees). Now LHEFParticle derives from TRootC::GenParticle as it should.
  • additional data in the logfile: run date/hour + all names of used input files (input event files, detector card, trigger card, beam files, particle table)
  • bug fix: it is now possible to read "delphes root files" as an input for Delphes (GEN tree)
  • bug fix: number of events to process is correct event if multiple files in the inputlist
  • updates in Resolution.cpp & Resolution_ATLAS.cpp
  • new method "invisible()" in PdgParticle, needed for invisible particles BSM
  • new : calorimeter endcaps. DetectorCard have been updated; however, 100% backward compatible
  • bug fix: btag was not properly working for (mis)tag efficiencies below 1%.
  • bug fix: misplaced "#" character in the DetectorCard for ATLAS (calorimeter resolution).
  • moving to ROOT::TRandom3 for random numbers

18 June 2009: release Version1.7b

  • small typos in "cout" removed
  • Nevents implemented in DetectorCards
  • bug removed in bad inputfile type identification (".hep" vs ".lhe")
  • bug removed with calotowers(BinEtaPhi) : now use the middle of the tower and not its lower edge in eta and in phi
  • bug removed for compilation error with FROG (genMakefile) : the options -Dmacos/-Dlinux/-Dwindows are automatically added in CXXFLAGS when required
  • bug removed in BField; Bfield validated.
  • new headers in each file with full references

22 May 2009: release Version1.7

  • ZDC implementation:
    • new entries in the detector card
    • E resolution, electromagnetic and hadronic sections
    • time resolution
    • E_cut for n/gamma reconstruction
    • gen-level data available
  • time resolution also for RP220,FP420
  • CaloIsolation ready for muons (defined as in lhco standards)
  • update of Hector version to Hector_1_5_2

7 May 2009: release Version1.6

  • improved identification of input-data format (based on filename extension)
  • HepMC interface for input data
    • new converter to read HepMC events
    • new namespace TRootC
    • HepMC 2.04.01 used
  • bug found and corrected in the side variable of ZDC/RP220/FP420 (Analysis tree)
  • bug found and corrected for muons pid. (Muon branch of Analysis tree)

12 March 2009: release Version1.5

  • implementation of the energy flow
    • calotowers are first merged then smeared
    • photons are based on these calotowers: conservative approach
    • electrons are separately smeared according to the calotower resolution
  • new: list of calorimeters ; CaloUtil added
  • new: constants moved from SmearUtil.* to D_Constants.*
  • new: GenParticle class
  • ParticleUtil changed into D_Particle
  • tracks and Taujets have now a charge
  • output available as a LHCO (text) data file, in option
  • extensive test and correction of the Bfield
    • using now an exact computation, assuming solenoidal field
    • about 20% faster than iterative approach
  • charged lepton isolation: IsolPt available
  • data cards
    • default names have been changed
    • more parameters for more flexibility

09 February 2009: release Version1.4beta

  • new overal header and program output to screen.
  • new trigger cards ATLAS and CMS-like
  • new detector card ATLAS oriented
  • New input parameters in the datacard for very forward detectors
  • Modification of the Resolution.cpp code to run on the output of Delphes directly
  • #include statements have been cleaned ; more include paths in the compilation, leading to easier #include statements.
  • extensive use of 'valgrind' for the search for memory leaks. No more explicit leak is in the code. The only leaks left are related to ROOT, to mcfio dependecy and to Hector. This implied the systematic addition of copy-constructor, operator= and correct destructors in Delphes classes
  • update of the BField simulation; still in the case of B = Bz only
  • JetsUtil* files renamed to JetsUtil*
  • memory leaks removed in FROG (applied on Frog v1.106)
  • systematic change of by-value parameters to "by-const-reference" in Hector (applied on Hector v1.3.1)

29 January 2009: release Version1.3beta

  • Cleaning of non necessary comments
  • Removal of the minimal transverse momentum applied on tracks and calotowers when the magnetic field is simulated
  • Correction of the FROG interface
  • Addition af a new standalone code to run FROG on the analysis output ROOT file
  • New magnetic field algorithm: exact computation in case of magnetic field having a Bz component only
  • Time performance monitoring
  • Cleaner tarball

18 December 2008: release Version1.2beta

  • Reconstruction of jets: the number of defined cell towers is now correctly taken into account by the jet algorithms
  • Input for jet reconstruction: calotowers instead of generated particles
  • Input datacard parameters now taken into account by the jets, very forward detectors, magnetic field propagation steps

13 December 2008: release Version1.1beta

  • Addition of a class that run the FROG code on the reconstructed events to perform visualisation of events and detector geometry
  • Addition in the datacard of flags to switch on/off magnetic field, very forward detectors, trigger and FROG running

December 2008: release Version1.0beta, first available release

  • Classes that perform
    1. Conversion of HepMC, LHE and root file conversion
    2. Simulation of charged particles into a magnetic field
    3. Smearing of the energy of undecaying particles according to some applied resolution functions
    4. Reconstruction of jets using the FastJet package
    5. Simulation of very forward detector selection
    6. Application of a trigger selection
  • An input datacard that permit two easily change running configuration of the detector simulation (e.g. data/DataCardDet.dat).
  • An input trigger datacard to apply a selection of events with user defined trigger bits (e.g. data/trigger.dat).
  • An example of user code to run on the output root file of the DELPHES program.
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Oct 5, 2010, 10:33:10 PM
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