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Nov 14, 2022:

4:41 PM Ticket #1565 (Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ?) created by Dimitri Moulin
Hello, I am currently a master student and I am discovering DELPHES' …

Nov 11, 2022:

3:15 AM Ticket #1564 (Tracking pythia particles) created by hoffmant
Hello! I would like to have Delphes write out the input Pythia …

Nov 4, 2022:

12:28 PM Ticket #1563 (Question Cuts Applied to Leptons) created by danielnov
Dear Users, I was wondering which cuts exactly are implemented on …

Nov 1, 2022:

7:48 AM Ticket #1562 (EventDisplay with Delphes-3.5.0) created by Marianna Testa
Dear experts, I'm trying to run the example: root -l …

Oct 31, 2022:

1:19 PM Ticket #1561 ('classes/ClassesLinkDef.h' file not found) created by Dayun-Qiu
When I finish all the downloads, then make,the following error message …

Oct 20, 2022:

4:27 PM Ticket #1560 (Problem Compiler when Installing Delphes & ExRootAnalysis) created by yburkard
Hello, I have installed MG5 version 3.4.1 (also tried past versions …
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