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Feb 8, 2019:

11:39 PM Ticket #1365 (Lepton Identifying issues) created by iris
Dear Experts, I was generating p p > z z, z > e+ e- , z > vl vl~ …

Feb 2, 2019:

11:40 AM Ticket #1364 (Running Delphes over .hep file) created by damian06
Hello Dear Experts, I have been trying to run Delphes over a .hep …

Feb 1, 2019:

1:37 PM Ticket #1363 (Class versions need updating) created by Beojan Stanislaus
The class definitions in the git version have changed significantly …

Jan 31, 2019:

5:33 PM Ticket #1362 (fjcontribs with DelphesPythia8) created by pazlen
Hi, I am trying to run DelphesPythia8, using the fastjet installation …

Jan 22, 2019:

5:04 PM Changeset in git [70bb4cb]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
add possibility to calculate MET with smeared jets
5:01 PM Changeset in git [3b3d0ad]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
fix formatting in FastJetFinder
4:37 PM Ticket #1359 (Error when Running DelphesCMSFWLite) closed by keanet
fixed: Apparently I did not set up the CMSSW environment correctly, thus the …
4:24 PM Changeset in git [03381ed]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
fix formatting in modules/CMakeLists.txt
4:22 PM Changeset in git [d63d737]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #67 from kreczko/kreczko-missing-pythia-dict Added …
4:21 PM Changeset in git [771843a]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #66 from kreczko/kreczko-missing-examples Added …
4:21 PM Changeset in git [7c7fe5e]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #65 from chekanov/master Propogate pileup …

Jan 17, 2019:

9:15 AM Contact edited by Michele Selvaggi

Jan 15, 2019:

10:58 AM Changeset in git [0a9be59]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by kreczko <lkreczko@…>
added missing Pythia ROOT dictionary to install location

Jan 14, 2019:

4:40 PM Changeset in git [b5e2583]ImprovedOutputFileTimingllp by kreczko <lkreczko@…>
added examples/ExternalFastJet and examples/Pythia8 (conditional) to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.