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Sep 28, 2018:

5:31 AM Ticket #1340 (Error in <TList: Clear> while running ExternalFastJet examples) created by huiluo
Dear Authors, I installed Delphes-3.4.1 in a linux mint os, …

Sep 27, 2018:

3:52 AM Ticket #1339 (B tagging efficiencies are independent?) created by localname
Now Delphes allow different b tagging working points. But different …

Sep 19, 2018:

11:52 PM Ticket #1338 (Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance) created by Satoshi Hasegawa
Hello experts, I have a question about the target model of delphes …
6:36 PM Ticket #1337 (How to do matching of a jet with parton level) created by snandan
Hi, I am trying to do some matching of jet with tau at generator …

Sep 18, 2018:

10:47 PM Changeset in git [407aeba]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by ksuruliz <ksuruliz@…>
Fixing pythonisation of classes for recent ROOT versions
10:09 PM tutorial_solution attached to WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa by Michele Selvaggi
10:02 PM WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa edited by Michele Selvaggi
9:08 PM WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa edited by Michele Selvaggi
4:39 PM WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa edited by Michele Selvaggi
3:37 PM WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa edited by Michele Selvaggi
2:52 PM WorkBook/Tutorials edited by Michele Selvaggi
2:51 PM WorkBook/Tutorials/Pisa created by Michele Selvaggi

Sep 15, 2018:

10:41 AM Ticket #1336 (converter root2lhco) created by Kayoung_Ban
Hi, I found the minor error of root2lhco converter. …

Sep 14, 2018:

1:15 PM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi

Sep 9, 2018:

6:42 AM Ticket #1335 (How to get mother PdgID of generator level particle in Delphes) created by snandan
Hi, I am running delphes using hepmc input. I don't understand the …

Sep 6, 2018:

2:25 AM Ticket #1334 (Error in cling - Delphes 3.4.1) created by Sebastian Urrutia Quiroga
Hi, I apologize in advance because probably it is very simple …
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