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Nov 13, 2017:

12:05 AM Ticket #1159 (ROOT unable to load created by Miles R
Hello, I'm trying to load the Delphes file in a python script so I can …

Nov 9, 2017:

2:40 AM Ticket #1158 (The ninth column of lhco ouputs) created by Tathagata Ghosh
Hi Delphes experts, I am trying to do an analysis where I need to …

Nov 8, 2017:

11:22 AM Ticket #1157 (Unable to install Delphes on a Mac) closed by Liam Hood
11:21 AM Ticket #1157 (Unable to install Delphes on a Mac) created by Liam Hood
"ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker …

Nov 7, 2017:

4:07 PM Ticket #1156 (Track based electron isolation) created by Declan Millar
Hi, I'm trying to emulate the ATLAS dilepton analysis in …

Nov 2, 2017:

5:34 PM Ticket #1154 (Adding new FastJet/contrib to Delphes) closed by kwei
7:26 AM Ticket #1155 (How to create input files by Gauss?) created by C.C
Assume I want to use delphes for LHCb detector simulation, and I …
3:54 AM Ticket #1154 (Adding new FastJet/contrib to Delphes) created by kwei
Hi, I am hoping to add FastJet/contrib/VariableR/ to …

Oct 31, 2017:

10:02 AM Changeset in git [bae4fe8]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #44 from kpedro88/ImproveTrackSmearing-3.4.1 …

Oct 30, 2017:

8:19 PM Changeset in git [ca9e119]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Kevin Pedro <kpedro88@…>
example of track counting b-tagging
7:58 PM Changeset in git [9458496b]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Kevin Pedro <kpedro88@…>
optimize track counting algorithm
2:46 PM Ticket #1153 (Error while installing delphes) created by Sayan
Upon typing make the following error is being shown in the end: […] …
12:56 AM Changeset in git [e40b9cf]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Kevin Pedro <kpedro88@…>
add 3D IP significance option

Oct 26, 2017:

12:03 AM Changeset in git [cde9f31]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Kevin Pedro <kpedro88@…>
propagate track smearing to Xd,Yd,Zd variables
12:02 AM Changeset in git [76ef951]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Kevin Pedro <kpedro88@…>
use updated impact parameter

Oct 24, 2017:

5:22 PM Changeset in git [1605565]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Update genMakefile.tcl to avoid conflicting access When I try to …

Oct 23, 2017:

8:07 AM Ticket #1152 (JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C) created by Dongsub Lee
Dear Delphes team, Hi. I checked the JetDeltaPt which is …

Oct 17, 2017:

9:17 AM Ticket #1151 (Incorrect HepMC event weights) created by michael
Hello, I'm showering some LHE events with pythia8 and Delphes …

Oct 15, 2017:

9:58 PM Ticket #1150 (How to Extract Displaced Vertex) created by haolin
Hi, I would like to know how to extract the information of displaced …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.