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Sep 8, 2015:

12:45 PM Ticket #727 (comilation issue for created by indra
While compiling 3.2.0 version, I get […] How to get around it ? …

Sep 7, 2015:

11:44 AM Changeset in git [832ce9e]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
modified Makefile/ModulesLinkDef for JetFakeParticle
11:43 AM Changeset in git [68dd0df]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
added JetFakeParticle module
9:33 AM Changeset in git [5a44a72]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
added jet charge calculation

Sep 6, 2015:

11:18 PM Ticket #725 (How to add fake rate from jets to lepton in delphes-3.1.2) created by degos
Hi, I want to analyze the signal 3leptons+jet+missing ET, and …

Sep 3, 2015:

3:32 PM Ticket #722 (Does Delphes hadronize/decay/shower partons/particles?) closed by drakemarquis

Sep 2, 2015:

11:17 PM Ticket #722 (Does Delphes hadronize/decay/shower partons/particles?) created by drakemarquis
I am curious about what is really fed in Delphes. The purpose of this …

Aug 29, 2015:

11:36 PM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Pavel Demin

Aug 20, 2015:

4:47 PM Changeset in git [eb52a5d]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Pavel Demin <pavel.demin@…>
update version of Electron, Photon, Muon and Tower

Aug 19, 2015:

4:12 PM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi
11:13 AM WikiStart edited by Michele Selvaggi
12:29 AM Ticket #719 (Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet?) created by haolin
Hi All, I am using madgarph-pythia-delphes to generate events for g …

Aug 18, 2015:

6:21 PM Ticket #718 (Installation problem) created by subhadeep mondal
Hi, I am getting the following error while installing (doing 'make') …

Aug 10, 2015:

11:45 AM Ticket #717 (compilation problem on some computer) created by olivier
Please see report here:
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