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Apr 25, 2012:

2:54 PM Ticket #47 (Memory leaks limit number of HepMC events that can be processed) created by Sourav Mandal
Due to serious memory leaks in HepMCConverter, one can only process a …
2:46 PM Ticket #46 (Isolation routine mistakenly rejects tracks inside isolation cone) created by Sourav Mandal
In RESOLution::Isolation (src/, the algorithm …

Apr 20, 2012:

3:28 PM Ticket #30 (gSystem->load("libUtilities")) closed by Pavel Demin
fixed: You need to load ROOT's libEG before loading libUtilities: […]
3:24 PM Ticket #41 (ExRootAnalysis) closed by Pavel Demin

Apr 19, 2012:

10:54 AM WikiStart edited by cp3-support
10:53 AM WikiStart edited by cp3-support
10:52 AM WikiStart edited by cp3-support
10:51 AM WikiStart edited by cp3-support
10:44 AM Changeset in svn [585] by cp3-support
removed old FROG utility

Apr 17, 2012:

12:48 PM OutDated/UsefulLinks edited by Pavel Demin
12:35 PM Changeset in svn [584] by Pavel Demin
add dictionaries for ExRootAnalysis classes

Apr 16, 2012:

2:35 PM Ticket #45 (ROOT Analysis code with friend TTree's) created by muanza
Hello, I'd like to use MC truth infos from the GEN TTree within …
2:22 PM Ticket #44 (PDF Informations in Delphes) created by muanza
Hello, I produced MC samples with Herwig++ and Pythia8 and ran …

Mar 30, 2012:

10:37 AM Ticket #43 (anti-kT in Delphes) closed by favereau
fixed: Hi, Anti-kt is JET_jetalgo 6. I think it is the default now. I will …

Mar 29, 2012:

4:30 PM Ticket #43 (anti-kT in Delphes) created by rfrances@…
Hello, I would like to make jets in Delphes with anti-kT. I see that …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.