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Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module new Smeared tracks, SimpleCalorimeter How to critical
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET new muons, MET Bug major
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? new d0, impact parameter, hepmc, madanalysis How to major
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? new Impact parameter, Secondary vertex How to major
#925 About the towers in the default ATLAS, CMS, ... tcl files new Calorimeters How to minor
#1147 MET distribution in version 3.4.x new MET, missing energy Bug minor
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets new MET, Smeared Fast Jets How to minor
#1515 Parametrization new CALICE- Calorimeter for Linear Collider Experiment How to minor
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