16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
ajout MET-resolution atlas
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor changes
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update des labels / securites dans le code
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor change: add the date/time in logfile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
property 'invisible()' added to PdgParticle
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
cleaning, comments, progressbar, cout
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
cleaning, comments, progressbar, cout
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
bug fixed in the number of desired events to process
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new function outputting the current time and date
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor change : cout of the output
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor change: remove the TODO section
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor update of comments
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update + renumbering of figures according to the editor's scheme
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor changes
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor cosmetic changes
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new class for inputing directly rootfiles from Delphes (with GEN tree)
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor cosmetic change
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
put the inputfiles in the Logfile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
put the inputfiles in the Logfile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
put the inputfiles in the Logfile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
minor change
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
input file type identification bug solved ; as in Delphes.cpp in …
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
lhe bug (empty Analysis tree) solved
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update figures resolution
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update resolutions
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update resolutions CMS/ATLAS
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new commit
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
modifs pour ATLAS resolution
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new header in all files
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
TRootGenFwdParticle better written
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update comments
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
cleaning for avoiding some harmless compilation warning
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
bug removals : v1.7b
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update Bfield
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new Bfield bug free
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
B_Z=3.8T ; Nevents=-1
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
-Dlinux/-Dmacos/-Dwindows automatically set in Makefile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
commented code removed
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
Headers + bug hepmc/hep
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
slight change to avoid compilation warning
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
added flags for compilation -Dwindows and -Dlinux when needed
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
first commit, paper version for Comm Phys Comp
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
-Dmacos automatically added
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update new detector cards
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
BinEtaPhi : put the particle in the middle of the towers
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
NEvents implemented in Detector cards
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
NEvents implemented in Detector cards
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
Nevent implemented in detector cards
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
Nevent implemented in DetectorCard
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
bug removed on bad inputfile identification ; Nevent implemented in …
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
4T and not 400T in Bz
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
typo in cout removed
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
faute d'orthographe
16 years |
severine ovyn |
change version
16 years |
severine ovyn |
remove GEN error
16 years |
severine ovyn |
remove PID output error
16 years |
severine ovyn |
remove segmentation
16 years |
severine ovyn |
remove LHCO by default
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new class TRootGenFwdParticle; modifs in ZDC and RomanPot classes. New …
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
modifs in ZDC and RomanPot classes. New leaves in the branches
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
RP_offsetEl_y added
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update ctau for protons/neutrons
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
bug removed in Hector implementation for RP220/FP420
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new parameters for RomanPots in datacard ; print_header added
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new parameters for RomanPots in datacard
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
move tau to ctau [m]
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
move the header print-out to SmearUtil
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update to Hector_1_5_2
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
- some variables for RP/FP were not in the datacard. This is solved
- …
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
time_report moved from Delphes.cpp to here ; more comments in the code
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
time report moved in SmearUtil+logfile
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
added parameters for Roman pots
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
CaloIsolation for muons
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
update -- some items have been removed :)
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
CaloIsolation added
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new CaloIsolation for muons : EtRatio up-to-date
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new 'D_CaloTower::getElement() const' method
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
remove MUON PID bug
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
temp modif
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
modif Xav
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new classes
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new file PDG
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
not final
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
energy flow
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new flag JET_Eflow
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
muon bug removed: all mu- and mu+ were considered as mu+ in Analysis.Muon
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
putting back Zdc to backward compatibility: bug removed
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new PDG table
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
switch back to old ZDC version
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
if TRootGenParticle::M not initialised, set to -9999 ; Zdc: switch …
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
new PDG table ; switch back to old ZDC and old RomanPots
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
bug fix: the gen-level charge was wrong in GEN tree
16 years |
Xavier Rouby |
void TRootGenParticle::print