- Timestamp:
- Jul 10, 2009, 5:57:55 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r466 r467 7 7 - it is now possible to read "delphes root files" as an input for Delphes (GEN tree) 8 8 - bug fix: number of events to process is correct event if multiple files in the inputlist 9 - updates in Resolution.cpp & Resolution_ATLAS.cpp 9 10 10 11 /-----------------------------------------\ -
r458 r467 38 38 #include "TApplication.h" 39 39 #include "TFile.h" 40 #include "TStopwatch.h" 40 41 41 42 #include "ExRootTreeReader.h" 42 43 #include "ExRootTreeWriter.h" 43 44 #include "ExRootTreeBranch.h" 45 #include "ExRootProgressBar.h" 44 46 #include "TreeClasses.h" 45 47 … … 189 191 { 190 192 int appargc = 2; 191 char *appName = "Resolution"; 192 char *appargv[] = {appName, "-b"}; 193 char *appName= new char[20]; 194 char *appOpt= new char[20]; 195 sprintf(appName,"Resolution_ATLAS"); 196 sprintf(appOpt,"-b"); 197 char *appargv[] = {appName,appOpt}; 193 198 TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv); 194 199 delete [] appName; 200 delete [] appOpt; 201 195 202 if(argc != 3) { 196 203 cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file" << " output_file" << endl; 197 cout << " input_ list - list of files inroot format," << endl;204 cout << " input_file - input file in Delphes-root format," << endl; 198 205 cout << " output_file - output file." << endl; 199 206 exit(1); 200 207 } 201 208 202 srand (time (NULL)); /* Initialisation du générateur */ 203 204 //read the input TROOT file 209 210 // 1. ********** initialisation *********** 211 212 srand (time (NULL)); 213 TStopwatch globalwatch; 214 globalwatch.Start(); 215 205 216 string inputfilename(argv[1]), outputfilename(argv[2]); 206 217 218 // 1.1 checks the input file 219 if(inputfilename.find(".root") > inputfilename.length() ) { 220 cout << "input_file should be a .root file from Delphes!\n"; 221 return -1; 222 } 223 TFile f(inputfilename.c_str()); 224 if (!f.FindKey("GEN") || !f.FindKey("Analysis") ) { 225 cout << "input_file should be a .root file from Delphes!\n"; 226 cout << "it should contain both \"GEN\" and \"Analysis\" trees at least.\n"; 227 return -1; 228 } 229 f.Close(); 230 231 // 1.2 checks the output file 207 232 if(outputfilename.find(".root") > outputfilename.length() ) { 208 233 cout << "output_file should be a .root file!\n"; 209 234 return -1; 210 235 } 211 212 213 214 236 TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // Creates the file, but should be closed just after 215 237 outputFile->Close(); 216 238 239 // 1.3 Reads the trees in input file 217 240 TChain chainGEN("GEN"); 218 241 chainGEN.Add(inputfilename.c_str()); … … 229 252 TIter itGen((TCollection*)branchGen); 230 253 231 //write the output root file 254 255 // 1.4 Prepares the output root file 232 256 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Analysis"); 233 257 ExRootTreeBranch *branchjet = treeWriter->NewBranch("JetPTResol", RESOLJET::Class()); … … 236 260 ExRootTreeBranch *branchtaujet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJetPTResol", TAUHAD::Class()); 237 261 ExRootTreeBranch *branchetmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmisResol",ETMIS::Class()); 238 262 263 // 1.5 other initialisations 239 264 TRootGenParticle *particle; 240 241 265 RESOLELEC * elementElec; 242 266 RESOLMUON *elementMuon; … … 245 269 ETMIS *elementEtmis; 246 270 247 int numTau=0; 248 int numTauRec=0; 271 int numTau=0, numTauRec=0; 249 272 250 273 RESOLution *DET = new RESOLution(); 274 /* 275 string detectorcard = "data/DetectorCard_CMS.dat"; 276 const float dR_jetpairing = 0.25; 277 const float jet_pt_cut = 1; 278 */ 251 279 DET->ReadDataCard("data/DetectorCard_CMS.dat"); 252 280 253 281 254 //Jet information255 282 JetsUtil *JETRUN = new JetsUtil("data/DetectorCard_CMS.dat"); 256 283 257 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); //TLorentzVector containinggenerator level information258 TLorentzVector recoMomentum(0,0,0,0);// TLorentzVector containing generatorlevel information284 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); //generator level information 285 TLorentzVector recoMomentum(0,0,0,0);//reconstructed level information 259 286 LorentzVector jetMomentum; 260 287 261 288 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particlesGEN;//for FastJet algorithm 262 289 vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sorted_jetsGEN; 263 264 290 vector<int> NTrackJet; 265 266 291 vector<TLorentzVector> towers; 267 292 268 // Loop over all events293 // 2. Loop over all events 269 294 Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); 270 cout << "** Chain contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl; 295 cout << endl << endl; 296 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl; 297 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 298 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 299 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 300 cout <<"** ####### Start resolution processing ######## **"<< endl; 301 cout << left << setw(52) <<"** Total number of events to run: "<<"" 302 << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<"" 303 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<endl; 304 305 ExRootProgressBar *Progress = new ExRootProgressBar(allEntries); 306 271 307 for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) 272 308 { 309 Progress->Update(entry); 273 310 TLorentzVector PTmisReco(0,0,0,0); 274 311 TLorentzVector PTmisGEN(0,0,0,0); … … 276 313 treeReaderGEN->ReadEntry(entry); 277 314 treeWriter->Clear(); 278 if((entry % 100) == 0 && entry > 0 ) cout << "** Processing element # " << entry << endl;279 315 280 316 TSimpleArray<TRootGenParticle> bGen; … … 301 337 //Calculate ETMIS from generated particles 302 338 if((pid == pNU1) || (pid == pNU2) || (pid == pNU3))PTmisGEN = PTmisGEN + genMomentum; 303 339 340 //Electrons and muons 304 341 if( (particle->Status == 1) && 305 342 ((pid != pNU1) && (pid != pNU2) && (pid != pNU3)) && … … 320 357 case pMU: // all muons with eta < DET->MAX_MU 321 358 PairingMuon(recoMomentum,genMomentum,branchMuon); 322 if(recoMomentum.E() 359 if(recoMomentum.E()!=0){ 323 360 elementMuon = (RESOLMUON*) branchmuon->NewEntry(); 324 elementMuon->OverPT = (1/genMomentum.Pt());325 elementMuon->OverSmearedPT = (1/recoMomentum.Pt());}361 elementMuon->OverPT = 1./genMomentum.Pt(); 362 elementMuon->OverSmearedPT = 1./recoMomentum.Pt();} 326 363 break; // case pMU 327 364 default: … … 354 391 elementEtmis->Ex = (-PTmisGEN).Px(); 355 392 elementEtmis->SEt = ScalarEt; 356 357 393 elementEtmis->EtSmeare = (PTmisReco).Pt()-(PTmisGEN).Pt(); 358 394 elementEtmis->ExSmeare = (-PTmisReco).Px()-(PTmisGEN).Px(); … … 362 398 363 399 TSimpleArray<TRootGenParticle> TausHadr = TauHadr(branchGen); 364 365 400 TLorentzVector JETreco(0,0,0,0); 366 401 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sorted_jetsGEN.size(); i++) { … … 372 407 elementJet= (RESOLJET*) branchjet->NewEntry(); 373 408 elementJet->PT = JETgen.Et(); 374 elementJet->SmearedPT = JETreco.Et()/JETgen.Et(); 409 elementJet->SmearedPT = JETreco.Et()/JETgen.Et(); //// la difference pourrait être ici 375 410 } 376 411 } 377 numTau = numTau+TausHadr.GetEntries();412 numTau += TausHadr.GetEntries(); 378 413 379 414 TIter itJet((TCollection*)branchJet); … … 391 426 { 392 427 elementTaujet= (TAUHAD*) branchtaujet->NewEntry(); 393 elementTaujet->EnergieCen = (EnergySmallCone(towers,JETT.Eta(),JETT.Phi(),DET->TAU_energy_scone,DET->JET_seed)/JETT.E());428 elementTaujet->EnergieCen = EnergySmallCone(towers,JETT.Eta(),JETT.Phi(),DET->TAU_energy_scone,DET->JET_seed)/JETT.E(); 394 429 elementTaujet->NumTrack = NumTracks(branchTracks,DET->TAU_track_pt,JETT.Eta(),JETT.Phi(),DET->TAU_track_scone); 395 430 if( (EnergySmallCone(towers,JETT.Eta(),JETT.Phi(),DET->TAU_energy_scone,DET->JET_seed)/JETT.E()) > 0.95 … … 401 436 402 437 } // for itJet : loop on all jets 403 //cout<<"i"<<endl;404 438 405 439 treeWriter->Fill(); 406 440 } // Loop over all events 407 441 treeWriter->Write(); 408 float frac = numTauRec/numTau; 409 cout<<numTauRec<<endl; 410 cout<<numTau<<endl; 411 412 cout << "** Exiting..." << endl; 413 cout<<frac<<endl; 442 globalwatch.Stop(); 443 444 445 // Screen output 446 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 447 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 448 cout <<"** ################## Time report ################# **"<< endl; 449 cout << left << setw(32) <<"** Time report for "<<"" 450 << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<"" 451 << right << setw(22) <<"events **"<<endl; 452 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 453 cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<"" 454 << left << setw(15) <<"Time (s):"<<"" 455 << right << setw(15) <<"CPU"<<"" 456 << right << setw(15) <<"Real"<<"" 457 << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl; 458 cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<"" 459 << left << setw(15) <<" + Global:"<<"" 460 << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.CpuTime()<<"" 461 << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.RealTime()<<"" 462 << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl; 463 464 465 string tempstring = detectorcard + " has been used."; 466 cout <<"** ################## Configuration ############### **"<< endl; 467 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 468 << left << setw(51) << tempstring << "**" << endl; 469 470 tempstring = outputfilename + " has been created."; 471 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 472 << left << setw(51) << tempstring << "**" << endl; 473 474 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 475 << left << setw(51) << get_time_date() << "**" << endl; 476 477 478 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 479 cout <<"** Exiting ... **"<< endl; 480 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 481 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 482 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl; 483 414 484 415 485 -
r458 r467 38 38 #include "TApplication.h" 39 39 #include "TFile.h" 40 #include "TStopwatch.h" 40 41 41 42 #include "ExRootTreeReader.h" 42 43 #include "ExRootTreeWriter.h" 43 44 #include "ExRootTreeBranch.h" 45 #include "ExRootProgressBar.h" 44 46 #include "TreeClasses.h" 45 47 … … 189 191 { 190 192 int appargc = 2; 191 char *appName = "Resolution"; 192 char *appargv[] = {appName, "-b"}; 193 char *appName= new char[20]; 194 char *appOpt= new char[20]; 195 sprintf(appName,"Resolution_ATLAS"); 196 sprintf(appOpt,"-b"); 197 char *appargv[] = {appName,appOpt}; 193 198 TApplication app(appName, &appargc, appargv); 194 199 delete [] appName; 200 delete [] appOpt; 201 195 202 if(argc != 3) { 196 203 cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_file" << " output_file" << endl; … … 200 207 } 201 208 202 srand (time (NULL)); /* Initialisation du générateur */ 209 210 // 1. ********** initialisation *********** 211 212 srand (time (NULL)); 213 TStopwatch globalwatch; 214 globalwatch.Start(); 203 215 204 //read the input TROOT file205 216 string inputfilename(argv[1]), outputfilename(argv[2]); 206 217 218 // 1.1 checks the input file 219 if(inputfilename.find(".root") > inputfilename.length() ) { 220 cout << "input_file should be a .root file from Delphes!\n"; 221 return -1; 222 } 223 TFile f(inputfilename.c_str()); 224 if (!f.FindKey("GEN") || !f.FindKey("Analysis") ) { 225 cout << "input_file should be a .root file from Delphes!\n"; 226 cout << "it should contain both \"GEN\" and \"Analysis\" trees at least.\n"; 227 return -1; 228 } 229 f.Close(); 230 231 // 1.2 checks the output file 207 232 if(outputfilename.find(".root") > outputfilename.length() ) { 208 233 cout << "output_file should be a .root file!\n"; 209 234 return -1; 210 235 } 211 212 213 214 236 TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outputfilename.c_str(), "RECREATE");// Creates the file, but should be closed just after 215 237 outputFile->Close(); 216 238 239 // 1.3 Reads the trees in input file 217 240 TChain chainGEN("GEN"); 218 241 chainGEN.Add(inputfilename.c_str()); … … 228 251 const TClonesArray *branchGen = treeReaderGEN->UseBranch("Particle"); 229 252 TIter itGen((TCollection*)branchGen); 230 231 //write the output root file 253 254 255 // 1.4 Prepares the output root file 232 256 ExRootTreeWriter *treeWriter = new ExRootTreeWriter(outputfilename, "Analysis"); 233 257 ExRootTreeBranch *branchjet = treeWriter->NewBranch("JetPTResol", RESOLJET::Class()); … … 236 260 ExRootTreeBranch *branchtaujet = treeWriter->NewBranch("TauJetPTResol", TAUHAD::Class()); 237 261 ExRootTreeBranch *branchetmis = treeWriter->NewBranch("ETmisResol",ETMIS::Class()); 238 262 263 // 1.5 other initialisations 239 264 TRootGenParticle *particle; 240 241 265 RESOLELEC * elementElec; 242 266 RESOLMUON *elementMuon; … … 245 269 ETMIS *elementEtmis; 246 270 247 int numTau=0; 248 int numTauRec=0; 271 int numTau=0, numTauRec=0; 249 272 250 273 RESOLution *DET = new RESOLution(); … … 259 282 DET->ReadDataCard(detectorcard); 260 283 261 262 //Jet information263 284 JetsUtil *JETRUN = new JetsUtil(detectorcard); 264 285 265 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); //TLorentzVector containinggenerator level information266 TLorentzVector recoMomentum(0,0,0,0);// TLorentzVector containing generatorlevel information286 TLorentzVector genMomentum(0,0,0,0); // generator level information 287 TLorentzVector recoMomentum(0,0,0,0);// reconstruction level information 267 288 LorentzVector jetMomentum; 268 289 … … 272 293 vector<TLorentzVector> towers; 273 294 274 // Loop over all events295 // 2. Loop over all events 275 296 Long64_t entry, allEntries = treeReader->GetEntries(); 276 cout << "** Chain contains " << allEntries << " events" << endl; 297 cout << endl << endl; 298 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl; 299 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 300 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 301 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 302 cout <<"** ####### Start resolution processing ######## **"<< endl; 303 cout << left << setw(52) <<"** Total number of events to run: "<<"" 304 << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<"" 305 << right << setw(2) <<"**"<<endl; 306 307 ExRootProgressBar *Progress = new ExRootProgressBar(allEntries); 308 277 309 for(entry = 0; entry < allEntries; ++entry) 278 310 { 311 Progress->Update(entry); 279 312 TLorentzVector PTmisReco(0,0,0,0); 280 313 TLorentzVector PTmisGEN(0,0,0,0); … … 282 315 treeReaderGEN->ReadEntry(entry); 283 316 treeWriter->Clear(); 284 if((entry % 100) == 0 && entry > 0 ) cout << "** Processing element # " << entry << endl;285 317 286 318 TSimpleArray<TRootGenParticle> bGen; … … 372 404 TLorentzVector JETgen(0,0,0,0); 373 405 JETgen.SetPxPyPzE(sorted_jetsGEN[i].px(),sorted_jetsGEN[i].py(),sorted_jetsGEN[i].pz(),sorted_jetsGEN[i].E()); 374 PairingJet(JETreco,JETgen,branchJet );406 PairingJet(JETreco,JETgen,branchJet,dR_jetpairing); 375 407 if(JETreco.Pt()>jet_pt_cut) 376 408 { … … 383 415 } 384 416 } 385 numTau = numTau+TausHadr.GetEntries();417 numTau += TausHadr.GetEntries(); 386 418 387 419 TIter itJet((TCollection*)branchJet); … … 413 445 } // Loop over all events 414 446 treeWriter->Write(); 415 416 cout << detectorcard << " has been used.\n"; 417 cout << "** Exiting..." << endl; 447 globalwatch.Stop(); 448 449 450 // Screen output 451 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 452 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 453 cout <<"** ################## Time report ################# **"<< endl; 454 cout << left << setw(32) <<"** Time report for "<<"" 455 << left << setw(15) << allEntries <<"" 456 << right << setw(22) <<"events **"<<endl; 457 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 458 cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<"" 459 << left << setw(15) <<"Time (s):"<<"" 460 << right << setw(15) <<"CPU"<<"" 461 << right << setw(15) <<"Real"<<"" 462 << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl; 463 cout << left << setw(10) <<"**"<<"" 464 << left << setw(15) <<" + Global:"<<"" 465 << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.CpuTime()<<"" 466 << right << setw(15) <<globalwatch.RealTime()<<"" 467 << right << setw(14) <<"**"<<endl; 468 469 470 string tempstring = detectorcard + " has been used."; 471 cout <<"** ################## Configuration ############### **"<< endl; 472 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 473 << left << setw(51) << tempstring << "**" << endl; 474 475 tempstring = outputfilename + " has been created."; 476 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 477 << left << setw(51) << tempstring << "**" << endl; 478 479 cout << left << setw(16) << "** " << "" 480 << left << setw(51) << get_time_date() << "**" << endl; 481 482 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 483 cout <<"** Exiting ... **"<< endl; 484 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 485 cout <<"** **"<< endl; 486 cout <<"*********************************************************************"<< endl; 487 418 488 419 489 delete treeWriter; … … 422 492 } 423 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.