12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix large files on 32-bit systems
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
fix compilation on mac os x
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
tree-write proper jet collection/calculate area in akt jets
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
fix warning
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check number of particles in pile-up event
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix import of RhoInputArray
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove extra spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace OutputArrayRho with RhoOutputArray
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix formatting
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check number of elements in fRhoInputArray and remove fItRhoInputArray
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
check number of elements in fRhoInputArray
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix comments
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
fix pile-up
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
fix pile-up file indexing
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
replace ZVertexWidth zith ZVertexSpread
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
fix pile-up
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set initial value of fHashes to -1
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove printout
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove allEntries limit
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
keep pile-up index in memory
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix cerr and cout usage
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove extra spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
PileUpMerger code cleanup
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove extra spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace isPU with IsPU
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add possibility to read multiple ROOT files
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
make ExRootProgressBar bidirectional
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use xdr library for pileup converters
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace particles with stableParticles in examples/converter_card.tcl
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
add pile up
12 years |
Michele Selvaggi |
add pile up
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
first working version of pileup converters
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add pileup converters
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
increase buffer size
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use 24 bits for particle index
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.4
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
use 32 bits for particle index
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix arrays names
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove external/HepMC
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add fastjet/tools
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.4
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace error with warning for out-of-range values
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix formatting
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix formatting
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove unused variable
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add Track and Tower branches to the ROOT tree generated by lhco2root
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.3
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.3
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix output format and add all missing output values
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EhadOverEem and replace RECREATE with CREATE
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add EhadOverEem
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix comment
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change tar file name format
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set version to 3.0.2
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix arrays names
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix tar generation
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
attempt to fix compilation on MacOSX
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
minor fixes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix CREDITS title
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add CREDITS and README to tar
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add CREDITS and README to tar
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace RECREATE with CREATE
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update DelphesCMSFWLite
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix examples
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix several minor problems
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove printouts
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix a comma
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
move all the information from INSTALL to README
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add README with up-to-date instructions
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove CHANGELOG and README and update CREDITS
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix TauTagging
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove FinalizeParticles
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix FixDaughters
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
rename root_tree.sh to root_tree_html.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add root_tree_wiki.sh and rename root_tree.sh to root_tree_html.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
change diagram direction and node shape
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
move awk code to root_tree.sh
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add usage instructions
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove trailing spaces
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ClassDef from DelphesDisplay
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ExRootConfReader to EventDisplay
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove ClassDef from ExRootConfParam
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add ExRootConfParam to ExRootAnalysis dictionary
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove MagneticField module
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
reorder branches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
replace strcmp with strncmp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove strnlen and replace strcmp with strncmp
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
re-enable Track and Tower branches
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove MagneticField
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
increase version
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update root tree description
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove Nhit from Photon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove Nhit from Photon
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix colors
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
fix root tree description scripts
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
remove old scripts
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
automatically load libDelphes
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
update ATLAS card
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
add an example of how to use references to Particles and Constituents
12 years |
Pavel Demin |
set UniqueID for muons