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Changeset d612dec in git for classes/DelphesClasses.h

Dec 9, 2021, 7:52:15 AM (3 years ago)
christinaw97 <…>
a5af1df (diff), 0c0c9af (diff)
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Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD

1 edited


  • classes/DelphesClasses.h

    ra5af1df rd612dec  
    3434#include "TLorentzVector.h"
     35#include "TMatrixDSym.h"
    3536#include "TObject.h"
    3637#include "TRef.h"
    150151  Float_t Eta; // particle pseudorapidity
    151152  Float_t Phi; // particle azimuthal angle
    153153  Float_t Rapidity; // particle rapidity
    154   Float_t CtgTheta; // particle cotangent of theta
    156   Float_t D0; // particle transverse impact parameter
    157   Float_t DZ; // particle longitudinal impact parameter
    159155  Float_t T; // particle vertex position (t component) | hepevt.vhep[number][3]
    394390  Int_t NCharged; // number of charged constituents
    395391  Int_t NNeutrals; // number of neutral constituents
     393  Float_t NeutralEnergyFraction;  // charged energy fraction
     394  Float_t ChargedEnergyFraction;  // neutral energy fraction
    396396  Float_t Beta; // (sum pt of charged pile-up constituents)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    397397  Float_t BetaStar; // (sum pt of charged constituents coming from hard interaction)/(sum pt of charged constituents)
    445445  Float_t Phi; // track azimuthal angle
    446446  Float_t CtgTheta; // track cotangent of theta
     447  Float_t C; // track curvature inverse
     448  Float_t Mass; // particle mass
    448450  Float_t EtaOuter; // track pseudorapidity at the tracker edge
    466468  Float_t D0; // track transverse impact parameter
    467469  Float_t DZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter
     470  Float_t Nclusters; // Number of ionization clusters
     471  Float_t dNdx; // Number of ionization clusters
    469473  Float_t ErrorP; // track momentum error
    475479  Float_t ErrorD0; // track transverse impact parameter error
    476480  Float_t ErrorDZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter error
     481  Float_t ErrorC; // track curvature error
     483  // track covariance off-diagonal terms
     484  Float_t ErrorD0Phi;
     485  Float_t ErrorD0C;
     486  Float_t ErrorD0DZ;
     487  Float_t ErrorD0CtgTheta;
     488  Float_t ErrorPhiC;
     489  Float_t ErrorPhiDZ;
     490  Float_t ErrorPhiCtgTheta ;
     491  Float_t ErrorCDZ;
     492  Float_t ErrorCCtgTheta;
     493  Float_t ErrorDZCtgTheta;
    478495  TRef Particle; // reference to generated particle
    485502  TLorentzVector P4() const;
     503  TMatrixDSym CovarianceMatrix() const;
    487505  ClassDef(Track, 3)
    504522  Float_t Eem; // calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy
    505523  Float_t Ehad; // calorimeter tower hadronic energy
     524  Float_t Etrk; // total charged energy hitting tower
    507526  Float_t Edges[4]; // calorimeter tower edges
    514533  TLorentzVector P4() const;
    516   ClassDef(Tower, 2)
     535  ClassDef(Tower, 3)
     540class ParticleFlowCandidate: public SortableObject
     544  Int_t PID; // HEP ID number
     546  Int_t Charge; // track charge
     548  Float_t E; // reconstructed energy [GeV]
     549  Float_t P; // track momentum
     550  Float_t PT; // track transverse momentum
     551  Float_t Eta; // track pseudorapidity
     552  Float_t Phi; // track azimuthal angle
     553  Float_t CtgTheta; // track cotangent of theta
     554  Float_t C; // track curvature inverse
     555  Float_t Mass; // particle mass
     557  Float_t EtaOuter; // track pseudorapidity at the tracker edge
     558  Float_t PhiOuter; // track azimuthal angle at the tracker edge
     560  Float_t T; // track vertex position (t component)
     561  Float_t X; // track vertex position (x component)
     562  Float_t Y; // track vertex position (y component)
     563  Float_t Z; // track vertex position (z component)
     565  Float_t TOuter; // track position (t component) at the tracker edge
     566  Float_t XOuter; // track position (x component) at the tracker edge
     567  Float_t YOuter; // track position (y component) at the tracker edge
     568  Float_t ZOuter; // track position (z component) at the tracker edge
     570  Float_t Xd; // X coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     571  Float_t Yd; // Y coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     572  Float_t Zd; // Z coordinate of point of closest approach to vertex
     574  Float_t L; // track path length
     575  Float_t D0; // track transverse impact parameter
     576  Float_t DZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter
     577  Float_t Nclusters; // Number of ionization clusters
     578  Float_t dNdx; // Number of ionization clusters
     580  Float_t ErrorP; // track momentum error
     581  Float_t ErrorPT; // track transverse momentum error
     582  Float_t ErrorPhi; // track azimuthal angle error
     583  Float_t ErrorCtgTheta; // track cotangent of theta error
     585  Float_t ErrorT; // time measurement error
     586  Float_t ErrorD0; // track transverse impact parameter error
     587  Float_t ErrorDZ; // track longitudinal impact parameter error
     588  Float_t ErrorC; // track curvature error
     590  // track covariance off-diagonal terms
     591  Float_t ErrorD0Phi;
     592  Float_t ErrorD0C;
     593  Float_t ErrorD0DZ;
     594  Float_t ErrorD0CtgTheta;
     595  Float_t ErrorPhiC;
     596  Float_t ErrorPhiDZ;
     597  Float_t ErrorPhiCtgTheta ;
     598  Float_t ErrorCDZ;
     599  Float_t ErrorCCtgTheta;
     600  Float_t ErrorDZCtgTheta;
     602  Int_t VertexIndex; // reference to vertex
     604  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
     605  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     607  TLorentzVector P4() const;
     608  TMatrixDSym CovarianceMatrix() const;
     610  Int_t NTimeHits; // number of hits contributing to time measurement
     612  Float_t Eem; // calorimeter tower electromagnetic energy
     613  Float_t Ehad; // calorimeter tower hadronic energy
     614  Float_t Etrk; // total charged energy hitting tower
     616  Float_t Edges[4]; // calorimeter tower edges
     618  TRefArray Particles; // references to generated particles
     620  ClassDef(ParticleFlowCandidate, 3)
    610715  Float_t Eem;
    611716  Float_t Ehad;
     717  Float_t Etrk;
    613719  Float_t Edges[4];
    619725  Float_t L; // path length
     726  Float_t DZ;
     727  Float_t ErrorDZ;
    620728  Float_t ErrorT; // path length
    621729  Float_t D0;
    622730  Float_t ErrorD0;
    623   Float_t DZ;
    624   Float_t ErrorDZ;
     731  Float_t C;
     732  Float_t ErrorC;
    625733  Float_t P;
    626734  Float_t ErrorP;
    632740  Float_t ErrorPhi;
     742  Float_t Nclusters; // Number of ionization clusters
     743  Float_t dNdx; // Number of ionization clusters per unit length
    634745  Float_t Xd;
    635746  Float_t Yd;
    649760  Float_t PTD;
    650761  Float_t FracPt[5];
     762  Float_t NeutralEnergyFraction;  // charged energy fraction
     763  Float_t ChargedEnergyFraction;  // neutral energy fraction
    652766  // Timing information
    663777  Float_t SumPtChargedPU;
    664778  Float_t SumPt;
     780  // ACTS compliant 6x6 track covariance (D0, phi, Curvature, dz, ctg(theta))
     782  TMatrixDSym TrackCovariance;
    666784  // vertex variables
    698816  Double_t ExclYmerge56;
     818  // event characteristics variables
     819  Double_t ParticleDensity; // particle multiplicity density in the proximity of the particle
    700821  static CompBase *fgCompare; //!
    701822  const CompBase *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
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