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Changeset cab38f6 in git

Dec 19, 2014, 3:15:11 PM (10 years ago)
Pavel Demin <pavel.demin@…>
ImprovedOutputFile, Timing, dual_readout, llp, master

remove svn tags and fix formatting

105 edited


  • classes/ClassesLinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2008-07-08 12:01:52 $
    25  *  $Revision: 1.2 $
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *  Function CompareXYZ sorts objects by the variable XYZ that MUST be
    2424 *  present in the data members of the root tree class of the branch.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:24 $
    27  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesClasses.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2626 *  present in the data members of the root tree class of the branch.
    2727 *
    28  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:24 $
    29  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    30  *
    31  *
    3228 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    3329 *
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Class handling creation of Candidate,
    2323 *  TObjArray and all other objects.
    24  *
    25  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:25 $
    26  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    27  *
    2824 *
    2925 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesFactory.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  Class handling creation of Candidate,
    2525 *  TObjArray and all other objects.
    26  *
    27  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:25 $
    28  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Reads HepMC file
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesHepMCReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Reads HepMC file
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Reads LHEF file
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesLHEFReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Reads LHEF file
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Base class for all Delphes modules
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:25 $
    25  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesModule.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Base class for all Delphes modules
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:25 $
    27  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Reads pile-up binary file
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesPileUpReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Reads pile-up binary file
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Writes pile-up binary file
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesPileUpWriter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Writes pile-up binary file
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Reads STDHEP file
    2323 *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    28  *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    3025 *
  • classes/DelphesSTDHEPReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Reads STDHEP file
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Provides an interface to manipulate c strings as if they were input streams
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date: 2012-11-15 13:57:55 $
    26  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/DelphesStream.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Provides an interface to manipulate c strings as if they were input streams
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date: 2012-11-15 13:57:55 $
    28  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • classes/SortableObject.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222/** \class SortableObject
    23  *
    24  *
    25  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:26 $
    26  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    27  *
    2823 *
    2924 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • display/DisplayLinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootAnalysisLinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    44 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    55 *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-07-08 12:01:52 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.2 $
    8  *
    9  * 
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    117 *
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:54 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootConfReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    55 *
    66 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    7  *
    8  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:24 $
    9  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    10  *
    117 *
    128 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class simplifying classification and subarrays handling
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:55 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class showing progress bar
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:55 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class simplifying work with histograms
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:56 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    44 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    55 *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:56 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    9  *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    117 *
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTask.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    55 *
    66 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    7  *
    8  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:26 $
    9  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    10  *
    117 *
    128 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    22/** \class ExRootTreeBranch
    3 *
    4 *  Class handling object creation
    5 *  It is also used for output ROOT tree branches
    6 *
    7 *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:56 $
    8 *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    9 *
    10 *
    11 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    12 *
    13 */
     3 *
     4 *  Class handling object creation
     5 *  It is also used for output ROOT tree branches
     6 *
     7 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
     8 *
     9 */
    1511#include "ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeBranch.h"
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeBranch.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    66 *  Class handling object creation.
    77 *  It is also used for output ROOT tree branches
    8  *
    9  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:27 $
    10  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    11  *
    128 *
    139 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class simplifying access to ROOT tree branches
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:57 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    55 *
    66 *  Class simplifying access to ROOT tree branches
    7  *
    8  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:27 $
    9  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    10  *
    117 *
    128 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:57 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeWriter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    55 *
    66 *  Class handling output ROOT tree
    7  *
    8  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:27 $
    9  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    10  *
    117 *
    128 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    33 *
    44 *  Functions simplifying ROOT tree analysis
    5  *
    6  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:57 $
    7  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    8  *
    95 *
    106 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootUtilities.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    55 *
    66 *  Functions simplifying ROOT tree analysis
    7  *
    8  *  $Date: 2008-06-04 13:57:28 $
    9  *  $Revision: 1.1 $
    10  *
    117 *
    128 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Performs transverse angular resolution smearing.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2014-06-17 16:58:53 +0100  $
    25  *
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/AngularSmearing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Performs transverse angular resolution smearing.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2014-06-17 16:58:53 +0100  $
    27  *
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *  applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas
    2424 *  and sets b-tagging flags
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/BTagging.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2525 *  applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas
    2626 *  and sets b-tagging flags
    27  *
    28  *  $Date$
    29  *  $Revision$
    30  *
    3127 *
    3228 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *  and creates energy flow objects (tracks, photons, and neutral hadrons).
    2424 *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    28  *
    2925 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    3026 *
  • modules/Calorimeter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  Fills calorimeter towers, performs calorimeter resolution smearing,
    2525 *  and creates energy flow objects (tracks, photons, and neutral hadrons).
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Clone candidate array
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    2623 *
    2724 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Cloner.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Clone candidate array
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    2825 *
    2926 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Drops all input objects that are not constituents of any jet.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/ConstituentFilter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Drops all input objects that are not constituents of any jet.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Main Delphes module.
    2323 *  Controls execution of all other modules.
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2824 *
    2925 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Delphes.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  Main Delphes module.
    2525 *  Controls execution of all other modules.
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Selects candidates from the InputArray according to the efficiency formula.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Efficiency.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Selects candidates from the InputArray according to the efficiency formula.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Applies energy scale.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/EnergyScale.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Applies energy scale.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Performs energy resolution smearing.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/EnergySmearing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Performs energy resolution smearing.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Selects candidates from the InputArray according to the efficiency formula.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/ExampleModule.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Selects candidates from the InputArray according to the efficiency formula.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Finds jets using FastJet library.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/FastJetFinder.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Finds jets using FastJet library.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020/** \class FastJetGridMedianEstimator
    21  *
    2221 *
    2322 *  Computes median energy density per event using a fixed grid.
  • modules/FastJetLinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    2323 *
    24  *  $Date: 2014-04-16 17:17:35 +0200 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) $
    25  *  $Revision: 1369 $
    26  *
    27  *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    2925 *
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Propagates candidates using Hector library.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Hector.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Propagates candidates using Hector library.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020/** \class IdentificationMap
    2121 *
    22  *  Converts particles with some PDG code into another particle, according to parametrized probability as function of pt eta
    23  given by user.
    24  *
    25  *  $Date: 2014-08-07 14:57:44 +0100 (Thu, 07 Aug 2014) $
    26  *  $Revision: 905 $
    27  *
     22 *  Converts particles with some PDG code into another particle,
     23 *  according to parametrized probability.
    2824 *
    2925 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    4945#include "TLorentzVector.h"
    51 #include <algorithm> 
     47#include <algorithm>
    5248#include <stdexcept>
    5349#include <iostream>
    7571  // read efficiency formula
    7874  TMisIDMap::iterator itEfficiencyMap;
    7975  ExRootConfParam param;
    8076  DelphesFormula *formula;
    8177  Int_t i, size, pdg;
    8379  // read efficiency formulas
    8480  param = GetParam("EfficiencyFormula");
    8581  size = param.GetSize();
    8783  fEfficiencyMap.clear();
    8884  for(i = 0; i < size/3; ++i)
    9288    pdg = param[i*3].GetInt();
    9389    fEfficiencyMap.insert(make_pair(pdg,make_pair(param[i*3 + 1].GetInt(),formula)));
    9591   // cout<<param[i*3].GetInt()<<","<<param[i*3+1].GetInt()<<","<<param[i*3 + 2].GetString()<<endl;
    9793  }
    106102    fEfficiencyMap.insert(make_pair(0,make_pair(0,formula)));
    107103  }
    109105  // import input array
    123119  if(fItInputArray) delete fItInputArray;
    125121  TMisIDMap::iterator itEfficiencyMap;
    126122  DelphesFormula *formula;
    137133void IdentificationMap::Process()
    138 { 
    139135  Candidate *candidate;
    140136  Double_t pt, eta, phi;
    146142  Double_t P, Pi;
    148144 // cout<<"------------ New Event ------------"<<endl;
    150146  fItInputArray->Reset();
    151147  while((candidate = static_cast<Candidate*>(fItInputArray->Next())))
    158154    pdgIn = candidate->PID;
    159155    charge = candidate->Charge;
    161157   // cout<<"------------ New Candidate ------------"<<endl;
    162158   // cout<<candidate->PID<<"   "<<pt<<","<<eta<<","<<phi<<endl;
    164160    P = 1.0;
    166162    //first check that PID of this particle is specified in cfg, if not set look for PID=0
    168164    itEfficiencyMap = fEfficiencyMap.find(pdgIn);
    170     range = fEfficiencyMap.equal_range(pdgIn); 
     166    range = fEfficiencyMap.equal_range(pdgIn);
    171167    if(range.first == range.second) range = fEfficiencyMap.equal_range(-pdgIn);
    172168    if(range.first == range.second) range = fEfficiencyMap.equal_range(0);
    174170    //loop over submap for this pid
    175171    for (TMisIDMap::iterator it=range.first; it!=range.second; ++it)
    176     { 
     172    {
    178174      formula = (it->second).second;
    179175      pdgOut = (it->second).first;
    181177      Pi = formula->Eval(pt, eta);
    183179      // check that sum of probabilities does not exceed 1.
    184180      P = (P - Pi)/P;
    186182      if( P < 0.0 ) continue;
    187183      else
    188184      {
    190186       //randomly assign a PID to particle according to map
    191187       Double_t rndm = gRandom->Uniform();
    193189       if(rndm > P)
    194190       {
    198194         break;
    199195       }
    200       } 
     196      }
    202198    }
    204200   }
  • modules/IdentificationMap.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323/** \class IdentificationMap
    2424 *
    25  *  Converts particles with some PDG code into another particle, according to parametrized probability as function of pt eta
    26  given by user.
    27  *
    28  *  $Date: 2014-08-07 14:57:44 +0100 (Thu, 07 Aug 2014) $
    29  *  $Revision: 905 $
    30  *
     25 *  Converts particles with some PDG code into another particle,
     26 *  according to parametrized probability.
    3127 *
    3228 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    5551  typedef std::multimap< Int_t, std::pair<Int_t , DelphesFormula * > > TMisIDMap; //!
    5753  TMisIDMap fEfficiencyMap;
    5955  TIterator *fItInputArray; //!
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020 *
    2121 *  Performs transverse impact parameter smearing.
    22  *
    23  *  $Date: 2014-16-03 14:57:44 +0100   
    24  *
    2522 *
    2623 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/ImpactParameterSmearing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Performs transverse impact parameter smearing.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2014-16-03 14:57:44 +0100   
    27  *
    2825 *
    2926 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  to the candidate's transverse momentum. outputs candidates that have
    2525 *  the transverse momenta fraction within (PTRatioMin, PTRatioMax].
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Isolation.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2626 *  to the candidate's transverse momentum. outputs candidates that have
    2727 *  the transverse momenta fraction within (PTRatioMin, PTRatioMax].
    28  *
    29  *  $Date$
    30  *  $Revision$
    31  *
    3228 *
    3329 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Subtract pile-up contribution from jets using the fastjet area method
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2012-11-18 15:57:08 +0100 (Sun, 18 Nov 2012) $
    25  *  $Revision: 814 $
    2623 *
    2724 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/JetPileUpSubtractor.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Subtract pile-up contribution from jets using the fastjet area method
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2012-11-18 15:57:08 +0100 (Sun, 18 Nov 2012) $
    27  *  $Revision: 814 $
    2825 *
    2926 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020/** \class LeptonDressing
    21  *
    22  *
    2321 *
    2422 *
  • modules/LeptonDressing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222/** \class LeptonDressing
    23  *
    2423 *
    2524 *  \author P. Demin && A. Mertens - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Merges multiple input arrays into one output array
    2323 *  and sums transverse momenta of all input objects.
    24  *
    25  *  $Date$
    26  *  $Revision$
    27  *
    2824 *
    2925 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Merger.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  Merges multiple input arrays into one output array
    2525 *  and sums transverse momenta of all input objects.
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/ModulesLinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2014-04-16 17:17:35 +0200 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) $
    25  *  $Revision: 1369 $
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Performs transverse momentum resolution smearing.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/MomentumSmearing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Performs transverse momentum resolution smearing.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  its half-length, centered at (0,0,0) and with its axis
    2525 *  oriented along the z-axis.
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/ParticlePropagator.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2626 *  its half-length, centered at (0,0,0) and with its axis
    2727 *  oriented along the z-axis.
    28  *
    29  *  $Date$
    30  *  $Revision$
    31  *
    3228 *
    3329 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *
    2323 *  \author S. Zenz, December 2013
    24  *
    2524 *
    2625 */
  • modules/PileUpJetID.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2525 *
    2626 *  \author S. Zenz, December 2013
    27  *
    2827 *
    2928 */
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020 *
    2121 *  Merges particles from pile-up sample into event
    22  *
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2013-02-12 15:13:59 +0100 (Tue, 12 Feb 2013) $
    25  *  $Revision: 907 $
    26  *
    2722 *
    2823 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/PileUpMerger.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Merges particles from pile-up sample into event
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date: 2013-02-12 15:13:59 +0100 (Tue, 12 Feb 2013) $
    28  *  $Revision: 907 $
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2020 *
    2121 *  Merges particles from pile-up sample into event
    22  *
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2722 *
    2823 *  \author P. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/PileUpMergerPythia8.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Merges particles from pile-up sample into event
    25  *
    26  *
    27  *  $Date$
    28  *  $Revision$
    29  *
    3025 *
    3126 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Pythia8LinkDef.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Lists classes to be included in cint dicitonary
    2323 *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    27  *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
    2925 *
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2222 *  Fills SimpleCalorimeter towers, performs SimpleCalorimeter resolution smearing,
    2323 *  and creates energy flow objects (tracks, photons, and neutral hadrons).
    24  *
    25  *  $Date: 2014-04-16 15:29:31 +0200 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) $
    26  *  $Revision: 1364 $
    27  *
    2824 *
    2925 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/SimpleCalorimeter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2424 *  Fills SimpleCalorimeter towers, performs SimpleCalorimeter resolution smearing,
    2525 *  and creates energy flow objects (tracks, photons, and neutral hadrons).
    26  *
    27  *  $Date: 2014-04-16 15:29:31 +0200 (Wed, 16 Apr 2014) $
    28  *  $Revision: 1364 $
    29  *
    3026 *
    3127 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *  Removes all generated particles except electrons, muons, taus,
    2222 *  and particles with status == 3.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author J. Hirschauer - FNAL
  • modules/StatusPidFilter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2626 *  Removes all generated particles except electrons, muons, taus,
    2727 *  and particles with status == 3.
    28  *
    29  *  $Date$
    30  *  $Revision$
    31  *
    3228 *
    3329 *  \author J. Hirschauer - FNAL
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *  applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas
    2424 *  and sets b-tagging flags
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/TauTagging.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2525 *  applies b-tagging efficiency (miss identification rate) formulas
    2626 *  and sets b-tagging flags
    27  *
    28  *  $Date$
    29  *  $Revision$
    30  *
    3127 *
    3228 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Performs transverse momentum resolution smearing.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2013-02-13 16:58:53 +0100 (Wed, 13 Feb 2013) $
    25  *  $Revision: 911 $
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/TimeSmearing.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Performs transverse time smearing.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2013-12-12 14:57:44 +0100 (Tue, 12 Dec 2013) $
    2725 *
    2826 *  \author Michele Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  b-tagging algorithm based on counting tracks with large impact parameter
    23  *
    24  *  $Date: 2014-03-27 12:39:14 +0200 (Fri, 27 March 2014) $
    25  *  $Revision: 1099 $
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/TrackCountingBTagging.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  b-tagging algorithm based on counting tracks with large impact parameter
    25  *
    26  *  $Date: 2014-03-27 12:39:14 +0200 (Fri, 27 March 2014) $
    27  *  $Revision: 1099 $
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author M. Selvaggi - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Subtract pile-up contribution from tracks.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/TrackPileUpSubtractor.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Subtract pile-up contribution from tracks.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Fills ROOT tree branches.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/TreeWriter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Fills ROOT tree branches.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Finds uniquely identified photons, electrons and jets.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/UniqueObjectFinder.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Finds uniquely identified photons, electrons, taus and jets.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2121 *
    2222 *  Apply a weight depending on PDG code.
    23  *
    24  *  $Date$
    25  *  $Revision$
    26  *
    2723 *
    2824 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • modules/Weighter.h

    ra190d94 rcab38f6  
    2323 *
    2424 *  Apply a weight depending on PDG code.
    25  *
    26  *  $Date$
    27  *  $Revision$
    28  *
    2925 *
    3026 *  \author P. Demin - UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.