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Oct 9, 2015, 2:47:38 PM (9 years ago)
Pavel Demin <pavel.demin@…>
ImprovedOutputFile, Timing, dual_readout, llp, master

update FastJet library to 3.1.3 and Nsubjettiness library to 2.2.1

1 edited


  • external/fastjet/contribs/Nsubjettiness/README

    rf118021 r973b92a  
    1515New in v2.0 is the winner-take-all axis, which is described in:
     17   Jet Observables Without Jet Algorithms.
     18   Daniele Bertolini, Tucker Chan, and Jesse Thaler.
     19   JHEP 1404:013 (2014), arXiv:1310.7584.
    1721   Jet Shapes with the Broadening Axis.
    1822   Andrew J. Larkoski, Duff Neill, and Jesse Thaler.
    1923   JHEP 1404:017 (2014), arXiv:1401.2158.
    21 as well as in unpublished work by Gavin Salam.
     25   Unpublished work by Gavin Salam
     27New in v2.2 are new measures used in the XCone jet algorithm, described in:
     29   XCone: N-jettiness as an Exclusive Cone Jet Algorithm.
     30   Iain W. Stewart, Frank J. Tackmann, Jesse Thaler,
     31   Christopher K. Vermilion, and Thomas F. Wilkason.
     32   arXiv:1508.01516.
     34   Resolving Boosted Jets with XCone.
     35   Jesse Thaler and Thomas F. Wilkason.
     36   arXiv:1508.01518.
    3045Nsubjettiness       [Nsubjettiness.hh]:
    31    A FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> interface to measure N-subjettiness
     46   A FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> interface to measure the
     47   N-subjettiness jet shape
    3248   (Recommended for most users)
    3350NsubjettinessRatio  [Nsubjettiness.hh]:
    3451   A FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> interface to measure ratios of
    3552   two different N-subjettiness (i.e. tau3/tau2)
     53   (Recommended for most users)
     55XConePlugin         [XConePlugin.hh]:
     56   A FastJet plugin for using the XCone jet algorithm.
     57   (Recommended for most users)
    3659NjettinessPlugin    [NjettinessPlugin.hh]:
    37    A FastJet plugin for finding jets by minimizing N-jettiness
    38    (Recommended for advanced users)
     60   A FastJet plugin for finding jets by minimizing N-jettiness.
     61   Same basic philosophy as XCone, but many more options.
     62   (Recommended for advanced users only.)
    3964Njettiness          [Njettiness.hh]:
    4065   Access to the core Njettiness code.
    4166   (Not recommended for users, since the interface might change)
    43 The code assumes that you have FastJet 3.
     68The code assumes that you have FastJet 3, but does not (yet) require FastJet 3.1
    6489    // N and M give tau_N / tau_M, all other options the same
     91For example, if you just want the tau_2/tau_1 value of a jet, using recommended
     92parameter choices, do this:
     94    PseudoJet this_jet = /*from your favorite jet algorithm*/;
     95    double beta = 1.0;
     96    NsubjettinessRatio nSub21(2,1,
     97                              OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes(),
     98                              UnnormalizedMeasure(beta));
     99    double tau21 = nSub21(this_jet);
    67102AxesDefinition  [NjettinessDefinition.hh]
    72107recommended. Arguments in parentheses are parameters that the user must set.
    74 Axes can be found using standard recursive clustering procedures.  New is the
    75 option to use the "winner-take-all" recombination scheme:
    76 (*) KT_Axes           // exclusive kt axes
    77     CA_Axes           // exclusive ca axes
    78     AntiKT_Axes(R0)   // inclusive hardest axes with antikt, R0 = radius
    79 (*) WTA_KT_Axes       // exclusive kt with winner-take-all recombination
    80     WTA_CA_Axes       // exclusive ca with winner-take-all recombination
    82 One can also run a minimization routine to find a (local) minimum of
    83 N-(sub)jettiness:
     109Axes can be found using standard recursive clustering procedures.  New in v2 is
     110the option to use the "winner-take-all" recombination scheme:
     111(*) KT_Axes          // exclusive kt axes
     112    CA_Axes          // exclusive ca axes
     113    AntiKT_Axes(R0)  // inclusive hardest axes with antikt, R0 = radius
     114(*) WTA_KT_Axes      // exclusive kt with winner-take-all recombination
     115    WTA_CA_Axes      // exclusive ca with winner-take-all recombination
     117New in v2.2 are generalized recombination/clustering schemes:
     118    GenET_GenKT_Axes(delta, p, R0 = inf)
     119    WTA_GenKT_Axes(p, R0 = inf)
     120    GenKT_Axes(p, R0 = inf)
     121Here, delta > 0 labels the generalized ET recombination scheme (delta = 1 for
     122standard ET scheme, delta = 2 for ET^2 scheme, delta = infinity for WTA scheme)
     123p >= 0 labels the generalized KT clustering metric (p = 0 for ca, p = 1 for kt),
     124R0 is the radius parameter, and the clustering is run in exclusive mode.  The
     125GenKT_Axes mode uses standard E-scheme recombination.  By default the value of
     126R0 is set to "infinity", namely fastjet::JetDefinition::max_allowable_R.
     128Also new in v2.2 is option of identifying nExtra axes through exclusive
     129clustering and then looking at all (N + nExtra) choose N axes and finding the
     130one that gives the smallest N-(sub)jettiness value:
     131    Comb_GenET_GenKT_Axes(nExtra, delta, p, R0 = inf)
     132    Comb_WTA_GenKT_Axes(nExtra, p, R0 = inf)
     133    Comb_GenKT_Axes(nExtra, p, R0 = inf)
     134These modes are not recommended for reasons of speed.
     136Starting from any set of seed axes, one can run a minimization routine to find
     137a (local) minimum of N-(sub)jettiness.  Note that the one-pass minimization
     138routine is tied to the choice of MeasureDefinition.
    84139(*) OnePass_KT_Axes          // one-pass minimization from kt starting point
    85140    OnePass_CA_Axes          // one-pass min. from ca starting point
    87142(*) OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes      // one-pass min. from wta_kt starting point
    88143    OnePass_WTA_CA_Axes      // one-pass min. from wta_ca starting point
    90 In general, it is difficult to finding the global minimum, but this mode
    91 attempts to do so
    92     MultiPass_Axes(Npass)    // axes that (attempt to) minimize N-subjettiness
    93                              // (NPass = 100 is typical)
     144    OnePass_GenET_GenKT_Axes(delta, p, R0 = inf) // one-pass min. from GenET/KT
     145    OnePass_WTA_GenKT_Axes(p, R0 = inf)          // one-pass min from WTA/GenKT
     146    OnePass_GenKT_Axes(p, R0 = inf)              // one-pass min from GenKT
     148For one-pass minimization, OnePass_CA_Axes and OnePass_WTA_CA_Axes are not
     149recommended as they provide a poor choice of seed axes.
     151In general, it is difficult to find the global minimum, but this mode attempts
     152to do so:
     153    MultiPass_Axes(NPass) // axes that (attempt to) minimize N-subjettiness
     154                          // (NPass = 100 is typical)
     155This does multi-pass minimization from KT_Axes starting points.
    95157Finally, one can set manual axes:
    96     Manual_Axes          // set your own axes with setAxes()
    97     OnePass_Manual_Axes  // one-pass minimization from manual starting point
     158    Manual_Axes              // set your own axes with setAxes()
     159    OnePass_Manual_Axes      // one-pass minimization from manual starting point
     160    MultiPass_Manual_Axes(Npass) // multi-pass min. from manual
     162If one wants to change the number of passes used by any of the axes finders, one
     163can call the function
     164    setNPass(NPass,nAttempts,accuracy,noise_range)
     165where NPass = 0 only uses the seed axes, NPass = 1 is one-pass minimization, and
     166NPass = 100 is the default multi-pass.  nAttempts is the number of iterations to
     167use in each pass, accuracy is how close to the minimum one tries to get, and
     168noise_range is how much in rapidity/azimuth the random axes are jiggled.
    99170For most cases, running with OnePass_KT_Axes or OnePass_WTA_KT_Axes gives
    100171reasonable results (and the results are IRC safe).  Because it uses random
    101 number seeds, MultiPass_Axes is not IRC safe (and the code is rather slow).  Note
    102 that for the minimization routines, beta = 1.1 is faster than beta = 1, with
    103 comparable performance.
     172number seeds, MultiPass_Axes is not IRC safe (and the code is rather slow).
     173Note that for the minimization routines, beta = 1.1 is faster than beta = 1,
     174with comparable performance.
    109 At the moment, there are only a few measures.  Note that each one has a
    110 different number of parameters.  The one indicated by (*)
    111 is the one recommended for use by users new to Nsubjettiness.
     180The value of N-(sub)jettiness depends crucially on the choice of measure.  Each
     181measure has a different number of parameters, so one has to be careful when
     182switching between measures  The one indicated by (*) is the one recommended for
     183use by users new to Nsubjettiness.
    113185The original N-subjettiness measures are:
    122194    UnnormalizedCutoffMeasure(beta,Rcutoff)  //unnormalized measure with
    123195                                             //additional Rcutoff
    125 In beta testing are "geometric" measures where distances are measured using the
    126 Lorentz dot product (N.B. the formula for the geometric measure is likely to
    127 change since there should be separate beam and jet beta factors.)
    128     GeometricMeasure(beta)               //geometric measure with exponent beta
    129     GeometricCutoffMeasure(beta,Rcutoff) //geometric measure with Rcutoff
     197For all of the above measures, there is an optional argument to change from the
     198ordinary pt_R distance measure recommended for pp collisions to an
     199E_theta distance measure recommended for ee collisions.  There are also
     200lorentz_dot and perp_lorentz_dot distance measures recommended only for
     201advanced users.
     203New for v2.2 is a set of measures defined in arXiv:1508.01516.  First, there is
     204the "conical measure":
     206    ConicalMeasure(beta,R0) // same jets as UnnormalizedCutoffMeasure
     207                            // but differs in normalization and specifics
     208                            // of one-pass minimization
     210Next, there is the geometric measure (as well as a modified version to yield
     211more conical jet regions):
     213    OriginalGeometricMeasure(R) // not recommended for analysis
     214    ModifiedGeometricMeasure(R)
     216(Prior to v2.2, there was a "GeometricMeasure" which unfortunately had the wrong
     217definition.  These have been commented out in the code as
     218"DeprecatedGeometricMeasure" and "DeprecatedGeometricCutoffMeasure", but they
     219should not be used.)
     221Next, there is a "conical geometric" measure:
     223    ConicalGeometricMeasure(beta, gamma, Rcutoff)
     225This is a hybrid between the conical and geometric measures and is the basis for
     226the XCone jet algorithm.  Finally, setting to the gamma = 1 default gives the
     227XCone default measure, which is used in the XConePlugin jet finder
     229(*)  XConeMeasure(beta,Rcutoff)
     231where beta = 2 is the recommended default value and beta = 1 is the recoil-free
    139242beta = 1:  aka broadening/girth/width measure
     243   the axes behave like the "median" in that they point to the hardest cluster
    140244   wta_kt_axes are approximately the same as minimizing beta = 1 measure
    142246beta = 2:  aka thrust/mass measure
     247   the axes behave like the "mean" in that they point along the jet momentum
    143248   kt_axes are approximately the same as minimizing beta = 2 measure
    151 TauComponents  [MeasureFunction.hh]
    152 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    154 For most users, they will only need the value of N-subjettiness (i.e. tau)
    155 itself.  For advanced users, they can access individual tau components (i.e.
    156 the individual numerator pieces, the denominator, etc.) 
    158    TauComponents tauComp = nSub.component_result(jet);
    159    vector<double> numer = tauComp.jet_pieces_numerator(); //tau for each subjet
    160    double denom = tauComp.denominator();  //normalization factor
    162 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    163 WinnerTakeAllRecombiner  [WinnerTakeAllRecombiner.hh]
    164 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    166 New for version 2.0 of Nsubjettiness are winner-take-all axes.  They are found
    167 with the help of the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner. This class defines a new
    168 recombination scheme for clustering particles. This scheme recombines two
    169 PseudoJets into a PseudoJet with pT of the sum of the two input PseudoJet pTs
    170 and direction of the harder PseudoJet.  This is a "recoil-free" recombination
    171 scheme that guarantees that the axes is aligned with one of the input particles.
    172 It is IRC safe.  Axes found with the standard E-scheme recombiner at similar to
    173 the beta = 2 minimization, while winner-take-all is similar to the beta = 1
    174 measure.
    176 Note that the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner can be used outside of Nsubjettiness
    177 itself for jet finding.  For example, the direction of anti-kT jets found
    178 with the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner is particularly robust against soft jet
    179 contamination.
     256XConePlugin  [XConePlugin.hh]
     259The XCone FastJet plugin is an exclusive cone jet finder which yields a
     260fixed N number of jets which approximately conical boundaries. The algorithm
     261finds N axes, and jets are simply the sum of particles closest to a given axis
     262(or unclustered if they are closest to the beam).  Unlike the NjettinessPlugin
     263below, the user is restricted to using the XConeMeasure.
     265   XConePlugin plugin(N,R,beta=2);
     266   JetDefinition def(&plugin);
     267   ClusterSequence cs(vector<PseudoJet>,def);
     268   vector<PseudoJet> jets = cs.inclusive_jets();
     270Note that despite being an exclusive jet algorithm, one finds the jets using the
     271inclusive_jets() call.
     273The AxesDefinition and MeasureDefinition are defaulted in this measure to
     274OnePass_GenET_GenKT_Axes and XConeMeasure, respectively. The parameters chosen
     275for the OnePass_GenET_GenKT_Axes are defined according to the chosen value of
     276beta as delta = 1/(beta - 1) and p = 1/beta. These have been shown to give the
     277optimal choice of seed axes. The R value for finding the axes is chosen to be
     278the same as the R for the jet algorithm, although in principle, these two radii
     279could be different.
     281N.B.:  The order of the R, beta arguments is *reversed* from the XConeMeasure
     282itself, since this ordering is the more natural one to use for Plugins.  We
     283apologize in advance for any confusion this might cause.
    185 The Njettiness FastJet plugin represents an exclusive jet finder (yielding a
    186 fixed N number of jets). The algorithm finds N axes, and jets are simply the sum
    187 of particles closest to a given axis (or unclustered if they are closest to the
    188 beam).  The axes finding methods and measures are the same as for Nsubjettiness.
     289Same as the XConePlugin, but the axes finding methods and measures are the same
     290as for Nsubjettiness, allowing more flexibility.
    190292   NjettinessPlugin plugin(N, AxesDefinition, MeasureDefinition);
    193295   vector<PseudoJet> jets = cs.inclusive_jets();
    195 Note that despite being an exclusive jet algorithm, one finds the jets using the
    196 inclusive_jets() call.
    199298Very Advanced Usage:  Njettiness  [Njettiness.hh]
    202301Most users will want to use the Nsubjettiness or NjettinessPlugin classes to
    203302access N-(sub)jettiness information.  For direct access to the Njettiness class,
    204 one can use Njettiness.hh directly. This class is still evolving, so users who
    205 wish to extend its functionality should contact the authors first.
     303one can use Njettiness.hh directly. This class is in constant evolution, so
     304users who wish to extend its functionality should contact the authors first.
     307TauComponents  [MeasureDefinition.hh]
     310For most users, they will only need the value of N-subjettiness (i.e. tau)
     311itself.  For advanced users, they can access individual tau components (i.e.
     312the individual numerator pieces, the denominator, etc.) 
     314   TauComponents tauComp = nSub.component_result(jet);
     315   vector<double> numer = tauComp.jet_pieces_numerator(); //tau for each subjet
     316   double denom = tauComp.denominator();  //normalization factor
     319Extra Recombiners  [ExtraRecombiners.hh]
     322New in v2.0 are winner-take-all axes.  (These have now been included in
     323FastJet 3.1, but we have left the code here to allow the plugin to work under
     324FJ 3.0).  These axes are found with the help of the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner.
     325This class defines a new recombination scheme for clustering particles. This
     326scheme recombines two PseudoJets into a PseudoJet with pT of the sum of the two
     327input PseudoJet pTs and direction of the harder PseudoJet.  This is a
     328"recoil-free" recombination scheme that guarantees that the axes is aligned with
     329one of the input particles. It is IRC safe.  Axes found with the standard
     330E-scheme recombiner at similar to the beta = 2 minimization, while
     331winner-take-all is similar to the beta = 1 measure.
     333New in v2.2 is the GeneralEtSchemeRecombiner, as defined in arxiv:1506.XXXX.
     334This functions similarly to the Et-scheme defined in Fastjet, but the reweighting
     335of the sum of rap and phi is parameterized by an exponent delta. Thus, delta = 1
     336is the normal Et-scheme recombination, delta = 2 is Et^2 recombination, and
     337delta = infinity is the winner-take-all recombination. This recombination scheme
     338is used in GenET_GenKT_Axes, and we find that optimal seed axes for minimization
     339can be found by using delta = 1/(beta - 1).
     341Note that the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner can be used outside of Nsubjettiness
     342itself for jet finding.  For example, the direction of anti-kT jets found
     343with the WinnerTakeAllRecombiner is particularly robust against soft jet
     344contamination.  That said, this functionality is now included in FJ 3.1, so this
     345code is likely to be deprecated in a future version.
    215 AxesFinder.hh:
    217 The AxesFinder class (and derived classes) defines the axes used in the
     357The AxesDefinition class (and derived classes) defines the axes used in the
    218358calculation of N-(sub)jettiness.  These axes can be defined from the exclusive
    219359jets from a kT or CA algorithm, the hardest jets from an anti-kT algorithm,
    225 MeasureFunction.hh:
    227 The MeasureFunction class (and derived classes) defines the measure by which
     367The MeasureDefinition class (and derived classes) defines the measure by which
    228368N-(sub)jettiness is calculated. This measure is calculated between each
    229369particle and its corresponding axis, and then summed and normalized to
    232372and its axis, and beta is the angular exponent.  Again, in the future the user
    233373will be able to write their own measures, but for the time being, only the
    234 predefined MeasureDefinition values should be used.
     374predefined MeasureDefinition values should be used.  Note that the one-pass
     375minimization algorithms are defined within MeasureDefinition, since they are
     376measure specific.
    240382-- The MultiPass_Axes mode gives different answers on different runs, since
    241383   random numbers are used.
    242 -- In rare cases, one pass minimization can give a larger value of Njettiness
    243    than without minimization.
     384-- For the default measures, in rare cases, one pass minimization can give a
     385   larger value of Njettiness than without minimization. The reason is due
     386   to the fact that axes in default measure are not defined as light-like
    244387-- Nsubjettiness is not thread safe, since there are mutables in Njettiness.
     388-- If the AxesDefinition does not find N axes, then it adds zero vectors to the
     389   list of axes to get the total up to N.  This can lead to unpredictable
     390   results (including divide by zero issues), and a warning is thrown to alert
     391   the user.
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