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Oct 18, 2014, 12:27:15 PM (10 years ago)
Christophe Delaere <christophe.delaere@…>
ImprovedOutputFile, Timing, dual_readout, llp, master

Code reorganization

Moved the methods that read branches to the correponding BranchElements.

1 edited


  • display/

    r400597a r4fd37d4  
    1919#include "display/DelphesBranchElement.h"
     20#include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"
     21#include "TEveJetCone.h"
     22#include "TEveTrack.h"
     23#include "TEveTrackPropagator.h"
     24#include "TEveArrow.h"
     25#include "TEveVector.h"
     26#include <iostream>
    2128// special case for calo towers
    22 template<> DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
    23       if(TString(type)=="tower") {
    24         data_ = new DelphesCaloData(2);
    25         data_->RefSliceInfo(0).Setup("ECAL", 0.1, kRed);
    26         data_->RefSliceInfo(1).Setup("HCAL", 0.1, kBlue);
    27         data_->IncDenyDestroy();
    28       } else {
    29         throw std::exception();
    30       }
    31     }
     29template<> DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, TClonesArray* branch, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, branch, color) {
     30    data_ = new DelphesCaloData(2);
     31    data_->RefSliceInfo(0).Setup("ECAL", 0.1, kRed);
     32    data_->RefSliceInfo(1).Setup("HCAL", 0.1, kBlue);
     33    data_->IncDenyDestroy();
    3235template<> void DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::Reset() { data_->ClearTowers(); }
     36template<> void DelphesBranchElement<DelphesCaloData>::ReadBranch() {
     37  if(TString(GetType())=="Tower") {
     38    // Loop over all towers
     39    TIter itTower(branch_);
     40    Tower *tower;
     41    while((tower = (Tower *) itTower.Next())) {
     42      data_->AddTower(tower->Edges[0], tower->Edges[1], tower->Edges[2], tower->Edges[3]);
     43      data_->FillSlice(0, tower->Eem);
     44      data_->FillSlice(1, tower->Ehad);
     45    }
     46    data_->DataChanged();
     47  }
    3450// special case for element lists
    35 template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
    36       if(TString(type)=="vector" || TString(type)=="jet") {
    37         data_ = new TEveElementList(name);
    38         data_->SetMainColor(color_);
    39       } else {
    40         throw std::exception();
    41       }
    42     }
     51template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, TClonesArray* branch, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, branch, color) {
     52    data_ = new TEveElementList(name);
     53    data_->SetMainColor(color_);
    4355template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::Reset() { data_->DestroyElements(); }
     56template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveElementList>::ReadBranch() {
     57  if(TString(GetType())=="Jet") {
     58    TIter itJet(branch_);
     59    Jet *jet;
     60    TEveJetCone *eveJetCone;
     61    // Loop over all jets
     62    Int_t counter = 0;
     63    while((jet = (Jet *) itJet.Next())) {
     64      eveJetCone = new TEveJetCone();
     65      eveJetCone->SetTitle(Form("jet [%d]: Pt=%f, Eta=%f, \nPhi=%f, M=%f",counter,jet->PT, jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->Mass));
     66      eveJetCone->SetName(Form("jet [%d]", counter++));
     67      eveJetCone->SetMainTransparency(60);
     68      eveJetCone->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     69      eveJetCone->SetFillColor(GetColor());
     70      eveJetCone->SetCylinder(tkRadius_ - 10, tkHalfLength_ - 10);
     71      eveJetCone->SetPickable(kTRUE);
     72      eveJetCone->AddEllipticCone(jet->Eta, jet->Phi, jet->DeltaEta, jet->DeltaPhi);
     73      data_->AddElement(eveJetCone);
     74    }
     75  } else if(TString(GetType())=="MissingET") {
     76    TIter itMet(branch_);
     77    MissingET *MET;
     78    TEveArrow *eveMet;
     79    // Missing Et
     80    Double_t maxPt = 50.;
     81    // TODO to be changed as we don't have access to maxPt anymore. MET scale could be a general parameter set in GUI
     82    while((MET = (MissingET*) itMet.Next())) {
     83      eveMet = new TEveArrow((tkRadius_ * MET->MET/maxPt)*cos(MET->Phi), (tkRadius_ * MET->MET/maxPt)*sin(MET->Phi), 0., 0., 0., 0.);
     84      eveMet->SetMainColor(GetColor());
     85      eveMet->SetTubeR(0.04);
     86      eveMet->SetConeR(0.08);
     87      eveMet->SetConeL(0.10);
     88      eveMet->SetPickable(kTRUE);
     89      eveMet->SetName("Missing Et");
     90      eveMet->SetTitle(Form("Missing Et (%.1f GeV)",MET->MET));
     91      data_->AddElement(eveMet);
     92    }
     93  }
    4596// special case for track lists
    46 template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, const char*type, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, type, color) {
    47         data_ = new TEveTrackList(name);
    48         data_->SetMainColor(color_);
    49         data_->SetMarkerColor(color_);
    50         data_->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
    51         data_->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
    52     }
     97template<> DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::DelphesBranchElement(const char* name, TClonesArray* branch, const enum EColor color):DelphesBranchBase(name, branch, color) {
     98  data_ = new TEveTrackList(name);
     99  data_->SetMainColor(color_);
     100  data_->SetMarkerColor(color_);
     101  data_->SetMarkerStyle(kCircle);
     102  data_->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
     104template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::SetTrackingVolume(Float_t r, Float_t l, Float_t Bz) {
     105  tkRadius_ = r;
     106  tkHalfLength_ = l;
     107  tk_Bz_ = Bz;
     108  TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = data_->GetPropagator();
     109  trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz_);
     110  trkProp->SetMaxR(tkRadius_);
     111  trkProp->SetMaxZ(tkHalfLength_);
    53113template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::Reset() { data_->DestroyElements(); }
     114template<> void DelphesBranchElement<TEveTrackList>::ReadBranch() {
     115  TString type = GetType();
     116  TIter itTrack(branch_);
     117  Int_t counter = 0;
     118  TEveTrack *eveTrack;
     119  TEveTrackPropagator *trkProp = data_->GetPropagator();
     120  trkProp->SetMagField(0., 0., -tk_Bz_);
     121  trkProp->SetMaxR(tkRadius_);
     122  trkProp->SetMaxZ(tkHalfLength_);
     123  if(type=="Track") { // CASE 1: TRACKS
     124    Track *track;
     125    while((track = (Track *) itTrack.Next())) {
     126      TParticle pb(track->PID, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     127                   track->P4().Px(), track->P4().Py(),
     128                   track->P4().Pz(), track->P4().E(),
     129                   track->X, track->Y, track->Z, 0.0);
     130      eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
     131      eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
     132      eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
     133      eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(data_);
     134      data_->AddElement(eveTrack);
     135      eveTrack->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     136      eveTrack->MakeTrack();
     137    }
     138  } else if(type=="Electron") { // CASE 2: ELECTRONS
     139    Electron *electron;
     140    while((electron = (Electron *) itTrack.Next())) {
     141      TParticle pb(electron->Charge<0?11:-11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     142                   electron->P4().Px(), electron->P4().Py(),
     143                   electron->P4().Pz(), electron->P4().E(),
     144                   0., 0., 0., 0.);
     145      eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
     146      eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
     147      eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
     148      eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(data_);
     149      data_->AddElement(eveTrack);
     150      eveTrack->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     151      eveTrack->MakeTrack();
     152    }
     153  } else if(type=="Muon") { // CASE 3: MUONS
     154    Muon *muon;
     155    while((muon = (Muon *) itTrack.Next())) {
     156      TParticle pb(muon->Charge<0?13:-13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     157                   muon->P4().Px(), muon->P4().Py(),
     158                   muon->P4().Pz(), muon->P4().E(),
     159                   0., 0., 0., 0.);
     160      eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
     161      eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
     162      eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
     163      eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(data_);
     164      data_->AddElement(eveTrack);
     165      eveTrack->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     166      eveTrack->MakeTrack();
     167    }
     168  } else if(type=="Photon") { // CASE 4: PHOTONS
     169    Photon *photon;
     170    while((photon = (Photon *) itTrack.Next())) {
     171      TParticle pb(22, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     172                   photon->P4().Px(), photon->P4().Py(),
     173                   photon->P4().Pz(), photon->P4().E(),
     174                   0., 0., 0., 0.);
     175      eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
     176      eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
     177      eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
     178      eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(data_);
     179      eveTrack->SetLineStyle(7);
     180      data_->AddElement(eveTrack);
     181      eveTrack->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     182      eveTrack->MakeTrack();
     183    }
     184  } else if(type=="GenParticle") { // CASE 5: GENPARTICLES
     185    GenParticle *particle;
     186    while((particle = (GenParticle *) itTrack.Next())) {
     187      TParticle pb(particle->PID, particle->Status, particle->M1, particle->M2, particle->D1, particle->D2,
     188                   particle->P4().Px(), particle->P4().Py(),
     189                   particle->P4().Pz(), particle->P4().E(),
     190                   particle->X, particle->Y, particle->Z, particle->T);
     191      eveTrack = new TEveTrack(&pb, counter, trkProp);
     192      eveTrack->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", pb.GetName(), counter++));
     193      eveTrack->SetStdTitle();
     194      eveTrack->SetAttLineAttMarker(data_);
     195      data_->AddElement(eveTrack);
     196      eveTrack->SetLineColor(GetColor());
     197      if(particle->Charge==0) eveTrack->SetLineStyle(7);
     198      eveTrack->MakeTrack();
     199    }
     200  }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.