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Feb 11, 2009, 10:22:30 AM (16 years ago)
Xavier Rouby

first test 2.0

1 edited


  • trunk/Utilities/ExRootAnalysis/interface/BlockClasses.h

    r220 r264  
    1313 *  present in the data members of the Block TRoot class.
    1414 *
    15  *  $Date: 2009-02-02 11:32:12 $
    16  *  $Revision: 1.11 $
     15 *  $Date: 2009-02-11 09:19:14 $
     16 *  $Revision: 1.12 $
    1717 *
    1818 * 
    2424#include "TObject.h"
    2525#include "BlockCompare.h"
     26#include "interface/D_Constants.h"
     27#include "interface/CaloUtil.h"
    2729class TSortableObject: public TObject
    147149  float Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV
    149   float PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV
    150151  float Eta; // particle pseudorapidity 
    151152  float Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad
     154  float EtaCalo; // particle pseudorapidity when entering the calo,
     155  float PhiCalo; // particle azimuthal angle in rad when entering the calo
    153157  void Set(const TLorentzVector& momentum);
    154158  void Set(const float px, const float py, const float pz, const float e);
    155   static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
    156   const TCompare *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     159  void SetEtaPhi(const float eta, const float phi) {Eta=eta; Phi=phi;};
     160  void SetEtaPhiCalo(const float eta, const float phi) {EtaCalo=eta; PhiCalo=phi;};
     161  void SetEtaPhiEET(const float eta, const float phi, const float e, const float et);
     162  static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     163  const TCompare *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     164  //void SetEem_Ehad(const float sE_em, const float sE_had) {} ; // sets E_em and E_had, computes E and ET
     165  float PT; // particle transverse momentum in GeV
     166  //const float getEtaGen() const {return _EtaGen;}
     167  //const float getPhiGen() const {return _PhiGen;}
     171  //float EGen, _EtaGen, _PhiGen; // from the generator: energy, eta, phi
    158173  ClassDef(TRootParticle, 1)
    167   TRootGenParticle() {};
     182  TRootGenParticle() {_initialised=false;}
    168183  int PID; // particle HEP ID number [RawHepEventParticle::pid()]
    169184  int Status; // particle status [RawHepEventParticle::status()]
    172187  int D1; // particle 1st daughter [RawHepEventParticle::daughter1() - 1]
    173188  int D2; // particle 2nd daughter [RawHepEventParticle::daughter2() - 1]
    174   float Charge; // electrical charge
    176190  float T; // particle vertex position (t component) [RawHepEventParticle::t()]
    179193  float Z; // particle vertex position (z component) [RawHepEventParticle::z()]
    180194  float M;
    181   static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     195  void setFractions();
     196  const float getCharge() const {return Charge;};
     197  const float getFem()  {if(!_initialised) setFractions(); return _Fem;}
     198  const float getFhad() {if(!_initialised) setFractions(); return _Fhad;}
     200  float Charge;      // electrical charge
     202  static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     203 protected:
     204  float _Fem, _Fhad; // fractions of energy deposit
     205  bool _initialised;
    183206  ClassDef(TRootGenParticle, 1)
    227 class TRootTracks: public TRootParticle
    228 {
    229 public:
    230   TRootTracks() : Etaout(0), Phiout(0) {};
    231   static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     251class D_Track : public TSortableObject {
     252//class D_Track : public TRootParticle {
     253 public:
     254    D_Track(); // needed for storage in ExRootAnalysis
     255    D_Track(const D_Track& track);
     256    D_Track(const float inEta, const float inPhi, const float outEta, const float outPhi, const float pt);
     257    D_Track& operator=(const D_Track& track);
     258    void Set(const float inEta, const float inPhi, const float outEta, const float outPhi, const float pt);
     259    const TLorentzVector GetFourVector() const;
     260    const float getEta() const {return Eta;}
     261    const float getPhi() const {return Phi;}
     262    const float getEtaOuter() const {return EtaOuter;}
     263    const float getPhiOuter() const {return PhiOuter;}
     264    const float getE() const {return E;}
     265    const float getPx() const {return Px;}
     266    const float getPy() const {return Py;}
     267    const float getPz() const {return Pz;}
     268    const float getPT() const {return PT;}
     270  static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     271  const TCompare *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     272 protected:
     273    float Eta, Phi; // (eta,phi) at the beginning of the track
     274    float EtaOuter, PhiOuter; // (eta,phi) at the end of the track
     275    float PT, E, Px, Py, Pz;  // transverse momentum
     276 ClassDef(D_Track, 1)
     280class TRootTracks: public TRootParticle  {
     282  TRootTracks() {} // : Etaout(0), Phiout(0) {};
     283  static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     284  TRootTracks(const D_Track& track);
     285  float E;  // particle energy in GeV
     286  float Px; // particle momentum vector (x component) in GeV
     287  float Py; // particle momentum vector (y component) in GeV
     288  float Pz; // particle momentum vector (z component) in GeV
     290  float Eta; // particle pseudorapidity
     291  float Phi; // particle azimuthal angle in rad
     293  float EtaCalo; // particle pseudorapidity when entering the calo,
     294  float PhiCalo; // particle azimuthal angle in rad when entering the calo
    233295//  float X, Y, Z; // coordinates of the beginning of the track
    234296//  float Xout, Yout, Zout; // coordinates of the end of the track
    235   float Etaout, Phiout; // coordinates of the end of the track
     297  //float Etaout, Phiout; // coordinates of the end of the track
    236298//  void SetPosition(const float x, const float y, const float z) {X=x; Y=y; Z=z;}
    237299//  void SetPositionOut(const float x, const float y, const float z) {Xout=x; Yout=y; Zout=z;}
    243 class TRootCalo: public TRootParticle
    244 {
     305/*class TRootCalo: public TRootParticle
    246307  TRootCalo() {};
    249310  ClassDef(TRootCalo, 1)
     314//class TRootCalo: public TSortableObject {
     315class TRootCalo: public TRootParticle {
     316 public:
     317   TRootCalo() ;
     318   TRootCalo(const TRootCalo& cal);
     319   TRootCalo& operator=(const TRootCalo& cal);
     320   void set(const D_CaloTower&  cal);
     321   static TCompare *fgCompare; //!
     322 //  const TCompare *GetCompare() const { return fgCompare; }
     323   const float getET() const {return ET;}
     325 protected:
     326    //float Eta, Phi;    // segmented eta, phi
     327    float E_em, E_had; // electromagnetic and hadronic components of the tower energy
     328    //float E;
     329    float ET;       // total energy and transverse energy   
     330   ClassDef(TRootCalo, 1)
    342 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    344423#endif // BLOCKCLASSES_H
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