1 | //
2 | #ifndef G__SOLTRK_H
3 | #define G__SOLTRK_H
4 | //
5 | #include <TMath.h>
6 | #include <TVector3.h>
7 | #include <TMatrixDSym.h>
8 | #include "SolGeom.h"
9 | #include "TrkUtil.h"
10 | #include <TGraph.h>
11 | //
12 | //
13 | // Class to store track information
14 | // Assumes that the geometry has been initialized
15 | //
16 | class SolTrack: public TrkUtil
17 | {
18 | //
19 | // Track handling class
20 | // Assume tracks originate from (0,0) for the time being
21 | //
22 | private:
23 | Int_t fNl; // Actual number of layers
24 | SolGeom *fG; // Geometry
25 | Double_t fp[3]; // px, py, pz momentum
26 | Double_t fx[3]; // x, y, z track origin
27 | Double_t fpar[5]; // D, phi0, C, z0, cot(theta)
28 | //
29 | TMatrixDSym fCov; // Full covariance matrix
30 | //
31 | //
32 | public:
33 | //
34 | // Constructors
35 | SolTrack(Double_t *x, Double_t *p, SolGeom *G);
36 | SolTrack(TVector3 x, TVector3 p, SolGeom* G);
37 | SolTrack(Double_t D, Double_t phi0, Double_t C, Double_t z0, Double_t ct, SolGeom *G);
38 | // Destructor
39 | ~SolTrack();
40 | // Accessors
41 | // Position (at minimum approach)
42 | Double_t x() { return fx[0]; }
43 | Double_t y() { return fx[1]; }
44 | Double_t z() { return fx[2]; }
45 | // Momentum (at minimum approach)
46 | Double_t px() { return fp[0]; }
47 | Double_t py() { return fp[1]; }
48 | Double_t pz() { return fp[2]; }
49 | Double_t pt() { return TMath::Sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1]); }
50 | Double_t p() { return TMath::Sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1] + fp[2] * fp[2]); }
51 | // Track parameters
52 | Double_t D() { return fpar[0]; }
53 | Double_t phi0() { return fpar[1]; }
54 | Double_t C() { return fpar[2]; }
55 | Double_t z0() { return fpar[3]; }
56 | Double_t ct() { return fpar[4]; }
57 | // Covariance
58 | TMatrixDSym Cov() { return fCov; }
59 | // Track parameter covariance calculation
60 | void CovCalc(Bool_t Res, Bool_t MS);
61 | // Parameter errors
62 | Double_t s_D() { return TMath::Sqrt(fCov(0, 0)); }
63 | Double_t s_phi0() { return TMath::Sqrt(fCov(1, 1)); }
64 | Double_t s_C() { return TMath::Sqrt(fCov(2, 2)); }
65 | Double_t s_pt() { return 2 * s_C()*pt() / (0.2998*fG->B()); } // Dpt/pt
66 | Double_t s_z0() { return TMath::Sqrt(fCov(3, 3)); }
67 | Double_t s_ct() { return TMath::Sqrt(fCov(4, 4)); }
68 | //
69 | // Track hit management
70 | Int_t nHit();
71 | Int_t nmHit();
72 | Bool_t HitLayer(Int_t Layer, Double_t &R, Double_t &phi, Double_t &zz);
73 | Int_t HitList(Int_t *&ihh, Double_t *&rhh, Double_t *&zhh);
74 | Int_t HitListXYZ(Int_t *&ihh, Double_t *&Xh, Double_t *&Yh, Double_t *&Zh);
75 | //
76 | // Track graph
77 | TGraph *TrkPlot(); // Graph with R-z plot of track trajectory
78 | //
79 | // Make normalized matrix positive definite
80 | TMatrixDSym MakePosDef(TMatrixDSym NormMat);
81 | };
82 | //
83 | #endif