[1150871] | 1 | 3.0.12:
| 2 | updated FastJet library to 3.0.6
| 3 | added smearing of (z,t) vertex distribution in the PileUpMerger module
| 4 | propagation time computed for every output collection
| 5 | added TimeSmearing module (for propagation time measurement)
| 6 | added PileUpJetId module (thanks to Seth Senz)
| 7 |
[0d800ef] | 8 | 3.0.11:
| 9 | new energy-flow algorithm, optimized for better compatibility with pile-up subtraction
| 10 | added possibility of computing pile-up density in different eta regions via the RhoEtaRange parameter in FastJetFinder module
| 11 | implemented correct efficiency/resolution for high pt muons in CMS cards
| 12 | removed pile-up subtraction on missing energy
| 13 | added possibility to read re-weighting information from LHEF input files
| 14 | added UsePTSum and PTSumMax parameters to isolation module
| 15 | added possibility of specifying the shape of pile-up distribution (via the PileUpDistribution parameter in the PileUpMerger module)
| 16 | added pile-up Vertex collection to the output tree
| 17 |
[0a0a5ef] | 18 | 3.0.10:
[8560904] | 19 | new readers (DelphesProMC.cpp, DelphesProMC.py (#220), DelphesPythia8)
| 20 | new modules (EnergyScale, PileUpMergerPythia8, Weighter)
[d4f6e4a] | 21 | new module parameters (absolute/relative isolation (#187), flat/poisson pile-up distribution)
[8560904] | 22 | new global parameters (max number of events, skip events (#183), random seed (#202))
| 23 | new branches (pile-up event density rho, MC event weight)
| 24 | updated CMS and ALTAS detector cards (and added ATLAS pile-up detector card)
| 25 | calorimeter smearing is now performed according to a logNormal distribution
[d4f6e4a] | 26 | improved particle-flow algorithm (#204)
[8560904] | 27 | added calculation of particle propagation time in the tracker
| 28 | fixed tau-jet matching by only considering visible hadronic tau (#208)
[2eb3782] | 29 | read masses from MC event file (#195, #201)
[8560904] | 30 | bug fixes in DelphesCMSFWLite (#196)
| 31 | compilable analysis macro examples (#182)
| 32 | ability to read MC re-weighting information from LHE files
| 33 |
| 34 | 3.0.9:
| 35 | fixed reading of weighted STDHEP events (#181)
| 36 | fixed script building Delphes with CMSFWLite (#180)
| 37 | added more particles to StatusPidFilter (#179)
| 38 |
| 39 | 3.0.8:
| 40 | fixed treatment of units in HepMC format (#175)
| 41 | added Weight to HepMCEvent branch to store the event weight (#173)
| 42 | added Rho branch to store the rho energy density (#176)
| 43 | added random rotation of pile-up events around the z-axis
| 44 |
| 45 | 3.0.7:
| 46 | added separate make rule for the event display to fix the compilation problem for systems without OpenGL libraries (#168, #127)
| 47 | added Cloner module
[0d800ef] | 48 | modified BTagging module (several BTagging bits can be stored for the same jet collection, see here)