Andrew Miller
Former member
Member from January 2020 to November 2025
Member from January 2020 to November 2025
Research directions:
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Non-active projects
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Virgo - data analysis - searches with continuous gravitational waves
Giacomo Bruno, Antoine Depasse
Asymmetrically rotating neutron stars (NS) are the canonical sources of continuous gravitational
waves, which is the name given to long-duration, almost monochromatic GW signals. There has
been a growing number of other sources of similar signals, which are in general very weak, but
because they are almost monochromatic and of very long duration, they can be integrated over
observation periods lasting up to years and become observable. Sophisticated corrections need to be devised
in order to capture these long and weak signals. These corrections
take into account the deviation from perfect mono-chromaticity of the signal frequency spectrum, which are caused either
by the source dynamics of by the relative movement of the source and the detector.
Our group has been setting up a search for new ultra-light bosons, which could be dark matter (DM) candidates and could accumulate around spinning black holes (BH) via superradiance. In particular, we have been
focusing on the search for vector boson accumulating in known X-ray binaries in our galaxy.
In addition to the movement of the earth, the signal will be modulated by the Doppler effect due to the motion of the source black hole (BH)
around its barycenter.
Our group is also active on studies aiming to detect planetary-mass (10^-7 to 10^-2 M⊙) primordial BHs (PBH) with continuous-wave
methods. The method applies to binary
systems that are still far from the merger and has allowed to constrain the rates and abundance of PBHs in the universe. Limits on the
fraction of DM made of such PBHs (in the galactic halo, in the galactic centre, and in the solar
system vicinity) have also been calculated, for LIGO/Virgo as well as ET.
Ultra-light (10^-13 - 10^-11 eV) bosons could interact with the baryons and leptons in the LIGO/Virgo
mirrors, causing a constant, narrowband signal in the instruments, very similar to a quasi-monochromatic GW.
This project displays synergy between particle physics and GW physics and shows that we can
now directly look for DM candidates with GW instruments. Both short-author list and Collaboration-wide publications have resulted from this project.
Asymmetrically rotating neutron stars (NS) are the canonical sources of continuous gravitational
waves, which is the name given to long-duration, almost monochromatic GW signals. There has
been a growing number of other sources of similar signals, which are in general very weak, but
because they are almost monochromatic and of very long duration, they can be integrated over
observation periods lasting up to years and become observable. Sophisticated corrections need to be devised
in order to capture these long and weak signals. These corrections
take into account the deviation from perfect mono-chromaticity of the signal frequency spectrum, which are caused either
by the source dynamics of by the relative movement of the source and the detector.
Our group has been setting up a search for new ultra-light bosons, which could be dark matter (DM) candidates and could accumulate around spinning black holes (BH) via superradiance. In particular, we have been
focusing on the search for vector boson accumulating in known X-ray binaries in our galaxy.
In addition to the movement of the earth, the signal will be modulated by the Doppler effect due to the motion of the source black hole (BH)
around its barycenter.
Our group is also active on studies aiming to detect planetary-mass (10^-7 to 10^-2 M⊙) primordial BHs (PBH) with continuous-wave
methods. The method applies to binary
systems that are still far from the merger and has allowed to constrain the rates and abundance of PBHs in the universe. Limits on the
fraction of DM made of such PBHs (in the galactic halo, in the galactic centre, and in the solar
system vicinity) have also been calculated, for LIGO/Virgo as well as ET.
Ultra-light (10^-13 - 10^-11 eV) bosons could interact with the baryons and leptons in the LIGO/Virgo
mirrors, causing a constant, narrowband signal in the instruments, very similar to a quasi-monochromatic GW.
This project displays synergy between particle physics and GW physics and shows that we can
now directly look for DM candidates with GW instruments. Both short-author list and Collaboration-wide publications have resulted from this project.
Non-active projects
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 25
Last 5 publications
More publications
Number of publications as IRMP member: 25
Last 5 publications
IRMP-CP3-24-22: Method to search for inspiraling planetary-mass ultra-compact binaries using the generalized frequency-Hough transform in LIGO O3a data
IRMP-CP3-24-18: Gravitational wave constraints on planetary-mass primordial black holes using LIGO O3a data
IRMP-CP3-22-53: Probing Ensemble Properties of Vortex-avalanche Pulsar Glitches with a Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background Search
CP3-22-13: Stochastic gravitational-wave background searches and constraints on neutron-star ellipticity
Federico De Lillo, Jishnu Suresh, Andrew L. Miller
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Available in arxiv, published in MNRAS.
Refereed paper. March 8.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Available in arxiv, published in MNRAS.
Refereed paper. March 8.
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