Description of the UFO models for HECO pair production
High-Electric-Charge Objects (HECOs) can be pair-produced via Drell-Yan and photon-fusion processes. Due to the large coupling, the perturbation theory breaks down. Nevertheless, one can resum the QED corrections at a UV fixed point for high electric charge and mass values.
The UFO models provided here describe both Photon Fusion and Drell-Yan processes, by including such resummation effects for spin-1/2 and 'spin-0 HECOs with electric charge q > 11e. By incorporating the resummation effects into the UFO models, we are able to provide reliable predictions for the production mechanisms under study.
More details on the resummation technique can be found in (spin-1/2) and (spin-0).
For spin-1/2 HECOs:
Two distinct models have been developed:
- γ exchange UFO model: It takes into account the sole contribution from γ exchange, which is suitable for simulating both DY and PF processes.
- γ/Z0 exchange UFO model: This model includes the additional exchange of the Z0 boson in DY production.
For spin-0 HECOs:
A model has been developed:
- γ exchange UFO model: It takes into account the sole contribution from γ exchange.
These UFO models incorporate two new input parameters:
- The multiplicity of the charge n which appears in the coupling definition g = ne, with e being the electron charge
- The cutoff energy scale parameter lambda
These parameters will define the value of the running HECO mass.
Commands for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO
- γ-only exchange
- Drell-Yan
import model heco_spinhalf_photononly ### or heco_spinzero_resum generate p p > heco heco~ output DY_HECO
- Photon-Fusion
import model heco_spinhalf_photononly ### or heco_spinzero_resum generate a a > heco heco~ output PF_HECO
- γ/Z0 exchange (Valid for spin-1/2 only)
- Drell-Yan
import model heco_spinhalf_withZ0 generate p p > heco heco~ output DY_HECO_Z0
Set run card and parameters
launch name_of_theoutput ### replace name_of_theoutput accordingly, i.e. DY_HECO_Z0 set ebeam1 6500 ### beam 1 energy in GeV set ebeam2 6500 ### beam 2 energy in GeV set lpp1 1 ### beam 1 type (1=proton) set lpp2 1 ### beam 2 type (1=proton) set pdlabel lhapdf ### set the pdlabel argument set lhaid 82000 ### set the pdf set set nevents 10000 ### number of events set n 20 ### set the multiplicity of the charge set lambda 1000 ### set the cutoff energy scale in GeV
Attachments (3)
- heco_spinhalf_withZ0.tar.gz (62.5 KB ) - added by 5 months ago.
- heco_spinhalf_photononly.tar.gz (98.1 KB ) - added by 5 months ago.
- heco_spinzero_resum.tar.gz (72.2 KB ) - added by 8 weeks ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip