Changes between Version 83 and Version 84 of ALRM

Apr 29, 2016, 2:48:05 PM (8 years ago)
Mustafa Ashry



  • ALRM

    v83 v84  
    2929Dirac (massive) neutrinos are considered with the mixing MNS matrix implemented with the normal hierarchy. The case of Majorana neutrinos is considered in many other models' files and can be brought to be implemented here easily. Three mixed generations of quarks are considered and hence the general case of the CKM matrix is implemented. In addition, it was considered that the left-right symmetry is manifest, that is the left and right MNS and CKM mixing matrices are coincident. However, this can be generalized directly.
    31 The model contains ten physical Higgs bosons: four neutral ''CP''-even higgs bosons, one (the lightest) of which is fixed to have a mass ''mh''=125 GeV. Four charged Higgs bosons and two CP-odd pseudoscalar Higgs bosons. The mass spectrum is calculated and the rotation matrices are implemented analytically.
     31The model contains ten physical Higgs bosons: four neutral ''CP''-even higgs bosons, one (the lightest) of which is fixed to have a mass ''mh''=125 GeV. Four charged Higgs bosons and two ''CP''-odd pseudoscalar Higgs bosons. The mass spectrum is calculated and the rotation matrices are implemented analytically.
    3333Minimization conditions and spectrum relations are all used to express the whole model parameters and spectra in terms of only five independent (external) parameters: ''tanbeta, lambda_2, lambda_3, alpha_1, alpha_2''. As in any two-Higgs doublet model, e.g., MSSM, ''tanbeta'' is the ratio between two vevs. The parameters ''lambda_2, lambda_3, alpha_1, alpha_2'' are dimensionless potential parameters. The charged Higgs masses are implemented as external parameters.