
Apr 12, 2021:

6:33 PM SMEFTatNLO edited by gdurieux
point to the new 3.1.X series (diff)

Apr 7, 2021:

3:24 PM LeptoQuark edited by JavierFuentes
Updated authors contact details (diff)

Mar 31, 2021:

4:41 PM SimpleExtensions edited by Benjamin Fuks

Mar 24, 2021:

9:22 PM SMWeinbergNLO_4FS.tgz attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
NLO UFO model file, nf=4 (v1.1)
9:22 PM SMWeinbergNLO.tgz attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
NLO UFO model file, nf=5 (v1.1)
9:21 PM SMWeinbergXLO_4FS.tgz attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
LO UFO model file, nf=4 (v1.1)
9:21 PM SMWeinbergXLO.tgz attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
LO UFO model file, nf=5 (v1.1)
6:43 PM weinberg_NLO.fr attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
FR model fille for Weinberg operator (v1.1)
4:48 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Updated UFO version info (diff)
4:46 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Update with arXiv publication information. (diff)
3:45 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll edited by Yoav Afik
3:42 PM 4fermion-tqll-models.zip attached to FourFermionFCNCtqll by Yoav Afik
t-q-l-l UFO
3:23 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll edited by Yoav Afik
3:22 PM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik
3:08 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll edited by Yoav Afik
2:42 PM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik
1:20 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll edited by Yoav Afik
1:00 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll edited by Yoav Afik
12:47 PM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik
10:20 AM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik
9:27 AM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik
9:26 AM bbll_UFO.zip attached to FourFermionbbll by Yoav Afik
bbll UFO
9:22 AM FourFermionbbll edited by Yoav Afik

Mar 22, 2021:

9:16 PM FourFermionFCNCtqll created by Benjamin Fuks
9:15 PM FourFermionbbll created by Benjamin Fuks

Mar 17, 2021:

8:12 AM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks
8:12 AM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks
8:11 AM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks
8:09 AM NLOModels edited by Benjamin Fuks
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.