1 | (* ********************************************************************************* *)
2 | (* FeynRules Model file for Weinberg d=5 EFT extension of the Standard Model. *)
3 | (* Extends SM (sm.fr) by one massive Majorana neutrino that couples to all SM *)
4 | (* leptons through Wilson coefficients Cll and has mass set by Cll and EFT scale. *)
5 | (* The Lagrangian is written in the Feynman Gauge. *)
6 | (* *)
7 | (* Contact author: R. Ruiz - rruiz [at] ifj.edu.pl *)
8 | (* *)
9 | (* The model was implemented in Fuks, et al [arXiv:2012.09882] *)
10 | (* Please cite accordingly. *)
11 | (* ********************************************************************************* *)
12 |
13 |
14 | (* ************************** *)
15 | (* ***** Information ***** *)
16 | (* ************************** *)
17 | M$ModelName = "SMWeinberg";
18 |
19 | M$Information = {
20 | Authors -> {"R. Ruiz"},
21 | Version -> "1.1",
22 | Date -> "2021 March 24",
23 | Institutions -> {"Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ PAN)"},
24 | Emails -> {"rruiz@ifj.edu.pl"},
25 | References -> {"[arXiv:2012.09882]"},
26 | URLs -> {"https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/SMWeinberg"}
27 | };
28 | FeynmanGauge = True;
29 |
30 |
31 | (* ************************** *)
32 | (* ***** Change log ***** *)
33 | (* ************************** *)
34 | (* v1.1: Updated pub info. Added Higgs and Goldstone couplings. *)
35 | (* v1.0: First build *)
36 | (* v0.N: *)
37 |
38 | (* ************************** *)
39 | (* ***** Parameters ***** *)
40 | (* ************************** *)
41 | M$Parameters = {
42 | (* External Parameters *)
43 | Lambda == {
44 | ParameterType -> External,
45 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
46 | OrderBlock -> 1,
47 | Value -> 200000,
48 | ComplexParameter -> False,
49 | TeX -> \[CapitalLambda],
50 | Description -> "EFT cutoff scale [GeV]"
51 | },
52 |
53 | Cee == {
54 | ParameterType -> External,
55 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
56 | OrderBlock -> 2,
57 | Value -> 1.1,
58 | ComplexParameter -> False,
59 | TeX -> Subscript[C,ee],
60 | Description -> "Cee Wilson coefficient"
61 | },
62 |
63 | Cem == {
64 | ParameterType -> External,
65 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
66 | OrderBlock -> 3,
67 | Value -> 1.0,
68 | ComplexParameter -> False,
69 | TeX -> Subscript[C,e\[Mu]],
70 | Description -> "Cemu Wilson coefficient"
71 | },
72 |
73 | Cet == {
74 | ParameterType -> External,
75 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
76 | OrderBlock -> 4,
77 | Value -> 1.3,
78 | ComplexParameter -> False,
79 | TeX -> Subscript[C,e\[Tau]],
80 | Description -> "Cetau Wilson coefficient"
81 | },
82 |
83 | Cmm == {
84 | ParameterType -> External,
85 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
86 | OrderBlock -> 5,
87 | Value -> 1.4,
88 | ComplexParameter -> False,
89 | TeX -> Subscript[C,\[Mu]\[Mu]],
90 | Description -> "Cmumu Wilson coefficient"
91 | },
92 |
93 | Cmt == {
94 | ParameterType -> External,
95 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
96 | OrderBlock -> 6,
97 | Value -> 1.5,
98 | ComplexParameter -> False,
99 | TeX -> Subscript[C,\[Mu]\[Tau]],
100 | Description -> "Cmutau Wilson coefficient"
101 | },
102 |
103 | Ctt == {
104 | ParameterType -> External,
105 | BlockName -> NUPHYSICS,
106 | OrderBlock -> 7,
107 | Value -> 1.6,
108 | ComplexParameter -> False,
109 | TeX -> Subscript[C,\[Tau]\[Tau]],
110 | Description -> "Ctautau Wilson coefficient"
111 | },
112 |
113 | (* Internal Parameters *)
114 | mN1 == {
115 | ParameterType -> Internal,
116 | Value -> vev*vev*Abs[Cee+Cem+Cet+Cmm+Cmt+Ctt]/Lambda,
117 | TeX -> Subscript[m,"N"],
118 | Description -> "Auxiliary mass (no Wilson coefficient) [GeV]"
119 | }
120 | };
121 |
122 | (* ************************** *)
123 | (* **** Particle classes **** *)
124 | (* ************************** *)
125 | M$ClassesDescription = {
126 | (*Majorana Neutrino*)
127 | F[131] == {
128 | ClassName -> N1,
129 | SelfConjugate -> True,
130 | Mass -> {mN1,Internal},
131 | Width -> {WN1,0},
132 | PropagatorLabel -> "N1",
133 | PropagatorType -> Straight,
134 | PropagatorArrow -> False,
135 | ParticleName -> "N1",
136 | PDG -> {9900012},
137 | FullName -> "N1"
138 | }
139 | };
140 |
141 | (* ************************** *)
142 | (* ***** Lagrangian ***** *)
143 | (* ************************** *)
144 | LNKin := I/2 N1bar[s1].Ga[v,s1,s2].del[N1[s2],v] - 1/2 mN1 N1bar[s1].N1[s1];
145 |
146 | (* Charge Current *)
147 | LNCCbare := gw/Sqrt[2] * N1bar.W[m].ProjM[m].e \
148 | + gw/Sqrt[2] * N1bar.W[m].ProjM[m].mu \
149 | + gw/Sqrt[2] * N1bar.W[m].ProjM[m].ta ;
150 | LNCC := LNCCbare + HC[LNCCbare];
151 |
152 | (* Neutral Current *)
153 | LNNCbare := 1/2 * gw/cw * N1bar.Z[m].ProjM[m].ve \
154 | + 1/2 * gw/cw * N1bar.Z[m].ProjM[m].vm \
155 | + 1/2 * gw/cw * N1bar.Z[m].ProjM[m].vt ;
156 | LNNC := LNNCbare + HC[LNNCbare];
157 |
158 | (* Higgs and diHiggs - N - vl Interactions *)
159 | LNHbare := - gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(4*MW)) * N1bar.ProjM.ve H \
160 | - gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(4*MW)) * N1bar.ProjM.vm H \
161 | - gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(4*MW)) * N1bar.ProjM.vt H ;
162 | LNHX := LNHbare + HC[LNHbare];
163 |
164 | (* Single Goldstone Interaction *)
165 | LNGbare := I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * ebar.ProjP.N1 GPbar \
166 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * mubar.ProjP.N1 GPbar \
167 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * tabar.ProjP.N1 GPbar \
168 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[e] GPbar \
169 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[mu] GPbar \
170 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*Sqrt[2]*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[ta] GPbar \
171 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * vebar.ProjP.N1 G0 \
172 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * vmbar.ProjP.N1 G0 \
173 | + I *gw*mN1/(2*MW) * (1 + H*gw/(2*MW)) * vtbar.ProjP.N1 G0 ;
174 | LNGX := LNGbare + HC[LNGbare];
175 |
176 |
177 | (* Double Goldstone Interaction *)
178 | LNGGbare := gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * ebar.ProjP.CC[e] GPbar GPbar \
179 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * mubar.ProjP.CC[e] GPbar GPbar \
180 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * tabar.ProjP.CC[e] GPbar GPbar \
181 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * ebar.ProjP.CC[mu] GPbar GPbar \
182 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * mubar.ProjP.CC[mu] GPbar GPbar \
183 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * tabar.ProjP.CC[mu] GPbar GPbar \
184 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * ebar.ProjP.CC[ta] GPbar GPbar \
185 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * mubar.ProjP.CC[ta] GPbar GPbar \
186 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*MW*MW) * tabar.ProjP.CC[ta] GPbar GPbar \
187 | + gw*gw*mN1/(8*MW*MW) * vebar.ProjP.N1 G0 G0 \
188 | + gw*gw*mN1/(8*MW*MW) * vmbar.ProjP.N1 G0 G0 \
189 | + gw*gw*mN1/(8*MW*MW) * vtbar.ProjP.N1 G0 G0 \
190 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * ebar.ProjP.N1 GPbar G0 \
191 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * mubar.ProjP.N1 GPbar G0 \
192 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * tabar.ProjP.N1 GPbar G0 \
193 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[e] GPbar G0 \
194 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[mu] GPbar G0 \
195 | + gw*gw*mN1/(4*Sqrt[2]*MW*MW) * N1bar.ProjP.CC[ta] GPbar G0 ;
196 | LNGGX := LNGGbare + HC[LNGGbare];
197 |
198 | (* Combine N Lagrangian *)
199 | LD5 := LNKin + LNCC + LNNC + LNHX + LNGX + LNGGX;
200 |
201 | (* Combine full Lagrangian *)
202 | LFull := LSM + LD5;