
Sep 11, 2012:

7:44 PM GalileoDev edited by nsetzer
10:17 AM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli

Aug 23, 2012:

8:13 AM ModelDatabaseMainPage edited by Claude Duhr
8:13 AM EffectiveModels edited by Claude Duhr

Aug 21, 2012:

2:36 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
1:01 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
12:12 PM quartic.pdf attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
This file contains the definitions of the dimension eight operators
12:10 PM quartic_lt89.2.nb attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
Notebook used to generate the SM, LT8, and LT9 interactions.

Aug 18, 2012:

5:39 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
5:34 PM Cabibbo.rst attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
Model restriction: 3rd generation mixing is off.
5:33 PM Massless.rst attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
model restriction: Only the top, bottom and charm quarks, and the tau …
5:30 PM SM_LT8_LT9_CH.tgz attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
CalcHep format file containing the SM, LT8 and LT9 interactions.
5:28 PM quartic_lt89.nb attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
Notebook used to generate the SM, LT8, and LT9 interactions.
5:27 PM SM_LS0_LS1_CH.tgz attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
CalcHep format file containing the SM, LS0 and LS1 interactions.
5:25 PM quartic_ls01.nb attached to AnomalousGaugeCoupling by Oscar Eboli
Notebook used to generate the SM, LS0, and LS1 interactions.
5:23 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli

Aug 17, 2012:

8:23 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
7:16 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
7:01 PM AnomalousGaugeCoupling edited by Oscar Eboli
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.