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29 | Cell[BoxData[
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32 | "SetDirectory", "[",
33 | "\"\</Users/oscar/Trabalho/WorkInProgress/FeynRules/feynrules-development\>\
34 | \"", "]"}]}]], "Input",
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39 | Cell[BoxData[
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42 | Cell[BoxData[
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44 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[",
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46 | ";"}]], "Input",
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56 | "\[SelectionPlaceholder]", " ", "Loading", " ", "the", " ", "file", " ",
57 | "containing", " ", "the", " ", "Standard", " ", "Model", " ", "and", " ",
58 | "L_S0"}], " ", "+", " ", "L_S1"}]], " "}]], "Input",
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61 | Cell[BoxData[
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78 | Cell[BoxData[
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81 | "]"}]], "Input",
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93 | Cell[BoxData[
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95 | RowBox[{"FeynmanGauge", "=", "True"}], ";"}]], "Input",
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99 | Cell["The hermiticity of the Lagrangian can be checked via", "Text",
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102 | Cell[BoxData[
103 | RowBox[{"CheckHermiticity", "[",
104 | RowBox[{"LQS", ",",
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108 |
109 | Cell["\<\
110 | FeynRules can check whether all the values of the masses given in the model \
111 | file are in agreement with the masses given in the Lagrangian:\
112 | \>", "Text",
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116 | Cell[BoxData[
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122 |
123 | Cell["\<\
124 | In the same way, FeynRules can check whether all kinetic terms are correctly \
125 | normalized :\
126 | \>", "Text",
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128 |
129 | Cell[BoxData[
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141 | "the", " ", "unitary", " ", "gauge"}]]], "Input",
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174 | RowBox[{
175 | "LGauge", ",", "LHiggs", ",", "LFermions", ",", "LYukawa", ",", "LS0", ",",
176 | " ", "LS1", ",", " ",
177 | RowBox[{"Output", " ", "\[Rule]", " ", "\"\<SM_LS0_LS1_UFO\>\""}]}],
178 | "]"}]}], "Input"],
179 |
180 | Cell[BoxData[
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182 | FrameBox[
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186 |
187 | Cell["FeynArts also supports the Feynman gauge", "Text",
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192 | RowBox[{"FeynmanGauge", " ", "=", " ", "False"}],
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197 | "LS1", ",", " ",
198 | RowBox[{"FlavorExpand", "\[Rule]", "SU2W"}], ",",
199 | RowBox[{"Output", "\[Rule]", "\"\<SM_LS0_LS1_FA\>\""}]}], "]"}]}], "Input",\
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214 | Cell["CalcHep also supports the Feynman gauge", "Text",
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224 | ",", " ", "LS1", ",",
225 | RowBox[{"Output", "\[Rule]", "\"\<SM_LS0_LS1_CH\>\""}]}], "]"}],
226 | ";"}]}], "Input",
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