1 | (* ::Package:: *)
2 |
3 | (* ::Section:: *)
4 | (*Renormalization scheme definitions*)
5 |
6 |
7 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
8 | (*Declaring unrenormalized parameters*)
9 |
10 |
11 | DefineUnrenormalizedParameters[List[args__]]:=DefineUnrenormalizeOne/@{args};
12 |
13 |
14 | DefineUnrenormalizedParameters[args__]:=DefineUnrenormalizeOne/@{args};
15 |
16 |
17 | DefineUnrenormalizeOne[exp_]:=Block[{},SchemeRules=Append[SchemeRules,FR$delta[{exp},{}]->0];];
18 |
19 |
20 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
21 | (*Defining a dependent renormalisation constant*)
22 |
23 |
24 | AddRenormalizationCondition[obj_, rule_]:= Block[{}, SchemeRules=Append[SchemeRules,Rule[obj,rule]]];
25 |
26 |
27 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
28 | (*Declaring unrenormalized fields*)
29 |
30 |
31 | DeclareUnrenormalizedFields[List[args__]]:=DeclareUnrenormalizedOneField/@{args};
32 |
33 |
34 | DeclareUnrenormalizedFields[args__]:=DeclareUnrenormalizedOneField/@{args};
35 |
36 |
37 | DeclareUnrenormalizedOneField[exp_]:=Block[{},NoRenoFields=Append[NoRenoFields,exp];];
38 |
39 |
40 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
41 | (*Removing vanishing internal parameters*)
42 |
43 |
44 | EnforceZeroParameters[]:=PrePutIndices/@Cases[(Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]]&/@IParamList)/.ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[3]]/.Rule->myr,myr[_,0]]/.myr->Rule;
45 |
46 |
47 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
48 | (*Declaring real renormalization constants*)
49 |
50 |
51 | RealFieldRenormalization[{fields__}]:= RealFieldRenormalization/@{fields};
52 |
53 |
54 | RealFieldRenormalization[field_]:=Block[{}, RealRenoFields=Append[RealRenoFields,field]; CnumQ[FR$deltaZ[{field, field},__]]:=False;];
55 |
56 |
57 | RealFieldRenormalization[fields___]:= RealFieldRenormalization/@{fields};
58 |
59 |
60 | RealFieldRenormalization[]:= RealFieldRenormalization/@Select[Flatten[ClassMemberList/@PartList[[All,1,2]]],!(GhostFieldQ[#]===True||GoldstoneQ[#]===True)&];
61 |
62 |
63 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
64 | (*Removing an internal parameter renormalization constants*)
65 |
66 |
67 | RemovingInternalCst[param_]:=Block[{},If[FreeQ[InternalRemovalList,param], InternalRemovalList = Append[InternalRemovalList,param]];];
68 |
69 |
70 | ExecuteRemovingInternalCst[]:= DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[Cases[Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"][[1]]/.Rule->myr,myr[FR$delta[{PrePutIndices[#]},{}],_]] &/@ InternalRemovalList,1]/.myr->Rule];
71 |
72 |
73 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
74 | (*Clearing the rules*)
75 |
76 |
77 | ClearRenormalizationScheme[]:=Block[{},
78 | If[Length[FR$RmDblExt]===0,FR$RmDblExt={}];
79 | Block[{}, CnumQ[FR$deltaZ[{#, _},__]]:=True;]&/@RealRenoFields;
80 | SchemeRules = {}; InternalRemovalList = {}; Global`EnforceZeros = True; RealRenoFields={}; NoRenoFields = {};
81 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Externals"]={}; Global`RenormalizationRules["Masses"]={}; Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"]={{},{}};
82 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"]={}; Global`RenormalizationRules["Tadpoles"]={}; Global`RenormalizationRules["MassShifts"] = {};
83 | ];
84 |
85 |
86 | ClearRenormalizationScheme[];
87 |
88 |
89 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
90 | (*Enforcing the scheme*)
91 |
92 |
93 | SchemeDependence[rules_]:=Block[{output=rules/.SchemeRules},
94 | output=DeleteCases[output,Rule[a_,a_]];
95 | Return[output];
96 | ];
97 |
98 |
99 | SchemeDependenceInternal[{intdefs_, intrules_}]:=Block[{newintdefs, newintrules},
100 | (* Simplifying the definitions and the rules according to the scheme *)
101 | newintdefs = If[FreeQ[#[[2]],FR$delta],Rule[#[[1]],Simplify[#[[2]]]],#]&/@SchemeDependence[intdefs];
102 | newintrules=intrules/.newintdefs;
103 | newintrules=If[FreeQ[Coefficient[#[[2]],FR$CT],FR$delta],Rule[#[[1]],(#[[2]]/.FR$CT->0)+FR$CT*Simplify[Coefficient[#[[2]],FR$CT]]],#]&/@newintrules;
104 | newintrules=SchemeDependence[newintrules];
105 | newintrules=Rule[#[[1]], Collect[#[[2]],{FR$delta[__], FR$deltaZ[__]}]]&/@newintrules;
106 | newintrules=Rule[#[[1]],#[[1]]+FR$CT*FR$delta[{#[[1]]},{}]]&/@newintrules;
107 | newintrules = newintrules/.FR$delta[{Conjugate[aaa_]},{}]:>Conjugate[FR$delta[{aaa},{}]];
108 | newintdefs=DeleteCases[newintdefs,Rule[_,0]];
109 | (* output *)
110 | Return[{PrePutIndices/@newintdefs,PrePutIndices/@newintrules}];
111 | ];
112 |
113 |
114 | (* ::Section:: *)
115 | (*Misc*)
116 |
117 |
118 | (* ::Subsection:: *)
119 | (*Version information*)
120 |
121 |
122 | MoGRe`Version = "1.1";
123 | MoGRe`Date = "25.10.2019"
124 |
125 |
126 | (* ::Subsection:: *)
127 | (*Welcome*)
128 |
129 |
130 | Welcome[]:=Block[{},
131 | Print[" -- MoGRe: More General Renormalization in FeynRules --"];
132 | Print[" > Version: " <> MoGRe`Version];
133 | Print[" > Date: " <> MoGRe`Date];
134 | Print[" "];
135 | Print[" > Author: Benjamin Fuks (LPTHE / Sorbonne U.)"];
136 | Print[" > Contact: fuks@lpthe.jussieu.fr"];
137 | Print[" "];
138 | Print[" > Reference: arXiv:1907.04898 [hep-ph]"];
139 | Print[" "];
140 | ];
141 |
142 |
143 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
144 | (*Definitions*)
145 |
146 |
147 | numQ[FR$CT]=True; CnumQ[FR$CT]=False;
148 |
149 |
150 | (* ::Subsection:: *)
151 | (*Printing*)
152 |
153 |
154 | (* ::Text:: *)
155 | (*Set of methods for print statements*)
156 |
157 |
158 | TimeStamp[method_, msg_,t0_]:= Block[{ti=SessionTime[]},Print[Style[method,Orange,Bold],": ",msg ," done in ", ti-t0," seconds"];Return[ti];];
159 | SubMethodStamp[method_, msg_]:= Print[Style[method,Darker[Green],Bold],": starting ", msg];
160 | Error[ msg_]:=Print[Style[" ** Error: ",Darker[Red],Bold], msg];
161 | Warning[ msg_]:=Print[Style[" ** Warning: ",Darker[Purple],Bold], msg];
162 | DebugPrint[msg__]:=If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,Print[msg]];
163 |
164 |
165 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
166 | (*Parallelization*)
167 |
168 |
169 | (* ::Text:: *)
170 | (*Condition for parallelization (expressions longer than 40 terms and kernel availability)*)
171 |
172 |
173 | DoPara[expr_]:=Global`FR$Parallelize && Length[expr]>40 && $KernelCount>1;
174 |
175 |
176 | (* ::Text:: *)
177 | (*Options of the method*)
178 |
179 |
180 | Options[ParaExec]={Opts->MR$Null};
181 |
182 |
183 | (* ::Text:: *)
184 | (*Main method (two ways, depending whether the method to parallelize has options*)
185 |
186 |
187 | ParaExec[func_,arg_,OptionsPattern[]]:=Block[{myoptions=OptionValue[Opts],tmpres,inter},
188 |
189 | tmpres=If[myoptions=!=MR$Null,
190 | (* with options *)
191 | DistributeDefinitions[myoptions];SetSharedFunction[func];
192 | Table[inter=arg[[ii]]; ParallelSubmit[{ii,inter},$Output={}; tmpres=func[inter,Sequence@@myoptions]; $Output={OutputStream["stdout",1]}; tmpres],{ii,Length[arg]}],
193 |
194 | (*no options *)
195 | SetSharedFunction[func];
196 | Table[inter=arg[[ii]]; ParallelSubmit[{ii,inter},$Output={}; tmpres=func[inter]; $Output={OutputStream["stdout",1]}; tmpres],{ii,Length[arg]}]
197 | ];
198 |
199 | (* output and exit *)
200 | tmpres=WaitAll[tmpres];
201 | Return[tmpres];
202 | ];
203 |
204 |
205 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
206 | (*Get the class name of a particle*)
207 |
208 |
209 | ParticleClassName[particle_]:=If[MemberQ[PartList[[All,1,2]],particle], Cases[PartList[[All,1]],{_,particle}][[1,1]],Error["The particle does not exist"];Abort[]];
210 |
211 |
212 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
213 | (*Get the index type of the flavor index*)
214 |
215 |
216 | ParticleClassFlavorType[class_]:=FlavorIndex/.MR$ClassesRules[class];
217 |
218 |
219 | (* ::Section:: *)
220 | (*Checks*)
221 |
222 |
223 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
224 | (*Mixing*)
225 |
226 |
227 | (* ::Text:: *)
228 | (*Checks whether the mixing pattern is either a boolean, or a list of 2-tuples*)
229 |
230 |
231 | CheckRenormalizeOptions["Mixing", mixpattern_]:= Block[{},
232 | If[BooleanQ[mixpattern],Return[]];
233 | If[Not[ListQ[mixpattern]], Error["The mixing fields must be provided as a list of n-tuples"]; Abort[]];
234 | If[Not[And@@(ListQ/@mixpattern)], Error["The mixing fields must be provided as a list of n-tuples"]; Abort[]];
235 | If[Not[And@@((#===1)&/@(Length[Union[#]]&/@Map[Through,Map[MR$QuantumNumbers,#]&/@mixpattern,{2}]))],
236 | Error["Imposing the one-loop mixing of fields with different quantum numbers"]; Abort[];]
237 | ];
238 |
239 |
240 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
241 | (*Coupling orders*)
242 |
243 |
244 | (* ::Text:: *)
245 | (*Checks whether the selected coupling orders are consistent with the QCDOnly option*)
246 |
247 |
248 | CheckRenormalizeOptions["Couplings",couplingorders_]:=Block[{},
249 | If[Not[ListQ[couplingorders]],Error["The CouplingOrders option must be a list of coupling orders"]; Abort[]];
250 | If[Complement[couplingorders,M$InteractionOrderHierarchy[[All,1]]]=!={},Error["At least one unknown CouplingOrder"]; Abort[]];
251 | ];
252 |
253 |
254 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
255 | (*Vevs*)
256 |
257 |
258 | VevDeclarations[]:= Block[{},
259 | If[Not[And@@(!FreeQ[#[[1]]//.MR$Definitions,#[[2]]]&/@M$vevs)], Error["vev declarations (M$vevs) incompatible with (unphysical) field definitions."]; Abort[]];
260 | ];
261 |
262 |
263 | (* ::Section:: *)
264 | (*Formatting the Lagrangian so that it could be processes by the renormalization method*)
265 |
266 |
267 | (* ::Text:: *)
268 | (*This method flavor-expands the Lagrangian (necessary as some fields of a given class can be massive or massless so that the renormalization is different.*)
269 | (*Next, the 4-scalar interactions are factored out in case they do not need to be renormalized (option to be provided by the user)*)
270 |
271 |
272 | FormattingLagrangian[lag_,no4S_,cano_]:=Block[{tmplag,lag4S={},l2pt,irules},
273 | (* init *)
274 | tmplag=PRIVATE`Listize[lag];
275 |
276 | (* 1. Flavor expansion *)
277 | tmplag=If[DoPara[tmplag],
278 | DebugPrint[" ** Expanding indices over ", Global`FR$KernelNumber," cores"];
279 | ParaExec[ExpandIndices,tmplag,Opts->{FlavorExpand->True}],
280 | DebugPrint[" ** Expanding indices"];
281 | Plus@@(ExpandIndices[#,FlavorExpand->True]&/@tmplag)
282 | ];
283 | tmplag=PRIVATE`Listize[Plus@@tmplag];
284 |
285 | (* 2. Removing 4-scalar interactions *)
286 | If[no4S,
287 | DebugPrint[" ** Removing four scalar interactions"];
288 | lag4S=Select[tmplag,(GetFieldContent[#]/._?ScalarFieldQ -> S)==={S,S,S,S}&];
289 | tmplag=Complement[tmplag,lag4S];
290 | ];
291 |
292 | (* Cleaning the two-point/one-point interactions *)
293 | If[cano,
294 | DebugPrint[" ** Inserting canonical two point terms..."];
295 | tmplag= Select[tmplag,Length[GetFieldContent[#]]>2&];
296 | l2pt = Block[{sym=If[SelfConjugateQ[#],2,1], idx = $IndList[#]/.Index[type_]:>Index[type,Unique[dum]]},
297 | Which[
298 | FermionQ[#]===True,I/sym anti[#].Ga[mu].del[#,mu]-Mass[#]/sym anti[#].# ,
299 | VectorFieldQ[#]===True,GetQuadraticTerms[-1/(2 sym) If[Length[idx]==1,FS[#,mu,nu]FS[anti[#],mu,nu],FS[#,mu,nu,aa]FS[anti[#],mu,nu,aa]] +1/sym Mass[#]^2 anti[#][Sequence@@idx]#[Sequence@@idx]],
300 | ScalarFieldQ[#]===True,1/sym del[#[Sequence@@idx],mu]del[anti[#][Sequence@@idx],mu]-1/sym Mass[#]^2 anti[#][Sequence@@idx]#[Sequence@@idx]/.fld_[]:>fld
301 | ]]&/@Flatten[ClassMemberList/@Select[PartList[[All,1,2]],(GhostFieldQ[#]=!=True)&&(GoldstoneQ[#]=!=True)&]];
302 | l2pt = ExpandIndices[#,FlavorExpand->True]&/@l2pt,
303 | (* else *)
304 | irules = DeleteCases[(Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]]&/@IParamList)/.ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[3]],Rule[_,0]];
305 | irules = Join[ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[2]],Flatten[irules/.ConditionalExpression[a_,_]->a]/.ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[2]]];
306 | irules=(If[MemberQ[ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[1]][[All,2]],#1],Solve[#1==(#2//.irules),Cases[ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[][[1]],{_,#1}][[1,1]]][[1,1]],#1->#2]&)@@@irules;
307 | irules = Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]//.MR$Definitions]&/@irules;
308 | irules = Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]//.irules]&/@irules;
309 | DebugPrint[" ** Getting the two point terms..."];
310 | l2pt=Join[DeleteCases[GetQuadraticTerms/@tmplag,0], Select[tmplag,Length[GetFieldContent[#]]===1&]];
311 | tmplag=Complement[tmplag,PRIVATE`Listize[Plus@@l2pt]];
312 | l2pt=Simplify/@ (l2pt//.Join[MR$Definitions,Rule[PrePutIndices[#[[1]]],#[[2]]]&/@irules]);
313 | ];
314 |
315 | (* output *)
316 | Return[{Join[tmplag,l2pt],lag4S}];
317 | ];
318 |
319 |
320 | (* ::Section:: *)
321 | (*Field renormalization*)
322 |
323 |
324 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
325 | (*Shortcut to get a field renormalization constant*)
326 |
327 |
328 | ConstructDeltaZ[fld1_,fld2_,idx_,newidx_,tp___]:= FR$CT*FR$deltaZ[{fld1,fld2},{DeleteCases[Append[Cases[idx,Index[FindClassFlavor[fld1],_]],Index[FindClassFlavor[fld2],newidx]],Index[MR$Null,_]]}, tp];
329 |
330 |
331 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
332 | (*Main method to get the replacement rule 'bare field => renormalized field'*)
333 |
334 |
335 | (* ::Text:: *)
336 | (*The method starts by defining a unique sequence of indices that the given field carries.*)
337 | (*Then, all fields with which the given field can mix, at the loop-level, are determined.*)
338 | (*The renormalized field can then be computed, with off-diagonal terms corresponding to the potential mixing pattern.*)
339 | (*The results for the antifeld are then derived, and the replacement rule finally generated.*)
340 |
341 |
342 | RenormalizeField[field_]:= Block[{FreeIndices,SummedIndices,MixList,rfield=field,result,antiresult,newidx=Unique["idx"],spidx=Index[Spin,Unique["sp"]]},
343 | (* 1. Indices *)
344 | FreeIndices=List@@PrePutIndices[field[Sequence@@Table[Unique["idx"],{Length[$IndList[field]]}]]];
345 |
346 | (* 2. Potiential mixing generated at the loop level *)
347 | If[AntiFieldQ[field]===True,rfield=anti[field]];
348 | MixList=DeleteCases[PRIVATE`MR$ClassNameList,_?(UnphysicalQ[#]===True&)];
349 | MixList=DeleteCases[ MixList,_?(DeleteCases[$IndList[#],Index[FindClassFlavor[#]]]=!=DeleteCases[$IndList[rfield],Index[FindClassFlavor[rfield]]]&)];
350 | MixList=(DeleteCases[ MixList,_?( Through[MR$QuantumNumbers[#]]=!=Through[MR$QuantumNumbers[rfield]]&)]);
351 |
352 | (* 3. Main routine *)
353 | result=(If[FermionQ[rfield]===True && GhostFieldQ[rfield]=!=True,
354 | ConstructDeltaZ[rfield,#, FreeIndices,newidx,"L"]*ProjM[FreeIndices[[1]],spidx] + ConstructDeltaZ[rfield,#,FreeIndices,newidx,"R"] * ProjP[FreeIndices[[1]],spidx],
355 | ConstructDeltaZ[rfield,#, FreeIndices,newidx]]*
356 | (#[Sequence@@DeleteCases[$IndList[#]/.(FreeIndices/.Index[a_,b_]:>Rule[Index[a],Index[a,b]])/.{Index[Spin,_]->spidx,Index[FindClassFlavor[#],___]->Index[FindClassFlavor[#],newidx]},Index[MR$Null,_]]]/.#[]->#)
357 | )&/@MixList;
358 | result=Expand[(rfield[Sequence@@FreeIndices]/.rfield[]->rfield )+Plus@@result/2];
359 |
360 | (* Majorana *)
361 | If[FermionQ[rfield]===True && SelfConjugateQ[field], result = Expand[result/.{FR$deltaZ[{a_,b_}, {{}}, "R"]:>FR$deltaZ[{a,b}, {{}}, "L"]}]];
362 |
363 | (* 4. Derivation of results for the antifield case *)
364 | antiresult=result;
365 | If[AntiFieldQ[field]===True,
366 | result=result/.{fld_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)->anti[fld],FR$deltaZ[args__]->Conjugate[FR$deltaZ[args]],ProjP[a_,b_]->ProjM[b,a],ProjM[a_,b_]->ProjP[b,a]};
367 | result=Refine[result/.FR$deltaZ[{fi_?(AntiFieldQ[#]===True&),gi_?(AntiFieldQ[#]===True&)},bla___]:>FR$deltaZ[{anti[fi],anti[gi]},bla],Assumptions->Element[FR$CT,Reals]],
368 | (* else *)
369 | antiresult=result/.{fld_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)->anti[fld],FR$deltaZ[args__]->Conjugate[FR$deltaZ[args]],ProjP[a_,b_]->ProjM[b,a],ProjM[a_,b_]->ProjP[b,a]};
370 | antiresult=Refine[antiresult/.FR$deltaZ[{fi_?(AntiFieldQ[#]===True&),gi_?(AntiFieldQ[#]===True&)},bla___]:>FR$deltaZ[{anti[fi],anti[gi]},bla],Assumptions->Element[FR$CT,Reals]]
371 | ];
372 |
373 | (* 5. Creating elements for the replacement rule *)
374 | SummedIndices=Union[Flatten[Complement[PRIVATE`ToIndexList[#]/.Index[_,a_]->a, FreeIndices/.Index[_,a_]->a]&/@List@@result]];
375 | FreeIndices=#/.Index[a_,b_]:>Index[a,MyPattern[b,Blank[]]]&/@FreeIndices;
376 | rfield=field[Sequence@@FreeIndices]/.a_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)[]->a/.MyPattern->Pattern;
377 |
378 | (* 6. Outputting the replacement rule *)
379 | result=If[field===anti[field], {MyRuleDelayed[rfield,MyModule[SummedIndices,result]]}, {MyRuleDelayed[rfield,MyModule[SummedIndices,result]],MyRuleDelayed[anti[rfield],MyModule[SummedIndices,antiresult]]}];
380 | Return[result/.{MyRuleDelayed->RuleDelayed,MyModule[{},a_]->a}/.MyModule->Module];
381 | ];
382 |
383 |
384 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
385 | (*Expansion over flavors*)
386 |
387 |
388 | (* ::Text:: *)
389 | (*This perform a full flavor expansion in the rules (to get one rule for each flavor) and in the expression (to have no implicit summed flavor index in the rules)*)
390 | (*First, this method checks what is the flavor index of the bare field and makes this expansion.*)
391 | (*Next, it gets the summed flavor indices in the rules, and makes this flavor expasion.*)
392 |
393 |
394 | FlavorExpFieldReno[field_, rule_]:=Block[{myfield=field,flavtype,flavindex,nflavors,newfields={field},newrules={rule},kill},
395 | (* we need the field name and not the antifield name *)
396 | If[AntiFieldQ[Head[field]], myfield=anti[field]];
397 |
398 | (* treatment of the flavor of the field *)
399 | If[PRIVATE`FlavoredQ[field],
400 | (* We get the type of flavor index, its range and the name of the index as it apepars in the replacement rule*)
401 | flavtype=ParticleClassFlavorType[ParticleClassName[Head[myfield]]];
402 | flavindex=(Cases[List@@field, Index[flavtype,_]]/.Pattern->mypattern/.mypattern[a_,_]:>a)[[1]];
403 | nflavors = IndexRange[Index[flavtype]][[-1]];
404 |
405 | (* from class to classmembers *)
406 | newfields=Table[ApplyDefinitions[field/.Index[flavtype,_]->Index[flavtype,ii]],{ii,nflavors}]/.fld_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)[]->fld;
407 | newrules=Table[
408 | ApplyDefinitions[Refine[rule,Assumptions->Element[FR$CT,Reals]]/.flavindex->Index[flavtype,ii]/.FR$deltaZ[{a_,b_},{{Index[flavtype,ii],c___}},tp___]:>FR$deltaZ[{ClassMemberList[Head[myfield]][[ii]],b},{{c}},tp]],
409 | {ii,nflavors}];
410 | newrules=newrules/.fld_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)[]->fld
411 | ];
412 |
413 | (* Treating the implicit sums *)
414 | newrules=newrules/.{
415 | FR$deltaZ[{a_, cls_}, {{ix_}},tp___]*fld_[c___, ix_,d___]:>Plus@@Table[ApplyDefinitions[FR$deltaZ[{a, ClassMemberList[cls][[jj]]}, {{}},tp]*PrePutIndices[fld[c,jj,d]]],{jj,Length[ ClassMemberList[cls]]}]*kill[ix],
416 | Conjugate[FR$deltaZ[{a_, cl_}, {{ix_}},tp___]]*fld_[c___, ix_,d___]:>Plus@@Table[ApplyDefinitions[Conjugate[FR$deltaZ[{a,ClassMemberList[cl][[jj]]},{{}},tp]]*PrePutIndices[fld[c,jj,d]]],{jj,Length[ClassMemberList[cl]]}]*kill[ix]
417 | }/.fld_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)[]->fld/.kill[Index[_,a_]]->kill[a];
418 | newrules=newrules/.{mymod[{a1___,ix_,a2___},bla_]:>mymod[{a1,a2},bla]/; Not[FreeQ[bla,kill[ix]]]}//.{kill[_]->1, mymod[{},bla_]->bla};
419 |
420 | (* output *)
421 | Return[Inner[RuleDelayed,newfields,newrules,List]/.mymod->Module];
422 | ];
423 |
424 |
425 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
426 | (*Field mixing*)
427 |
428 |
429 | (* ::Text:: *)
430 | (*This method removes potential loop-induced mixings if not needed.*)
431 | (*By default, all potential mixings are kept, except of FieldMixing is set to False or contains a list of 2-tuples representing all fields that can mix*)
432 |
433 |
434 | TreatFieldMixing[renorule_,mix_]:=Block[{right = (renorule/.Module->mod)[[2]]},
435 |
436 | (* Field mixing is not allowed *)
437 | If[mix===False,Return[myrd[renorule[[1]],right/.{FR$deltaZ[{a_,b_},__]:>0/;a=!=b}]/.myrd->RuleDelayed/.mod->Module]];
438 |
439 | (* Field mixing only allowed for specific fields *)
440 | Return[myrd[renorule[[1]],right/.{FR$deltaZ[{flds__},__]:>0/;(Not[MatchQ[{flds},{a_,a_}]]&& Not[MemberQ[Sort/@Flatten[Subsets[#,{2}]&/@mix,1],Sort[{flds}]]] )}]/.myrd->RuleDelayed/.mod->Module];
441 |
442 | ];
443 |
444 |
445 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
446 | (*Tadpole renormalization*)
447 |
448 |
449 | TadpoleShift[vev_,field_]:=Block[{ShiftedField},
450 | (* Sanity check *)
451 | If[Not[SelfConjugateQ[field]],Error["All fields getting a vev must be selfconjugate"];Abort[]];
452 |
453 | (* Getting the shift *)
454 | ShiftedField=Select[Expand[If[Im[Coefficient[field,vev]]===0,(field+HC[field])/.{vev->0},(field-HC[field])/.{vev->0}]],FieldQ[#]===True&];
455 | CnumQ[FR$deltat[ShiftedField]]=False;
456 | Return[Rule[ShiftedField,ShiftedField-FR$CT*FR$deltat[ShiftedField]/Mass[ShiftedField]^2]];
457 | ];
458 |
459 |
460 | TadpoleShifts[fields_]:=Block[{RelevantFields = Select[fields,ScalarFieldQ[#]===True&],rules},
461 | (*Sanity checks *)
462 | VevDeclarations[];
463 |
464 | (* Getting the field connected with the vevs and creating the rule; filtering all irrelevant fields*)
465 | rules=TadpoleShift[Sequence@@#]&/@({#[[2]],#[[1]]/.MR$Definitions}&/@M$vevs);
466 | Return[Select[rules,MemberQ[RelevantFields,#[[1]]]&]];
467 | ];
468 |
469 |
470 | DeltaMShifts[lag_]:=Block[{massterms,shifts,FR$delta2,shiftedlag},
471 | (* Extracting the mass shift induced by the normalization procedure *)
472 | massterms =Select[lag,!FreeQ[#,FR$CT]&&FreeQ[#,FR$deltaZ]&& FreeQ[#,_?(GhostFieldQ[#]===True&)]&& FreeQ[#,_?(GoldstoneQ[#]===True&)]&& Length[GetFieldContent[#]]===2&];
473 | If[massterms==={},massterms={{}}, $Output=OpenWrite[];massterms=(GetMassSpectrum[Plus@@massterms])[[1,2;;,{1,2}]];$Output={OutputStream["stdout",1]}];
474 | shifts=Flatten[If[FreeQ[#,FR$delta],{},Solve[Simplify[#[[2]]/.{FR$deltat[_]->0,FR$delta->FR$delta2}]==#[[2]],{Cases[#[[2]],_FR$delta,\[Infinity]][[1]]}]/.FR$delta2->FR$delta]&/@massterms];
475 |
476 | (* Preparing the replacement rules and applying them *)
477 | shifts=Join[shifts, (Expand[#/.shifts]&/@Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"][[1]])];
478 | shifts=Select[shifts,!MemberQ[Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"][[1,All,2]],#[[2]]]&];
479 | shiftedlag =Expand[#/.shifts]&/@lag;
480 |
481 | (* output *)
482 | Return[{shifts, PRIVATE`Listize[Expand[Plus@@shiftedlag]]}];
483 | ];
484 |
485 |
486 | (* ::Subsection:: *)
487 | (*Wrapper*)
488 |
489 |
490 | (* ::Text:: *)
491 | (*Loop over all relevant fields; the lagrangian must be properly formatted*)
492 |
493 |
494 | Renormalization["Fields", lag_, couplingorders_]:= Block[{fields, orderrules,myrule},
495 | (* Relevant orders *)
496 | orderrules =myrule[#,1]&/@ Select[M$InteractionOrderHierarchy[[All,1]],Not[MemberQ[couplingorders,#]]&];
497 |
498 | (* Getting the fields involved in the interactions related to the coupling orders under consideration *)
499 | fields=Select[lag, Union[
500 | Map[PRIVATE`GetIntOrder,If[ListQ[#],#,{#}]//.{ del[a_,_]->a,_?(FieldQ[#]===True&)[__]->1,Dot->Times,Index[_,i_]->i}]/.PRIVATE`GetIntOrder->IntOrder/.(orderrules/.myrule->Rule)]=!={1}&];
501 | fields=Flatten[GetFieldContent/@fields];
502 | fields=Union[If[AntiFieldQ[#],anti[#],#]&/@ DeleteCases[fields,_?(UnphysicalQ[#] || GhostFieldQ[#]===True &)]];
503 | fields = Select[fields,!MemberQ[NoRenoFields,#]&];
504 |
505 | (* Renormalization *)
506 | fields = Flatten[RenormalizeField /@ fields];
507 |
508 | (* exiting the function *)
509 | Return[fields];
510 | ];
511 |
512 |
513 | (* ::Section:: *)
514 | (*Parameter renormalization*)
515 |
516 |
517 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
518 | (*Get replacement rules*)
519 |
520 |
521 | (* ::Text:: *)
522 | (*This method check whether some external parameters and internal parameters must be traded. It then gets a formatted list for the switches.*)
523 | (*It also format the parameter names (matrix elements with things as "1x1" for the "1,1" element must be replaced by things like M[1,1])*)
524 |
525 |
526 | ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[]:=Block[{switches1,switches2,renames},
527 |
528 | (* Getting and formatting the switches *)
529 | switches1=DeleteCases[FR$LoopSwitches/.Index[_,b_]->b/.MR$Restrictions,Rule[_,0]];
530 | switches2=DeleteCases[FR$RmDblExt/.Index[_,b_]->b/.MR$Restrictions,Rule[_,0]];
531 | renames = Reverse/@DeleteCases[Union[Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]]&/@PRIVATE`$ParamListtemp],Rule[a_,a_]]/.Index[_,b_]->b;
532 |
533 | (* output *)
534 | Return[{switches1,switches2,renames}];
535 | ];
536 |
537 |
538 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
539 | (*Main method to get the replacement rules 'bare parameter' to 'renormalized parameter'*)
540 |
541 |
542 | (* ::Text:: *)
543 | (*The method starts by getting all necessary switches (trade-of of external/internal parameters, etc...).*)
544 | (*Then we start the real business:*)
545 | (* - we get the list of External parameters.*)
546 | (* - we focus on the internal parameters and deduce the list of those that can appear in the bare Lagrangian*)
547 | (* - we then get the list of masses to renormalize (removing those of the non QCD fields in the QCD case)*)
548 | (* Finally, we renormalize the external parameters (g -> g + delta g) and deduce the renormalization relations for the internal parameters.*)
549 |
550 |
551 | Renormalization["Parameters", fields_]:=Block[{switches, Externals,Internals, Masses, IntRules, ZeroRules,simplifs,myRule},
552 | (* Getting the switches *)
553 | switches = ParameterSwitchesAndSwaps[];
554 |
555 | (* External parameters (without the masses and after applying the switches *)
556 | Externals=Sort[Flatten[EParamList[[All,2,All,2,1]]]]/.switches[[3]]/.Rule@@@switches[[1]]/.switches[[2]];
557 | Externals=Select[Externals,Not[MemberQ[MassList[[2,All,2]],#]]&];
558 | (CnumQ[FR$delta[{#},{}]]=CnumQ[#])&/@Externals;
559 |
560 | (* Internal parameters (applying the switches where relevant) *)
561 | Internals = If[Global`EnforceZeros,
562 | DeleteCases[(Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]]&/@IParamList)/.switches[[3]],Rule[_,0]],
563 | (Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]]&/@IParamList)/.switches[[3]]
564 | ];
565 | Internals=If[FreeQ[switches[[1,All,2]],#[[1]]],#,Solve[#[[1]]==(#[[2]]//.Internals),Cases[switches[[1]],{_,#[[1]]}][[1,1]] ][[1]]]&/@Internals;
566 | Internals=Join[switches[[2]],Flatten[Internals/.ConditionalExpression[a_,_]->a]/.switches[[2]]];
567 | Internals = Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]//.MR$Definitions]&/@Internals;
568 | Internals = Rule[#[[1]],#[[2]]//.Internals]&/@Internals;
569 |
570 | (* Masses *)
571 | Masses=DeleteCases[Union[Mass/@fields],0];
572 | (CnumQ[FR$delta[{#},{}]]=False)&/@Masses;
573 |
574 | (* From bare parameters to renormalized parameters *)
575 | simplifs=Cases[SchemeRules/.Rule->myRule,myRule[_,0]]/.myRule->Rule;
576 | Externals=Rule[#,#+FR$CT*FR$delta[{#},{}]]&/@Externals;
577 | Masses=Rule[#,#+FR$CT*FR$delta[{#},{}]]&/@Masses;
578 | IntRules =Select[ Internals/.Join[Externals, Masses],Not[FreeQ[#,FR$CT]]&];
579 | ZeroRules =Rule[FR$delta[{#},{}],0]&/@Select[ Internals/.Join[Externals, Masses],FreeQ[#,FR$CT]&][[All,1]];
580 | Internals=Flatten[If[CnumQ[#], List[Rule[#,#+FR$CT*FR$delta[{#},{}]],Rule[Conjugate[#],Conjugate[#]+FR$CT*Conjugate[FR$delta[{#},{}]]]],Rule[#,#+FR$CT*FR$delta[{#},{}]]]&/@Internals[[All,1]]];
581 | Internals=DeleteCases[Internals/.simplifs/.ZeroRules,Rule[a_,a_]];
582 | Internals = Internals/.FR$delta[{Conjugate[aaa_]},{}]:>Conjugate[FR$delta[{aaa},{}]];
583 | IntRules=If[FreeQ[#/.simplifs/.ZeroRules,FR$CT],
584 | Rule[#[[1]],#[[1]]],
585 | Rule[#[[1]],Expand[Normal[Series[#[[2]]/.simplifs,{FR$CT,0,1}]]/(Normal[Series[#[[2]],{FR$CT,0,0}]]/#[[1]])]]]&/@IntRules;
586 | IntRules = Rule[FR$delta[{#[[1]]},{}],Collect [#[[2]]-#[[1]],{ FR$delta[__]},Simplify]]/.FR$CT->1&/@IntRules;
587 |
588 | (* Output *)
589 | Return[{(Externals/.simplifs),(Masses/.simplifs), Internals, IntRules}];
590 | ];
591 |
592 |
593 | (* ::Section:: *)
594 | (*Tools*)
595 |
596 |
597 | (* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
598 | (*Get all renormalization constants*)
599 |
600 |
601 | (* ::Text:: *)
602 | (*Allow to extract all the possible renormalization constants of the *)
603 |
604 |
605 | ParameterRenormalizationConstants[]:= Block[{RenoPrms,RenoFields,dummy,tmplag},
606 | {RenoPrms,dummy,dummy,dummy}=Renormalization["Parameters",{}];
607 | RenoPrms = DeleteCases[Coefficient[#,FR$CT]&/@RenoPrms[[All,2]],Conjugate[__]];
608 | RenoPrms = Join[FR$delta[{#},{}]&/@Union[MassList[[2,All,2]]],RenoPrms];
609 | Return[Union[RenoPrms]];
610 | ];
611 |
612 |
613 | FieldRenormalizationConstants[lag_]:=Block[{dummy = Global`MoGRe$Debug, tmplag, RenoFields},
614 | (* Verbose = off *)
615 | Global`MoGRe$Debug=False;
616 |
617 | (* Lagrangian formatting *)
618 | tmplag = Expand[lag-(lag/.{(_?FieldQ)[__]->0,_?FieldQ->0})];
619 | tmplag= FormattingLagrangian[tmplag,False][[1]];
620 |
621 | (* Constants *)
622 | RenoFields=Flatten[FlavorExpFieldReno[Sequence@@(#/.{Module->mymod})]&/@Renormalization["Fields",tmplag,OptionValue[Global`MoGRe$Renormalize,CouplingOrders]]];
623 | If[OptionValue[Global`MoGRe$Renormalize,FlavorMixing]=!=True,RenoFields = TreatFieldMixing[#,OptionValue[Global`MoGRe$Renormalize,FlavorMixing]]&/@RenoFields];
624 | RenoFields=Expand[Coefficient[#,FR$CT]]&/@RenoFields[[All,2]];
625 | RenoFields=Union[DeleteCases[Select[Expand[#],!FreeQ[#,FR$deltaZ]&]&/@(RenoFields/.Plus->Sequence),Conjugate[_]]];
626 |
627 | (* Output and verbose set to default again *)
628 | Global`MoGRe$Debug = dummy;
629 | Return[RenoFields];
630 | ];
631 |
632 |
633 | RenormalizationConstants[lag_]:= InputForm[Join[FieldRenormalizationConstants[lag], ParameterRenormalizationConstants[]]];
634 |
635 |
636 | (* ::Section:: *)
637 | (*Main method*)
638 |
639 |
640 | ShiftRules[]:= Block[{irules,rules},
641 | irules = ExecuteRemovingInternalCst[];
642 | rules = Join[Global`RenormalizationRules["Externals"],Global`RenormalizationRules["Masses"],Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"][[2]],Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"]];
643 | Return[rules/.irules];
644 | ];
645 |
646 |
647 | Options[Global`MoGRe$Renormalize]={Exclude4Scalars->False,FlavorMixing->True, Global`CouplingOrders->M$InteractionOrderHierarchy[[All,1]], Global`CanonicalTwoPoints -> False};
648 |
649 |
650 | Global`MoGRe$Renormalize[lag_, OptionsPattern[]]:=Block[{time=SessionTime[],lasttime,tmplag,lag4S, dum1, dum2,ishift,tmpCC},
651 |
652 | (* Initialization *)
653 | Welcome[];
654 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,SubMethodStamp["Renormalize[]","initialization"]];
655 | FR$Loop=True; (*Keep two point in the vertex list*)
656 | CheckRenormalizeOptions["Mixing",OptionValue[FlavorMixing]];
657 | CheckRenormalizeOptions["Couplings",OptionValue[CouplingOrders]];
658 | tmplag = Expand[lag-(lag/.{(_?FieldQ)[__]->0,_?FieldQ->0})];
659 | If[Global`EnforceZeros, tmplag = tmplag/.EnforceZeroParameters[]];
660 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,lasttime=TimeStamp["Renormalize[]","initialization" ,time]];
661 |
662 | (* Formatting the Lagrangian *)
663 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,SubMethodStamp["Renormalize[]","Lagrangian formatting"]];
664 | {tmplag,lag4S} = FormattingLagrangian[tmplag,OptionValue[Exclude4Scalars],OptionValue[CanonicalTwoPoints]];
665 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,lasttime=TimeStamp["Renormalize[]","Lagrangian formatting" ,lasttime]];
666 |
667 | (* Field renormalization *)
668 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,SubMethodStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","field renormalization"]];
669 | DebugPrint[" ** Getting the replacement rules (bare into renormalized)"];
670 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"]=Flatten[FlavorExpFieldReno[Sequence@@(#/.{Module->mymod})]&/@Renormalization["Fields",tmplag, OptionValue[CouplingOrders]]];
671 | If[OptionValue[FlavorMixing]=!=True,
672 | DebugPrint[" ** Removing unnecessary field mixing"];
673 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"] = TreatFieldMixing[#,OptionValue[FlavorMixing]]&/@Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"];
674 | ];
675 | DebugPrint[" ** tadpole renormalization"];
676 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Tadpoles"] = TadpoleShifts[If[Head[#]=!=Symbol, Head[#], #]&/@Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"][[All,1]]];
677 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,lasttime=TimeStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","field renormalization" ,lasttime]];
678 |
679 | (* Parameter renormalization *)
680 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,SubMethodStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","parameter renormalization"]];
681 | DebugPrint[" ** Getting the replacement rules (bare into renormalized)"];
682 | {Global`RenormalizationRules["Externals"],Global`RenormalizationRules["Masses"],dum2,dum1}=Renormalization["Parameters",If[Head[#]=!=Symbol, Head[#], #]&/@Global`RenormalizationRules["Fields"][[All,1]]];
683 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"]={dum1,dum2};
684 | DebugPrint[" ** Enforcing the renormalization scheme"];
685 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Externals"]= SchemeDependence[Global`RenormalizationRules["Externals"]];
686 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Masses"] = SchemeDependence[Global`RenormalizationRules["Masses"]];
687 | Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"]= SchemeDependenceInternal[Global`RenormalizationRules["Internals"]];
688 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,lasttime=TimeStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","parameter renormalization" ,lasttime]];
689 |
690 | (* Lagrangian (with a special treatment for charge-conjugate fields) *)
691 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,SubMethodStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","Lagrangian renormalization"]];
692 | DebugPrint[" ** Shifting parameters and fields"];
693 | ishift = ShiftRules[];
694 | tmplag = (#/.CC[fld_][inds__]:>tmpCC[fld[inds]]/.ishift/.Global`RenormalizationRules["Tadpoles"])&/@tmplag;
695 | tmplag =Normal[Series[(Expand[#/.tmpCC->CC/.Dot->FR$Dot/.FR$Dot->Dot]),{FR$CT,0,1}]]&/@tmplag;
696 | tmplag=PRIVATE`Listize[Expand[Plus@@tmplag]];
697 | DebugPrint[" ** Absorbing all mass shifts in the renormalization constant"];
698 | {Global`RenormalizationRules["MassShifts"],tmplag}=DeltaMShifts[tmplag];
699 | tmplag = Collect[#,{FR$CT},Simplify]&/@tmplag;
700 | If[Global`MoGRe$Debug,lasttime=TimeStamp["MoGRe$Renormalize[]","Lagrangian renormalization" ,lasttime]];
701 |
702 | (* output *)
703 | Return[Plus@@Join[tmplag,lag4S]];
704 | ];