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Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of WorkBook

Nov 22, 2012, 1:51:27 AM (12 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WorkBook

    v8 v9  
    33Here is a list of the contents of the Delphes Workbook.
    5 1. [WorkBook/QuickTour A quick tutorial] explaining all the steps required to run Delphes.
    6 1. [WorkBook/ModuleSystem Module System] - introduction to modules.
    7 1. [WorkBook/Candidate Particle Candidate Class] - introduction to the {{{Candidate}}} class.
    8 1. [WorkBook/Modules List of Modules] that are currently implemented in Delphes.
    9 1. [WorkBook/Arrays List of Arrays] of candidates that are available in the example configuration files.
    10 1. [WorkBook/ConfigFile Configuration File] - how modules are configured and put together.
    11 1. [WorkBook/LibraryInterface Library Interface] - how Delphes' library can be called from a program.
    12 1. [WorkBook/ReadingCMSFiles CMS ROOT Files] - how Delphes can be run on the generator events stored in CMS ROOT files.
     51. [wiki:WorkBook/QuickTour A quick tutorial] explaining all the steps required to run Delphes.
     61. [wiki:WorkBook/ModuleSystem Module System] - introduction to modules.
     71. [wiki:WorkBook/Candidate Particle Candidate Class] - introduction to the {{{Candidate}}} class.
     81. [wiki:WorkBook/Modules List of Modules] that are currently implemented in Delphes.
     91. [wiki:WorkBook/Arrays List of Arrays] of candidates that are available in the example configuration files.
     101. [wiki:WorkBook/ConfigFile Configuration File] - how modules are configured and put together.
     111. [wiki:WorkBook/LibraryInterface Library Interface] - how Delphes' library can be called from a program.
     121. [wiki:WorkBook/ReadingCMSFiles CMS ROOT Files] - how Delphes can be run on the generator events stored in CMS ROOT files.