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Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of WorkBook/TutorialBologna

Jun 8, 2016, 3:30:07 PM (9 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WorkBook/TutorialBologna

    v6 v7  
    9191Open "param_card.dat" and "run_card.dat" by typing respectively "1" and "2"and have a look at them, but do not modify them for now. The editor is "vi", so to quit type ":q". Type ENTER to launch the parton-level generation.
    93 7) When it's done, you should be prompted with a web browser. If not quit MG5 by typing "exit", and open the html file that was created and the end of the run with your web browser:
     937) When it's done, you should be prompted with a web browser. If not quit MG5 by typing "exit", and open the html file that was created at the end of the run with your web browser:
    9595firefox [MG5DIR]/pp_h_eemm/Events/index.html
    9797Click on "Results and Event Database" and then on "LHE plots". Have a look at the automatically generated parton-level plots. Explain the Ecm plot (this is the total invariant mass of the system, i.e of the four final state leptons).
    98998) Enter in MG5 again, and type:
    114115When the generation is done, have a look again at the parton-level plots.
    116 7) Generate a new set of events, this time setting in the param_card mH = 750 GeV. !! Note that since we are keeping the higgs width value corresponding to mH = 125 GeV, this won't be a proper SM higgs with mH = 750 GeV !!
     1179) Generate a new set of events, this time setting in the param_card mH = 750 GeV. !! Note that since we are keeping the higgs width value corresponding to mH = 125 GeV, this won't be a proper SM higgs with mH = 750 GeV !!
    118119For this we don't need to re-generate the diagrams, we can simply type "launch" and edit the param_card by changing the higgs mass when prompted. If everything worked smoothly you should have two event samples with 10k events each. Events are stored in [MG5DIR]/pp_h_eemm_res/Events/run_01(02)