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Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of WorkBook/RootTreeDescription

Apr 9, 2013, 4:06:04 PM (11 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WorkBook/RootTreeDescription

    v6 v7  
    4444|| PID || particle HEP ID number  ||  hepevt.idhep[number] ||
    4545|| Status || generator specific status code: [ HepMC status codes], [ Herwig status codes], [ Herwig++ status codes], [ Pythia status codes] ||  hepevt.isthep[number] ||
     46|| IsPU || 0 or 1 for particles from pile-up interactions ||  ||
    4647|| M1 || particle 1st mother  ||  hepevt.jmohep[number]![0] - 1 ||
    4748|| M2 || particle 2nd mother  ||  hepevt.jmohep[number]![1] - 1 ||
    7879|| Phi || photon azimuthal angle ||  ||
    7980|| E || photon energy ||  ||
     81|| EhadOverEem || ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter ||  ||
    8082|| Particles || references to generated particles ||  ||
    8183|| || || ||
    8688|| Phi || electron azimuthal angle ||  ||
    8789|| Charge || electron charge ||  ||
     90|| EhadOverEem || ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter ||  ||
    8891|| Particle || reference to generated particle ||  ||
    8992|| || || ||
    105108|| !TauTag || 0 or 1 for a jet that has been tagged as a tau ||  ||
    106109|| Charge || tau charge ||  ||
     110|| EhadOverEem || ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter ||  ||
    107111|| Constituents || references to constituents ||  ||
    108112|| Particles || references to generated particles ||  ||