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Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of WorkBook/PileUp

Dec 17, 2014, 10:56:21 PM (10 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WorkBook/PileUp

    v45 v46  
    1414The mixing procedure is done via the {{{PileUpMerger}}} module. The user can specify 4 parameters: {{{PileUpFile}}}, {{{MeanPileUp}}}, {{{PileUpDistribution}}}, {{{ZVertexWidth}}}, {{{ZVertexResolution}}}.
    16  {{{PileUpFile}}}:: the event sample containing pile-up events in binary format.
     16 {{{PileUpFile}}}:: The event sample containing pile-up events in binary format.
    1717 {{{}}}:: This format allows for faster random event access compared to root trees. Basic information about the event is contained (particle 4-momenta, vertex position, and Particle ID).
    1818 {{{}}}:: This sample has to be generated in advance with an event generator (typically Pythia6/8 or HERWIG) and then converted into binary format (see example below).
    20  {{{MeanPileUp}}}:: the average amount of pile-up events per bunch-crossing. For each hard scattering, N pile-up events will be randomly chosen from the {{{PileUpFile}}}, where N is a random number following a distribution defined by the parameter {{{PileUpDistribution}}} with a mean {{{MeanPileUp}}}.
     20 {{{MeanPileUp}}}:: The average amount of pile-up events per bunch-crossing. For each hard scattering, N pile-up events will be randomly chosen from the {{{PileUpFile}}}, where N is a random number following a distribution defined by the parameter {{{PileUpDistribution}}} with a mean {{{MeanPileUp}}}.
    22  {{{PileUpDistribution}}}:: defines the distribution of the number of pile-up events. 0 for Poisson, 1 for Uniform.
     22 {{{PileUpDistribution}}}:: Defines the distribution of the number of pile-up events. 0 for Poisson, 1 for Uniform.
    2424 {{{ZVertexSpread}}}:: Pile-up and hard scattering events are randomly distributed in time and z position according to some parametrization specified by the user (in meters and second units). It can be either continuous or binned: