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Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of WorkBook/PileUp

Dec 21, 2013, 3:27:51 PM (11 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • WorkBook/PileUp

    v31 v32  
    2828* {{{ZVertexSpread}}}:
    30 Pile-up events randomly populate the z-axis. The position of each pile-up event is generated from a gaussian distribution with a standard deviation ZVertexSpread.
     30Pile-up and hard scattering events are randomly distributed in time and z position according to some parametrization specified by the user (in meters and second units). It can be either continuous or binned:
    32 * {{{ZVertexResolution}}}
     33set VertexDistributionFormula {exp(-(t^2/(2*(0.05/2.99792458E8*exp(-(z^2/(2*(0.05)^2))))^2)))}
    34 For |z|< ZVertexResolution the hard interaction vertex cannot be distinguished from pile-up vertices. For such pile-up events both charged and neutrals are then merged in the event (no charged particle subtraction).
    35 For |z|> ZVertexResolution the hard interaction vertex can be distinguished from pile-up vertices. For such pile-up events only neutrals are merged in the event (total charged particle subtraction), which assumes perfect vertex resolution and efficiency.
     37set VertexDistributionFormula { (abs(t) <= 1.0e-09) * (abs(z) <= 0.15) * (1.00) + \
     38                                                 (abs(t) >  1.0e-09) * (abs(z) <= 0.15) * (0.00) + \
     39                                                 (abs(t) <= 1.0e-09) * (abs(z) > 0.15)  * (0.00) + \
     40                                                 (abs(t) >  1.0e-09) * (abs(z) > 0.15)  * (0.00)}
     45=== Time propagation and measurement ===
     47The time particle candidate of each particle candidate is then propagated up to the calorimeters.
     48For calorimeter towers and jets, which are composite objects, the final time is simply the average time weighted by sqrt(E) of each individual component.
     50By default the time information is now stored in each output collection object. However, in order to account for the an actual timing measurement,
     51the module !TimeSmearing should be called. This module simply smears the final time according to some resolution specificed by the user, controlled by the parameter
     54set TimeResolution 1.0e-10
     57A simple example of time propagation for muons is provided in the card {{{examples/delphes_card_CMS_PileUp_Timing.tcl }}}
    3759=== Pile-up contamination ===
    39 For estimating pile-up contribution we use the well known fastjet area method, see for instance [ arXiv:0802.1188], [ arXiv:0707.1378].
     61For estimating neutral pile-up contribution we use the well known fastjet area method, see for instance [ arXiv:0802.1188], [ arXiv:0707.1378].
    4163First, the user must specify whether to calculate the area while clustering the jets within the {{{FastJetFinder}}} module. Several methods for the area calculation can be specified (active area, passive area, Voronoi …) via the parameter {{{AreaAlgorithm}}}. By default this parameter is set to 0 (no area calculation):
    65 === Pile-up subtraction ===
     87=== Charged Pile-up subtraction ===
     89The charged pile-up subtraction is done via the !TrackPileUpSubtractor module.
     90It simply removes from the specified input collections tracks that are distant enough from the primary vertex.
     91The distance is controlled by the parameter !ZVertexResolution:
     93* {{{ZVertexResolution}}}
     95For |z|< ZVertexResolution the hard interaction vertex cannot be distinguished from pile-up vertices.
     96For |z|> ZVertexResolution the hard interaction vertex can be distinguished from pile-up vertices.
     101module TrackPileUpSubtractor TrackPileUpSubtractor {
     103  add InputArray Calorimeter/eflowTracks eflowTracks
     104  add InputArray ElectronEnergySmearing/electrons electrons
     105  add InputArray MuonMomentumSmearing/muons muons
     107  set ZVertexResolution 0.0001
     112=== Neutral Pile-up subtraction ===
    67114Since charged particles have already been subtracted to some extent, pile-up contamination only affects the jet energy resolution and the lepton/photon isolation.
    79126set RhoInputArray rho