Array name | Description
Delphes/allParticles | All generated particles
Delphes/stableParticles | Final state particles (Status==1)
Delphes/partons | Decayed particles or partons produced in shower (Status==2)
ParticlePropagator/stableParticles | All propagated particles
ParticlePropagator/chargedHadrons | Propagated charged hadrons
ParticlePropagator/electrons | Propagated electrons
ParticlePropagator/muons | Propagated muons
ChargedHadronTrackingEfficiency/chargedHadrons | Propagated charged hadrons that pass the efficiency selection
ChargedHadronMomentumSmearing/chargedHadrons | Tracks with momentum smeared according to the charged hadrons momentum resolution
ElectronTrackingEfficiency/electrons | Propagated electrons that pass the efficiency selection
ElectronEnergySmearing/electrons | Tracks with energy smeared according to the electron energy resolution
MuonTrackingEfficiency/muons | Propagated muons that pass the efficiency selection
MuonMomentumSmearing/muons | Tracks with momentum smeared according to the muon momentum resolution
TrackMerger/tracks | Combination of charged hadrons and electrons
Calorimeter/towers | All calorimeter towers
Calorimeter/photons | Calorimeter towers associated with the photons
Calorimeter/eflowTracks | Tracks output from the energy flow algorithm
Calorimeter/eflowTowers | Calorimeter towers output from the energy flow algorithm
!EFlowMerger/eflow | Combination of tracks, calorimeter towers and muons required for jet finding
ElectronEfficiency/electrons | Electrons that pass the efficiency selection
ElectronIsolation/electrons | Isolated electrons
PhotonEfficiency/photons | Photons that pass the efficiency selection
PhotonIsolation/photons | Isolated photons
MuonEfficiency/muons | Muons that pass the efficiency selection
MuonIsolation/muons | Isolated muons
FastJetFinder/jets | Reconstructed jets
MissingET/momentum | Missing transverse energy
ScalarHT/energy | Scalar sum of transverse momenta and energy of all reconstructed objects
UniqueObjectFinder/photons | Uniquely identified photons
UniqueObjectFinder/electrons | Uniquely identified electrons
UniqueObjectFinder/jets | Uniquely identified jets