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Version 1 (modified by Pavel Demin, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Array name Description
Delphes/particles All generated particles
Delphes/candidates Final state particles (Status == 1)
Delphes/partons Decayed particles or partons produced in shower (Status == 2)
ParticlePropagator/candidates All propagated particles
ParticlePropagator/tracks Charged propagated particles
TrackEfficiency/tracks Charged propagated particles that pass the efficiency selection
TrackMomentumSmearing/tracks Reconstructed tracks
Calorimeter/towers All calorimter towers
Calorimeter/neutrals Calorimeter towers associated with the neutral particles
Calorimeter/photons Calorimeter towers associated with the photons
Calorimeter/electrons Calorimeter towers associated with the electrons
PhotonEfficiency/photons Photons that pass the efficiency selection
PhotonIsolation/photons Isolated photons
ElectronEfficiency/electrons Electrons that pass the efficiency selection
ElectronIsolation/electrons Isolated electrons
MuonEfficiency/muons Muons that pass the efficiency selection
MuonIsolation/muons Isolated muons
MissingET/momentum Missing transverse energy
ParticleFlow/candidates Combination of tracks and calorimeter towers required for jet finding
FastJetFinder/jets Reconstructed jets
BTagging/jets Reconstructed jets with the BTag flag set
TauJetFinder/taus Reconstructed tau jets
UniqueObjectFinder/photons Uniquely identified photons
UniqueObjectFinder/electrons Uniquely identified electrons
UniqueObjectFinder/taus Uniquely identified taus
UniqueObjectFinder/jets Uniquely identified jets
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