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Changes between Version 115 and Version 116 of WikiStart

Dec 16, 2014, 6:14:05 PM (10 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • WikiStart

    v115 v116  
    1 == References ==
    3 Delphes 2 is not supported any more. If you use Delphes as part of a publication, you should include a citation to:
    5 [[ | JHEP 02 (2014) 057 ]] [[ | [ arXiv:1307.6346 [hep-ex] ] ]]**
    8 Also, please note that Delphes relies on a few external packages. If they are used they should be cited as well.
    9 For instance, the jet clustering procedure in Delphes is performed via the !FastJet package. If your analysis
    10 involves jets, you should explicitly include both a reference for the !FastJet package and for the relevant clustering algorithm you are using.
    12 For more information on how to properly cite !FastJet, please visit [ this page].
    151== A framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment ==
    173Delphes is a C++ framework, performing a fast multipurpose detector response simulation. The simulation includes a tracking system, embedded into a magnetic field, calorimeters and a muon system. The framework is interfaced to standard file formats (e.g. Les Houches Event File or HepMC) and outputs observables such as isolated leptons, missing transverse energy and collection of jets which can be used for dedicated analyses. The simulation of the detector response takes into account the effect of magnetic field, the granularity of the calorimeters and subdetector resolutions. Visualisation of the final state particles is also built-in using the corresponding ROOT library.
    19 [ The Delphes team]
     5== Community and support ==
    21 === **NEW** Delphes 3 **stable release** (February 26) ===
     7The Delphes development model is community-based.
     8Users willing to participate are encouraged to fork this repository and to submit pull requests for mature developments and bug fixes.
     9The Delphes core development team from the [ CP3 center] of the Université catholique de Louvain is in charge of the maintenance, releases, and general support to users via the ticket system.
    23 Following the guidelines and suggestions of the 2012 [ LPCC workshop on public fast simulators for the LHC], Delphes has been completely redesigned to meet the needs of all users.
     11== Documentation ==
    25 Improvements include:
    26   - Modular structure allowing users to introduce new features easily and modify existing ones
    27   - Library mode to use Delphes inside other programs
    28   - Simulation speed has been improved
    29   - Input libraries have been rewritten from scratch to handle standard formats, files stored on castor or on the web
    30   - Many existing features have been updated
    31   - Important number of bug fixes
     13Documentation is collected in the [Workbook](/workbook). Good starting point is the [Quick start guide](/workbook/quick-start).
    33 The modular system allows you to:
    34   - define your own output collections, store multiple object collections (different jet algorithms, etc.)
    35   - define the isolation criteria for each type of object
    36   - define efficiency and resolution formulas for all objects
    37   - change the b-tagging and tau-tagging efficiency and misidentification rate
    38   - and much more! Be sure to read the [ online documentation]
     15== References ==
    40 Production version 3.1.2:
    42  * fixed smearing of (z,t) vertex distribution in the !PileUpMerger module
    43  * adapted DelphesSTDHEP to the latest version of the STDHEP format introduced in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO 2.1.2
    44  * added Hector module (fast simulator for the transport of particles in beam lines, see JINST 2:P09005 (2007))
    45  * added N-subjettiness and N-jettiness (identify boosted hadronically-decaying objects like electroweak bosons and top quarks, see JHEP 1103:015 (2011), 1202:093 (2012) and 1404:017 (2014))
    46  * added !SimpleCalorimeter module (to study effects of different granularity in ECAL and HCAL)
    47  * added !ImpactParameterSmearing module (to smear transverse and longitudinal track impact parameter needed for track counting b-tagging)
    48  * added TrackCountingBTagging module (for simple b-tagging algorithm based on counting tracks with large impact parameter)
    49  * added example card for FCC studies (examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl) 
     17If you use Delphes as part of a publication, you should include a citation to:
    51 Production version 3.1.3
     19[[ | JHEP 02 (2014) 057 ]] [[ | [ arXiv:1307.6346 [hep-ex] ] ]]**
    53  * We are now on github. Check our new repository : []
    54  * New event display, with automatic discovery of the object collections, navigation controls, and 3D  geometry sketch [ manual]
    55  * moved to !FastJet 3.1.0
    56  * added zero suppression in Calorimeter modules
    57  * added !FastJetGridMedianEstimator module (provides fixed grid eta-dependent average pile-up density)
    58  * added !AngularSmearing module (to smear track eta,phi)
    59  * added !PdgCodeFilter (to veto particle with given PID from collections)
    60  * added !IdentificationMap (allows to apply (mis)-identification)
    61  * added !Example4.C (provide and example on how to compute the jet energy scale)
    62  * added Example on how to run Delphes as a library with external fastjet and contrib installation.
    63  * updated example for FCC studies (examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl)
    64  * added example for LHCb studies (examples/delphes_card_prelLHCb.tcl)
     21Also, please note that Delphes relies on a few external packages.
     22If they are used they should be cited as well.
     23For instance, the jet clustering procedure in Delphes is performed via the !FastJet package.
     24If your analysis involves jets, you should explicitly include both a reference for the !FastJet package and for the relevant clustering algorithm you are using.
     26For more information on how to properly cite !FastJet, please visit
     27[ this page].
    68 Download here: [ Delphes 3.1.2]
    70 Documentation: [ Delphes 3 user guide]
    72 === Community and support ===
    74 Delphes is now moving to community-based development. The '''branches''' of the subversion repository are open to users who would like to participate. If you are interested, [ register] first and then contact the support team via to be granted write access to the subversion repository.
    76 === GIT access ===
     29== GIT access ==
    7831The code is now fully on github.
    9245[report:1 Active tickets]
    95 === Development Area (authenticated users only) ===
    96    * [DevelopmentArea Development]