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Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Releases

Oct 9, 2015, 3:10:00 PM (9 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • Releases

    v10 v11  
    11= Releases =
     309 December 2015: [ Delphes 3.3.0]
     5- improved energy-flow algorithm for high momentum
     6- updated b-tagging parameterisations to recent ATLAS and CMS publications
     7- updated !FastJet library to 3.1.3
     8- updated Nsubjettiness library to 2.2.1
     9- added a detector card for the ILD detector (for ILC)  based on
     10- adapted examples, !EventDisplay, !DelphesFormula and DelphesTF2 to ROOT 6.04
     11- fixed tau-tagging for events without tau (thanks to Sho Iwamoto)
     12- fixed !UniqueObjectFinder (#728)
     13- added !JetFakeParticle module
     14- added !PhotonConversions module
     15- added !TaggingParticlesSkimmer module
     16- added phi and energy dependence to !AngularSmearing, BTagging, Efficiency, !EnergyScale, !EnergySmearing, !IdentificationMap, !ImpactParameterSmearing and !MomentumSmearing
     17- added IsRecoPU flag and PTMin parameter to !TrackPileUpSubtractor
     18- added Invert and Status options to !PdgCodeFilter (thanks to Chase Shimmin)
     19- added new isolation variables to Candidate, Electron, Muon and Photon classes (thanks to Raffaele Gerosa)
     20- added code from CMS to !PileUpMerger and !PileUpMergerPythia8
     21- added timing information to Calorimeter
     22- added new PileUpJetID version (thanks to Seth Senz)
     23- added Area 4-vector to jet class
     24- added PUPPI algorithm and RunPUPPI module
     25- added !RecursiveTools package from fastjet contribs
     26- replaced N-subjettiness with an array in Jet class (same as in Candidate class)
     27- added Trimming, Pruning and !SoftDrop to !FastJetFinder
     28- added possibility to use !DelphesPythia8 with LHE files
     29- added Pythia8 examples
     30- added !JetFlavourAssociation module with Physics and Algorithmic definitions of the jet flavor
     31- added new jet flavor definitions to the BTagging module (available only when running !DelphesPythia8 with LHE files)
    33422 December 2014: [ Delphes 3.2.0]
    117148- fixed compilation of the !PileUpMerger on MacOSX
    118149- added support for large HepMC and STDHEP files on 32-bit systems (ticket #163)