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Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Private/RefereeComments/Section_6

Oct 5, 2013, 10:35:42 AM (11 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • Private/RefereeComments/Section_6

    v6 v7  
    6363>>> addressed. However, the referee, as well as the LHC experiments, should be aware that any study performed with Delphes should be understood as preliminary. A Delphes based study should be perfomed after a pure parton-level and before
    64 >>> a geant based fast or  full-simulation study. As a result, the authors are perfectly happy with an agreement with a few percents in the physics object resolutions.
     64>>> a geant based fast or  full-simulation study. As a result, the authors are perfectly happy with an agreement with a few percents discrepancy in the physics object resolutions.
    6666== Section 6.3 ==
    7272it would be nice to have an illustration of their performance here.
     74>>> addressed. Added a sentence at the beginning of the paragraph stating that only the fake MET is done with pile-up.
     76>>> what do we say here?
     77>>> (michele suggested answer)
     79>>> We don't want to create to much imbalance between CMS and ATLAS (the only exception is electrons, but we did not find the relevant plot for ATLAS),
     80>>> so we have decided to produce a real MET validation plot for CMS and and the fake validation for ATLAS. This choice was simply driven by the fact that the real MET
     81>>> validation plot was not found in the ATLAS. In addition, pile-up mitigation for MET has not been addressed in this note, since it is not done.
     82>>> As a matter of fact PU mitigation on the MET relies on complex multi-variate algorithms
     83>>> in CMS which are out of scope in Delphes. The only advantage in using the energy-flow particle instead of calorimeter tower for computing MET in the presence of pile-up
     84>>> is the superior resolution of track in comparison to towers. PU tracks cannot simply be removed (in contrast to what is done for jets).
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