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Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Private/RefereeComments/Section_3

Oct 15, 2013, 6:34:39 PM (11 years ago)
Christophe Delaere



  • Private/RefereeComments/Section_3

    v8 v9  
    6262> That's right, but one of the reasons why we refactored Delphes to make it fully modular is to simplify the task for any user who wants to code his/her own definition of isolation, therefore we don't want to send the message that Delphes is for hadron colliders: the default definition of isolation is appropriate for most of the users, because most of the users nowadays are interested in simulating the LHC conditions, but users interested in ILC, LEP3 (or even LEP1/2) studies only need a very minor amount of work to rewrite the isolation module in Delphes. Actually isolation was one of the most mentioned use cases for modularizing the code, as very different definitions may be used within the very same experiment.
    6363>> I don't understand this comment. Why is this suited to hadron collider? Can't one change iso requirements but keep the same algorithm for e+e- collider? (to delphes authors)
    64 >>>(CD) that's right. The current isolation is based on transverse quantities. Other specificities are the PU treatment. The isolation may also be completely different with a calice-like calorimeter.
     64>>>(CD) that's right. The current isolation is based on transverse quantities. Other specificities are the PU treatment. The isolation may also be completely different with a calice-like calorimeter. We should indeed answer that way and add a comment in the introduction (not in the abstract)