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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Private/RefereeComments/Section_3

Aug 26, 2013, 8:53:35 AM (11 years ago)



  • Private/RefereeComments/Section_3

    v1 v1  
     1= Section 3 =
     3PAGE 6
     5Section 3.1.1
     7Par 1
     9L3/4 : ”while leptonic decays can be indirectly studied from the decay
     10products when processing the DELPHES output” is very vague a sentence,
     11with no real meaning. Suggestion is to drop it.
     12The rest of the section is extremely verbose, and could be replaced by
     13one sentence stating that electron and muon energy/momentum is smeared
     14with resolutions parameterized as a function of pT and eta (and mention
     15that these parameterizations can be changed by the user?). The convoluted
     16explanations about what a typical collider experiment is actually doing is of
     17no interest for the reader, as DELPHES does not do the same anyway. This
     18text could be replaced by a figure showing the resolutions used to reproduce
     19the CMS and ATLAS performance for electrons and muons, as well as a
     20comparison with the actual detector resolutions.
     22Section 3.1.2
     24Last line : ”Neutral pions are automatically classified as photons”. As al-
     25ready mentioned, neutral pions are not long-lived particles in any generator.
     26Instead they decay promptly to two photons, which obviously are classified
     27as photons. The authors might want to drop the comments about neutral
     30PAGE 7
     32Section 3.2.2
     34L2/3: ”as these might indicate the production of heavy unstable particles”
     35carries little meaning is the context of this article (and probably in a wider
     36context too) without additional explanation. Suggestion is to drop it.
     38PAGE 8
     40Section 3.2.2
     42Par 1:
     44L1/2 : It is not useful to indicate what is done in real experiments. Instead,
     45it is important to describe what is done in DELPHES.
     461.8.2 Section 3.1.3
     48As a general comment, the isolation definition chosen here is very much
     49hadron collider biassed. One would not do the same in e+e- collisions. This
     50comment supports the initial request that the abstract includes a sentence
     51stating that DELPHES is aimed at simulating hadron collider experiments
     52(so far).
     54PAGE 9
     56”Charged pile-up subtraction”
     58There are several problems in this paragraph.
     60 * It is not stated if this paragraph is specific to PF or not. If it’s not, the
     61procedure to remove charged particles from the event in which purely
     62calorimetric jets are reconstructed needs to be spelt out clearly.
     64 * Even if the paragraph is PF specific, it is not clear what ”subtracted
     65from the event: means. For example, are the pile-up charged hadrons
     66removed from the event before computing the missing transverse en-
     67ergy ? To the best of my knowledge, it is not what is done in LHC
     70 * The criterion ”a distance |z| > Zvtx” is obscure. What if the hard
     71interaction is produced with |z| > Zvtx ? and what is the definition
     72of this ”distance” ? If is is the distance between the vertex of a PU
     73interaction with respect to the vertex of the hard interaction, the use of
     74”z” instead of ”z” (with the proper definition in the text) is in order.
     76”Residual pile-up subtraction”
     78 * It is not clear how ”rho” is obtained in DELPHES
     80 * ”mainly the jet energies and the isolation” : is ”rho” used for anything
     81else ? if yes, it should be stated. If not, ”mainly” should be removed.
     83PAGE 10
     85Par 2:
     87L4: It would be useful to mention one of the advantages of the PF recon-
     88struction in the context of PU mitigation, namely the fact that the calorime-
     89ter energy deposits associated to PU charged hadrons are ”automatically”
     90removed. In DELPHES, however, this does not happen when a charged
     91hadron and a neutral deposit fall in the same calorimeter tower, because the
     92charged hadron is then ignored by DELPHES.