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Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Private/RefereeComments/Section_2

Oct 1, 2013, 11:57:53 AM (11 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • Private/RefereeComments/Section_2

    v7 v8  
    2727>>> has simply an impact on the (eta,phi) resolution of the final observables.
    2828>>> As it is, the pessimistic spatial resolution assumed in ECAL only affects photons,
    29 >>> since for electrons we have the track information and we therefore assume infinite resolution.
     29>>> since for electrons we have the track information and we assume infinite (eta,phi) resolution.
    3030>>> If there was a consistent difference in the performances due the this calorimeter simplification,
    3131>>> it would first appear in the calorimeter resolutions, which seems to be correctly reproduced.
     32>>> The "computational reasons" are that with the current state of the implementation, the combinatorics are
     33>>> reduced, and this has an impact on the the jet clustering procedure, especially in the presence of pile-up.
    3336Par 3:
    3639promptly to two photons (i.e., they are not ”long-lived particles reaching the
    3740calorimeters”. Suggest to drop ”and neutral pions”.
     42>>> addressed.
    3944L3-7: ”while charged pions and other neutral hadrons deposit all their
    5459implementation might need serious revision if what is currently described is
    5560indeed implemented.
    5765Eq 2.1 : It is not clear whether the same resolution is used for ECAL and
    93101Long-lived particles reaching the calorimeters deposit a fixed fraction of their energy in the corresponding ECAL ($f_{ECAL}$) and HCAL ($f_{HCAL}$) cells.
    94 Electrons, photons and neutral pions leave all their energy in ECAL, while charged pions and other neutral hadrons deposit all their energy in HCAL.
    95 Long-lived particle such as kaons, pions and $\Lambda$'s are considered stable by most event generators.
    96 In \DELPHES, such particles are assumed to deposit a fixed fraction of their energy both in ECAL and HCAL.
    97 By default, $f_{ECAL}$ is set to $30\%$ and $f_{HCAL}$ to $70\%$ --- according to their expected decay products --- but this can be tuned by the user.
    98 Finally, muons, neutrinos and neutralinos, do not deposit anything in the calorimeters ($f_{ECAL}=f_{HCAL}=0$).
     102By default in \DELPHES electrons and photons leave all their energy in ECAL ($f_{ECAL}=1$), hadrons deposit all their energy in HCAL ($f_{HCAL}=1$),
     103with the exception of kaons and $\Lambda$ that share their energy deposit between ECAL and HCAL ($f_{ECAL}=0.3$ and $f_{ECAL}=0.7$), while muons, neutrinos and neutralinos, do not deposit anything in the calorimeters.
     104In practice, the user has the freedom to change the default setup, and define for each long-lived particle more accurate values for $f_{ECAL}$ and $f_{HCAL}.
    100106The resolution of the calorimeters is parametrised as a function of the particle energy and the pseudo-rapidity: