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Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Private/RefereeComments/Section_2

Oct 3, 2013, 2:22:54 PM (11 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • Private/RefereeComments/Section_2

    v15 v16  
    7575>>> For producing the plots we use the nominal resolutions from CMS and ATLAS. The resolution is different for ECAL and HCAL (the text has been changed to make this clear).
    76 >>> We are not in favour of quoting the CMS and ATLAS resolutions, since, at this level, we want to stay general and not give the impression that Delphes is limited to these two experiments.
     76>>> We are not in favour of quoting the CMS and ATLAS resolutions, since, at this level, we want to keep the discussion general and not give the impression that Delphes is limited to these two experiments.
    7777>>> We emphasize that Delphes can be used with completely different parameters, corresponding to any generic (symmetric) detector
    9494 * What is the physics motivation for doing a log-normal instead of a Gaussian smearing?
    96 >>> The lognomal distribution resembles to a gaussian when mean > 6*sigma, that is for most values at high energy, but has the advantage a low energy to be always positive. This ensures to to avoid the positive bias in the effective mean and s.d >>> induced by having a truncated gaussian.
     96>>> The lognomal distribution resembles to a gaussian when mean > 6*sigma, that is for most values at high energy, but has the advantage at low energy to be always positive. This ensures to avoid the positive bias in the effective mean and the s.d >>> induced by having a truncated gaussian.
    9898 * To define a log-normal distribution, one usually gives the mean and sigma of the logarithm of the distribution, which is normal. Here, are the authors talking about the mean and variance of the log-normal distribution? I guess so, but it would be good to clarify.
    108108The authors may want to be more explicit about their motives here.
    110 >>> To reduce computing time the size of cells is actually bigger than CMS or ATLAS. As a result spikes can appear in angular distributions, if proper binning is not chosen. Therefore we apply this smearing for purely cosmetical reasons, and has indeed no impact whatsoever on the physics objects angular resolution.
     110>>> To reduce computing time the size of cells is actually bigger than CMS or ATLAS. As a result spikes can appear in angular distributions, if proper binning is not chosen. Therefore we apply uniform smearing for purely cosmetical reasons, and has indeed no impact whatsoever on the angular resolution of calorimeter towers.
    112112>>> (michele suggested section 2.2)
    118118Long-lived particles reaching the calorimeters deposit a fixed fraction of their energy in the corresponding ECAL ($f_{ECAL}$) and HCAL ($f_{HCAL}$) cells. Since ECAL and HCAL are perfectly overlaid, each particle reaches one ECAL and one HCAL cell.
    119119By default in \DELPHES electrons and photons leave all their energy in ECAL ($f_{ECAL}=1$), hadrons deposit all their energy in HCAL ($f_{HCAL}=1$),
    120 with the exception of kaons and $\Lambda$ that share their energy deposit between ECAL and HCAL ($f_{ECAL}=0.3$ and $f_{ECAL}=0.7$), while muons, neutrinos and neutralinos, do not deposit anything in the calorimeters.
    121 In practice, the user has the freedom to change the default setup, and define for each long-lived particle more accurate values for $f_{ECAL}$ and $f_{HCAL}.
    123 The resolutions of ECAL and HCAL are independently parametrised as a function of the particle energy and the pseudo-rapidity:
     120with the exception of kaons and $\Lambda$ that share their energy deposit between ECAL and HCAL ($f_{ECAL}=0.3$ and $f_{ECAL}=0.7$), while muons, neutrinos and neutralinos, do not deposit energy in the calorimeters.
     121The user has the freedom to change the default setup, and define for each long-lived particle more accurate values for $f_{ECAL}$ and $f_{HCAL}.
     123The resolutions of ECAL and HCAL are independently parameterised as a function of the particle energy and the pseudo-rapidity:
    125125\left(\frac{\sigma}{E}\right)^2 = \left(\frac{S(\eta)}{\sqrt{E}}\right)^2
    137137Calorimeter towers are, along with tracks, crucial ingredients for reconstructing isolated electrons and photons, as well as high-level objects such as jets and missing transverse energy.
    141139== Section 2.3 ==
    143141>>> (michele general comment)
    144 >>> As said in the comments in the introduction, it was decided to call the algorithm energy-flow in Delphes.
    145 >>> We believe it is more appropriate for Delphes, since such algorithm is aimed at optimizing the performances of jets and missing energy. Particle identification is perfect by construction in Delphes, since it is based on MC truth.
     142>>> As said in the comments in the introduction, it was decided to call the algorithm "energy-flow" in Delphes.
     143>>> We believe it is more appropriate since such algorithm is aimed at optimizing the performances of jets and missing energy. Particle identification is perfect by construction in Delphes, since it is based on MC truth.
    146144>>> Also, following the referee's suggestions, the energy-flow algorithm has been sensibly re-visited, as well as the section 2.3 of the paper.
    170168sentence of PAGE 4 and the first sentence of PAGE 5.
    172 >>> Figure 5 has been updated, and the discrepancy at high energy is not present anymore.
    173 >>> It is already mentionned that this assumption is true in reality only up to some energy threshold,
    174 >>> but we adopt it however for any energy. After having implemented the energy-flow algorithm, documented in this new version of the paper, we have noticed
     170>>> It is already mentionned in the text that this assumption is actually true only up to some energy threshold,
     171>>> but we adopt it for any energy. After having implemented the energy-flow algorithm, documented in this new version of the paper, we have noticed
    175172>>> that the agreement is now good at high energy (Fig. 5).
    196193content is not related whatsoever to the information in this bullet.
    198 >>> the discussion about hits is not present anymore.
     195>>> the discussion about hits is not present anymore nethier in the textnor in the actual implementation of the algorithm.
    200197PAGE 5
    262259>>> The disagreement in Figure 5 has been sensibly reduced with the present energy-flow implementation.
    263 >>> A small discrepancy is still observed in the low energy 20-40 GeV. The Delphes authors are satisfied with the performance,
     260>>> A small discrepancy is still observed in the low energy 20-40 GeV. The Delphes authors are satisfied with the present performance,
    264261>>> as most of the discrepancy is observed in the 20-30 GeV bin: with increasing luminosity (trigger rates, pile-up),
    265 >>> most physics analyses will reject such low energy jets.
     262>>> most physics analyses will reject such low energy jets anyways.
    267264>>> (michele suggested section 2.3)