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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Private/RefereeComments/Language

Aug 26, 2013, 9:10:41 AM (11 years ago)



  • Private/RefereeComments/Language

    v1 v1  
     1= Language =
     3PAGE 1
     7Line 4: ”hadronic calorimeter” ! ”hadron calorimeter”. The authors are
     8invited to look for all instances of ”hadronic calorimeter” and modify ac-
     9cordingly. [This comment is not repeated for other occurrences.]
     11Line 5: ”allows to produce collections” is not proper english. Replace
     12either by ”allows the easy production of collections” or ”allows collections
     13to be easily produced”. The authors are invited to look for all instances of
     14the verb ”to allow” in the text, as it most often incorrectly used throughout.
     15[This comment is not going to be repeated for the other sections.]
     17Line 5: The word ”collections” appears out of context here, and carries
     18no meaning to the casual reader.
     20PAGE 2
     24Second paragraph:
     26L3: ”parametrisation” has the wrong spelling. How about using ”param-
     27eterization”, which is the proper word. The authors are invited to look for
     28all instances of ”parametris...” in the text, as this comment is not going to
     29be repeated for the other sections.
     31Third paragraph:
     33L1: A sentence must not start with an acronym (here ”DELPHES”). The
     34authors are invited to look for all instances of DELPHES, and rephrase when
     35at a start of a sentence.
     37L1: No hyphen between ”data” and ”format”. Actually, ”data-format”
     38can be dropped altogether without losing information.
     40L4: ”final observables” of photons and leptons is jargon, and carries lit-
     41tle meaning to the casual reader. The authors probably mean ”measured
     42energy” ?
     44L5: ”the relevant sub-detectors” is also very much unclear. How about
     45simply ”the detector resolution”
     47L6: ”High-level reconstructed quantities such as” carries little meaning to
     48the casual reader. The sentence would read better without it.
     50L7: Why are ”calorimeter deposits” qualified as ”simple” ? Suggest to
     51drop it. Why is the ”particle-flow algorithm” qualified as ”so-called” ? Sug-
     52gest to drop it.
     54Fourth paragraph:
     56L4: ”b” and all particle names ought to be written in roman style. (True
     57for the whole paper.) No hyphen between ”tau” and ”tagging”.
     59Fifth paragraph:
     61L2: ”will be described/given” ! ”is described/given in Sections xxx” (two
     62occurrences). The authors are invited to look for all instances of ”will”, and
     63replace it by the present tense in most cases.
     65Section 2
     67L3: I am not sure of ”symmetric along the beam axis”, especially the word
     68”along”. How about ”with a cylindrical symmetry around the beam axis” ?
     70Section 2.1
     72L2: What is the meaning of ”The magnetic field is applied” ? Applied to
     73what ? Maybe the authors want to say ”is assumed to be localized” ?
     75PAGE 3
     77L2: The magnetic field is not ”solenoidal”, it is ”axial” (because it is pro-
     78duced by a solenoid).
     80Par 2:
     81L1: What is the meaning of ”(good)” ? Maybe the authors want to say
     82”in general high” ? ”Seen” ! ”reconstructed”
     84L2: ”which provide a direct measurement of their momentum”: I am not
     85sure of what ”provide(s)” this measurement in this sentence. How about
     86starting a new sentence indicated that the measured curvature to the recon-
     87structed trajectory and the magnetic field intensity allow the momentum to
     88be measured.
     90L3: ”The angular resolution is assumed excellent” ! ”A perfect angular
     91resolution is assumed”
     93Section 2.2
     95Par 1:
     97L3: ”strongly interacting particles” ! ”long-lived charged and neutral
     100Par 2:
     102L5: ”calorimeter object” is an undefined concept here. How about ”calorime-
     103ter energy deposit (later called hit)” ? ”center” should be ”centre” (unless the au-
     104thors decide to write in american english).
     106PAGE 4
     108Section 2.3
     110Par 1:
     112L3: ”several collaborations” : Ref. [3] points to the CMS Collaboration.
     113What are the other(s) ?
     115L3: ”intrinsically” has little meaning here. Suggest to drop.
     117Par 2:
     119L1: ”higher” should be ”better”
     121PAGE 5
     123Section 2.3
     125Last paragraph, L1 : ”consists in” should be ”consists of”
     127PAGE 6
     129Section 3.1.3
     131L1: Why is ”isolated” in italics ? ”surrounding” should be ”surroundings”, or better, ”vicinity”
     133L2: Starting a sentence with ”Requiring” (or any verb in ”ing”) is bad
     134English, as there is nobody in the sentence to do the action of ”requiring”.
     135The authors are inviting to look for all instances of the ”... ing” form, and
     136check if there is somebody or something in the sentence to do the action of
     137”” (and otherwise fix the sentence).
     139PAGE 7
     141Section 3.2.2
     143Title : no hyphen between ”tau” and ”jets”
     145L1: ”Identifying” is bad. ”tau-lepton” should be ”tau”. ”flavor” should be ”flavour”.
     147L2: No hyphen between ”c” and ”quarks”. ”Crucial” should be ”important”. ”experiment” should be ”experiments”
     149PAGE 8
     151Section 3.2.2
     153Par 2:
     155L3: It is not clear what ”parton” refers to in the Delta R formula. Maybe
     156the authors want to replace it by ”b, tau” ?
     158L6: ”is wrongly” should be ”be wrongly” (subjunctive is in order here).
     160Section 3.3
     162L(N-1) : ”particle-flow candidates” is an undefined concept at this level.
     164PAGE 10
     167Par 2:
     169L1: ”residual” should be ”neutral”
     171L3: ”automatically” : it is not clear what the meaning of ”automatically”.
     173PAGE 15
     175Section 7.1
     177Par 1:
     179L1 : ”High Energy” should be ”high energy”; What is the meaning of ”most
     180common” ? How about ”most copious” ?
     182L4: ”two jets originating from one b quark” is possible, but is probably
     183not what the authors want to say.
     185L6: ”the hadronic top-mass”
     186 * is jargon,
     187 * has one hyphen too many.
     189How about ”the mass of the hadronically-decaying top quark” ? ”We will
     190reconstruct” is bad too.