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Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Private/RefereeComments/Abstract

Oct 15, 2013, 2:58:55 PM (11 years ago)
Christophe Delaere



  • Private/RefereeComments/Abstract

    v6 v7  
    4646>> - The abstract has been revisited by removing software specific statements and referring only to the simulation aspects (with the exception of the mentioning of the "modular design" which we want to keep since it also a new feature). 
    4747>> - We do not agree with the fact that Delphes is hadron collider specific. Delphes would process e+e- events just fine. Therefore, it would be incorrect to write in the abstract, or elsewhere, that it is a simulation for hadron colliders. At most, one could argue that it is not general enough to be able to simulate asymmetric detectors like ALICE or LHCb (which are experiments at hadron colliders...), but we are clearly stating that we want to simulate "multipurpose detectors".
     48>>> (Christophe): I would add to the answer that: It is true, on the other hand, that some aspects of the default reconstruction sequence (e.g. focus on transverse quantities) are targeting hadron colliders. Because of the modular design, it is easy to adapt high-level routine to other needs. We now make that clear in a few places in the text.
     49>>> I would also change the way we speak about the modular aspect. It is not because the code is modular than we can easily simulate the objects. The modular aspect makes it easy to adapt the sequence to particular needs. Therefore: "The version 3.0 of the \DELPHES fast-simulation is presented. Its goal is the simulation of a multipurpose detector that includes a track propagation system embedded in a magnetic field, electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, and a muon identification system. Physics objects that can be used for data analysis are then reconstructed from the simulated detector response. These include tracks and calorimeter deposits and high level objects such as isolated electrons, jets, taus, and missing energy. The new modular design makes it easy to adapt the sequence to particular needs. New features such as the energy-flow reconstruction approach, crucial in the first years of the LHC, and pile-up simulation and mitigation, which will be needed for the simulation of the LHC detectors in the near future, have also been implemented."