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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Private/RefereeComments/Abstract

Aug 26, 2013, 8:34:09 AM (11 years ago)



  • Private/RefereeComments/Abstract

    v1 v1  
     1= Abstract =
     3Lines 1 and 2: ”the DELPHES fast-simulation framework is presented”
     4makes the reader think that the content of the article is purely related to the
     5software technicalities, while the paper is instead mostly about the physics
     6content of the fast simulation - if one excepts Section 5. [See related comment
     7about Section 5 below.]
     9Suggestion : Replace ”fast-simulation framework” by ”fast simulation”,
     10and remove the second sentence, which is out of place in an Abstract.
     12Lines 5 to 9: The description of DELPHES in the abstract is too software
     13oriented. The journal to which the preprint is submitted is called ”Journal
     14of High-Energy Physics”, not ”Journal of High-Energy Software”. The ca-
     15sual reader does not really care that the program produces ”collections”, he
     16cares instead about the physics content of the simulation. The suggestion
     17here would be to rephrase the end of the abstract to indicate the simulation
     18was enhanced with new features, needed for the simulation of the LHC de-
     19tectors in the coming period (e.g., additional pile-up interactions, which will
     20become crucial in the coming decade, or particle-flow reconstruction, which
     21has become a salient feature in the first years of the LHC for one of the two
     22multi-purpose detectors), and that the program simulates ”physics objects”
     23used for data analysis at hadron colliders such as ”jets”, ”taus”, ”missing
     24energy”, ”electrons”, ”muons”, ”photons”, ”isolation”, ”pile-up mitigation”,
     27It is indeed important that the concept of ”hadron collider” appears clearly
     28in the abstract. Because the simulation is analysis-oriented, it would take a
     29number of important modifications to make it useable for analysis of e+e-
     30collisions, for example.