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Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of OutDated/CodeReview

Nov 2, 2012, 11:57:32 PM (12 years ago)
Pavel Demin



  • OutDated/CodeReview

    v4 v5  
    88 - Towers that have at least one hit from a neutral particle are used together with tracks as input for the jet finding algorithm. If a tower has hits from both neutral and charged particles, then we have double counting for the charged particles. '''Solved: calculate fraction of energy from neutral particles in ecal and hcal and then apply this fraction to the smeared ecal and hcal energy.'''
    10  - Current tau-jet finding algorithm seems to be too simplistic. It looks as a simplified version of the tau-jet finding algorithm from PGS. And the latter is reported to have problems:
     10 - Current tau-jet finding algorithm seems to be too simplistic:
     11   - E_cal = sum of energies of calorimeter towers with ET_tower > 2GeV within DeltaR < 0.15 around jet axis
     12   - N_trk = number of tracks with PT_trk > 1 GeV within DeltaR < 0.4 around jet axis
     13   - select jet as tau-jet if PT_jet > 10GeV and E_cal/E_jet > 0.95 and (N_trk = 1 or N_trk = 3)
     15It looks like a simplified version of the tau-jet finding algorithm from PGS. And the latter is reported to have problems:
     18Should not we implement tau-jet finding in the same way as we implement b-jet finding.