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Changes between Version 105 and Version 106 of DevelopmentArea/ToDo

Oct 6, 2015, 4:32:13 PM (9 years ago)
Michele Selvaggi



  • DevelopmentArea/ToDo

    v105 v106  
    3434* decide whether to apply changes in the isolation with pile-up (cf Jim Hirshauer mail)
    3535* ~~make study of jes
    36 * think about b-jet matching (cf. SWGuideBTagMCTools)
     36* ~~think about b-jet matching (cf. SWGuideBTagMCTools)
    3737* ~~add on Delphes website a MinBias.pileup file.~~
    3838* ~~think about muons in PFalgorithm? why are they out?
    6464* tracking à la SGV (mc truth)
    6565* write TF calculator
    66 * write pf for independent calls with separate photons and Neutral Hadrons
    67 * calculate dynamically cutoff sigmatrk ~sigmacalo for pf
    68 * include HepTopTagger
     66* ~~write pf for independent calls with separate photons and Neutral Hadrons
     67* ~~calculate dynamically cutoff sigmatrk ~sigmacalo for pf
     68* ~~include HepTopTagger
    6969* isolation for lambdas -> photons
    7070* implement CHS based on comparison between zIP smeared and vertex resolution, for more realistic high eta performance.
    7373* include vertexing in delphes:
    7474* check whether all formats get saved with same status convention in Delphes output (probably not, but should we do it ?)
    75 * update the isolation by only using charged hadrons, photons, neutral hadrons.
    76 * photon conversions
     75* ~~update the isolation by only using charged hadrons, photons, neutral hadrons.
     76* ~~photon conversions
    7777* add FAQs
    7878* ~~produce ILC card
    7979* write real tau-tagging module like btagging (based on id prongs)
    80 * check also efficiencies/resolution  e/mu/gamma at high energy
     80* check also efficiencies e/mu/gamma at high energy
     81* ~~check also resolution  e/mu/gamma at high energy
    8182* write module that vetoes events based on some selection
    8283* fake-track producer (can be done easily like pile-up producer)
    8687* fix btagging efficiencies (too pessimistic at low pt, too optimistic at high pt)
    8788* fix TrackCountingBTagging module, seems to be broken in ILD card
    88 *~ fix particle flow at high pt
     89* ~~ fix particle flow at high pt